Charter School Licensure Program

For Alternate Route Teachers

Applicant Information

Effective July 2, 2013, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has created new three-tiered Charter School certificates with instructional endorsements, i.e., Charter School Certificate of Eligibility (CSCE), Charter School Provisional Certificates, Charter School standard certificate. These alternate route certificates authorize employment only in Charter Schools and do not satisfy the requirements for employment in traditional public schools and approved nonpublic schools.

Alternate route candidates employed in charter schools who hold Certificates of Eligibility CE)may choose to pursue standard certification through the Provisional Teacher Program (PTP) and complete program requirements pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:9-8.1.



A Charter School Certificate of Eligibility or CSCE is a credential with lifetime validity issued to a person who has a bachelor’s degree and has satisfied applicable test requirements for certification. The CSCE may only be used for employment in charter schools and does not satisfy the requirements for employment in traditional public schools.

Except for Teachers of Preschool through Grade Three (P-3), English as a Second Language (ESL), Swimming and Water Safety, and Supplemental Instruction in Reading and Mathematics (K-8) certificates, the candidate shall do the following to be eligible for a CSCE with instructional endorsements:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s or an advanced degree from a regionally accredited college or university;
  2. Achieve an appropriate grade point average (GPA);
  3. Pass the appropriate State test of subject-matter knowledge; and
  4. Pass the Physiology and Hygiene Requirement.

Applicant Instructions for Candidates Seeking the CSCE

Potential candidates for the CSCE must apply online at Please note: Applicants must circle “Yes” to the question on the Oath of Allegiance referring to the new charter school certificates



A Charter School Provisional Certificate is a two-year certificate issued to novice teaching candidates who are holders of a CSCE who have been hired by a charter school, but who have not yet met the requirements for standard certification. Charter school provisional certificates are issued to novice instructional staff who are employed at a charter school, may only be used for employment in charter schools, may be renewed once at the discretion of the employing school, and do not satisfy the requirements for obtaining employment in traditional public schools. This license legalizes employment while the candidate completes the one year Charter School Licensure Program which leads to a recommendation for standard licensure.

Except for Teachers of Preschool through Grade Three (P-3), English as a Second Language (ESL), Swimming and Water Safety, and Supplemental Instruction in Reading and Mathematics (K-8) certificates, the candidate shall do the following to be eligible for a Charter School Provisional Certificate with instructional endorsements:

  1. Hold a CSCE in the endorsement area required for the teaching assignment; and
  2. Obtain and accept an offer of employment in a position that requires instructional certification.

Holders of Charter School Certificates of Eligibility (CSCE) who are employed by a charter school may be registered into a year-long (i.e., approximately 40 weeks or proportionally longer, if part time) Charter School Licensure Program by the employing charter school only.

Instructions for Registration of CSCE Candidates into the Charter School Licensure Program

The lead person/school administrator of the charter school must register his/herCSCE candidateimmediately upon hiring by submitting the appropriateregistration application for issuance of the provisional licenseto participate in the Charter School Licensure Program. The provisional license will be issued by the Office of Credentials and Induction upon receipt and processing of the registration. It is the charter school’s responsibility to register the candidate by the time the novice holder of the CSCE is hired to ensure that the candidate is then issued the provisional license.



ACharter School Standard Certificate is a permanent certificate issued to a person who has met all charter school certification requirements. This certificate may only be used for employment in charter schools and does not satisfy the requirements for employment in traditional public schools and approved nonpublic schools.

Except for Teachers of Preschool through Grade Three (P-3), English as a Second Language (ESL), Swimming and Water Safety, and Supplemental Instruction in Reading and Mathematics (K-8) certificates, the candidate for the charter school standard certificate in any instructional area shall

  1. Possess a provisional charter school certificate pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:9-2; and
  2. Successfully complete at least one school year (i.e., approximately 40 weeks or proportionally longer for part time candidates at the charter school while employed provisionally requiring the appropriate instructional license.

Instructions for Recommendation of Charter School Provisional Certificate Candidates for Charter School Standard Certification

Upon completion of the Charter School Licensure Program (i.e., by providing support and supervision to holders of a CSCE who were issued Charter School Provisional Certificates), the lead person/school administrator of the charter school must complete a final Summative Recommendation for standard charter school licensure.

The recommendation by a lead person/school administrator for issuance of a Charter School Standard Certificate is indicative of a novice teacher who has shown clear evidence of competence in all of the New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards.

The recommendation by a lead person/school administrator for non-issuance of a Charter School Standard Certificate is indicative of a novice teacher who has not shown clear evidence of competence in the New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards. A candidate not issued for Charter School standard licensure may be permitted to seek re-entry into the Charter School Licensure Program.