Vector Aquatic Center
Pool Rules

(a). No public pool user having a communicable disease while in an infectious state that includes suffering from a cough, cold, sores or ear discharges or wearing bandages shall enter the pool water unless:

1.) The public pool user submits a current written statement to the pool operator, signed by a licensed physician, confirming that the public pool user does not present a health hazard to other using the public pool or ancillary facilities.

(b). Pool users having diarrhea currently active or active within the previous 14 days shall not enter the public pool water. Pool operators shall post a sign that conforms to the requirements of section 3120B.11, Title 24, California Building Code at the entrance area of a public pool or where clearly visible to pool users, which states that persons having currently active diarrhea or have had active diarrhea with in the previous 14 days shall not enter the pool.

Animals shall not be permitted in the public pool or ancillary facilities except as provided by the Civil Code sections 54, 54.1 and 54.2.

1. NO diving in pool.

2. Children under the age of 14 shall NOT BE PERMITTED on the pool deck or in the pool with out a parent or adult guardian in attendance.

3. NO food or drink allowed in the pool or on the pool deck.

4. Bathers must shower prior to and after use of the pool, using the facility’s deck showers.

5. Soaps and shampoos are not allowed at the deck showers.

6. NO horseplay or running on the deck or in the pool.

7. DO NOT use alcohol prior to using the pool.

8. Pollution of swimming pool prohibited. Urinating, discharge of fecal matter, expectorating or blowing nose is prohibited.

9. Swim diapers must be worn by users who are incontinent, lack of toilet training, or are otherwise lacking voluntary control of excretory functions.

I have read the Vector Aquatic Center Pool Rules, and I agree to follow all rules while using the Vector Pool.

Please Sign: ____________________________Date:__________