Thank you for your participation in today’s TRAC Day meeting. We would appreciate your feedback on the recommended changes to the TRAC scoring process.

  1. What is your initial reaction to the proposed changes to the TRAC scoring system?

Mainly positive


Mainly negative

Need more information

  1. What is your reaction to the new economic performance score (replacing the ROI points) in the TRAC scoring system? This new score would be based on the number of jobs created as well as a simplified ROI calculation.

Mainly positive


Mainly negative

Need more information

  1. If the new economic performance score is implemented, how should the points be assigned?

“On a curve” – meaning how close a project falls to the maximum number of jobs.

Bracket approach – points based on which Job Creation and ROI bracket a project falls

Need more information

Other – please explain

  1. In terms of economic distress, what is your reaction to the proposal to score economic distress in proportion to the project’s job-creation potential?

Mainly positive


Mainly negative

Need more information

  1. What is your reaction to the proposed “local investment” score replacing the current “land use” and “positioning land for redevelopment” points? This new score would account for strategic factors that leverage local policy or investment in the area.

Mainly positive


Mainly negative

Need more information

  1. Do the proposed retention points satisfy the widely-heard view that retaining jobs (and not just new jobs) should be a focus of the TRAC?




Need more information

  1. Do you support the idea of two points being assigned to a JobsOhio endorsement of the project in the new proposed scoring system?




Need more information

  1. How easy to understand are the proposed changes to the TRAC scoring system?

Easy to understand

Neither easy nor hard to understand

Difficult to understand

Other – please explain

  1. What type of organization do you represent?

Ohio Department of Transportation

Ohio Rail Development Commission

Metropolitan planning organization


Transit authority


Port authority

Chamber of commerce

Economic development organization

Other (please specify)

  1. Do you consider the region you represent to be:




  1. Please share any additional thoughts below:


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