The Primary Network - Speed Learning Summer Series 2013

#SpeedLearning @ssat

Knowing how precious everyone's time is - 'speed learning' aims to provide an intensive but fun learning opportunity after school. Colleagues leave each event having picked up a series of top tips and short term strategies to support learning as well as one or two longer term ideas and thoughts.

“These events bring the very best elements of current innovative CPD thinking together in one place. Miss them at your peril!”

Come along after school for just under 2 hours and be part of the exciting buzz spreading across the country… “Speed Learning”

Where: Harbour Primary School, Church Hill, Newhaven BN9 9LX

When: 4.00 – 5.45pm (registration from 3.45pm)

“I’m inspired, have been challenged and had a lot of fun – superb CPD, loads of practical tips and strategies - I feel totally energized by the buzz of the network. The best event I’ve ever been too!”

When you arrive you will be warmly greeted by teachers, teaching assistants, heads and leaders – who are part of The Primary Network; the largest school-led national network of primary practitioners. Have a well-earned cup of tea and a few biscuits whilst you hear a 15 minute keynote on the latest educational developments that you need to be aware of, from one of the school leaders. Then, choose your 5 highest priorities from the selection below, and move around the carousels ‘speed-dating’ style, to hear 3 minute nano-presentations and join discussion with like-minded colleagues on practical, relevant classroom topics.

3.45pm / Registration and refreshments
4.15pm / Keynote: Louise Ishani, Achievement for All
4.30 – 5.20pm / Speed Learning carousel – see overleaf for details
  1. Student digital leaders
  2. Speech and language
  3. Communication resources
  4. Parental engagement and literacy project
  5. iPads and apps
  6. Personalised Learning for Reading' (PLR) - a highly successful, wave 3
reading intervention
  1. Developing whole school responsibility for SEND and vulnerable pupils
  2. Go beyond CPD with video
  3. Interactive resources for the curriculum
  4. Putting learning into context, films to raise aspirations

5.20pm / Planning for impact: Turning ideas into practice and evidencing impact
5.35pm / Networking
5.45pm / Close

Each session will provide ‘top-tips’, and practical ideas that you can take back to your school and try out in your classroom tomorrow. You will have the opportunity to talk through challenges, successes and aspirations, as well as exploring ideas for the longer term, and to enjoy networking with likeminded colleagues.

Speed Learning carousel: Your choices today are…

Table 1 – Student digital leaders / Table 2 – Speech and language
Glyn Barritt, Digital Leaders Coordinator
Glyn will explain how schools are operating Student Digital Leadership models and outline an exciting venture (using Mozilla’s Open Badges technology) to recognise student achievement in this area more officially. / Emma Chaplin, Deputy Head
We will be looking at the ways in which My First Choice, combined with iPad use, can support the development of speech and language.
Table 3 – Communication resources / Table 4 – Parental engagement and literacy project
Sarah Jones, Individual Needs Assistant
We will look at the range of resources made in Communicate in Print, and how these can help children’s learning. / Caterina Granville, Year 6 Teacher
We will be sharing our Parental Engagement Literacy project which focused on engaging families of disadvantaged children and children with SEN.
Table 5 – iPads and apps / Table 6 – Personalised Learning for Reading' (PLR) - a highly successful, wave 3 reading intervention
Lyn White, Deputy Head
We will look at the exciting ‘Explain Everything’ iPad app, and how iPads are being used for children with SEN to engage them and enhance their learning experiences. / Stephanie Powell, Specialist Teacher
I will be talking about a wave 3 learning intervention that targets reading development, and also impacts on writing and self-esteem. It has been included in a book commissioned by the DfE called, 'What works for pupils with literacy difficulties?'
Table 7 – Developing whole school responsibility for SEND and vulnerable pupils. / Table 8 – Go beyond CPD with video
Louise Ishani, Regional Lead, Achievement for All
How a supported focus on standards in the four key areas of Leadership, High quality teaching and learning, Structured conversations and Developing wider outcomes can accelerate progress for SEND and vulnerable pupils. / Steven Denham, Regional Consultant
Hear how video empowers teachers to gain a deeper insight into their practice and fosters trust, collaboration and professional dialogue.
Table 9 – Interactive resources for the curriculum / Table 10 – Putting learning into context, films to raise aspirations
Jo-Anne Crawford, Regional Manager
Find out about a range of new interactive resources targeted at making learning exciting, and increasing rates of progress across the curriculum. / Ian Allgar, Development Manager
Online library of 90 films and associated resources mapped to KS2 core subjects, designed to put curriculum topics in the context of the real world.

With grateful thanks to this event’s sponsors for making Speed Learning free-to-attend

IRIS Connect - Developed from research into the key interactions for effective CPD, IRIS Connect provides a unique blend of secure web-based tools and video technology. Incorporating the essential experience-based components of self-review, modelling, coaching, action research and building communities of practice within and between schools; IRIS Connect empowers teachers to build the confidence to reflect on, analyse and share their practice.
The Yes Programme is an online library of films and resources which link what children learn in the classroom to real life situations. All our films and resources have been carefully mapped to Key Stage 2 core subjects by our curriculum experts. The films offer a fun and engaging way of answering the question ..Why are we learning this….?, creating engaging and stimulating real life examples of curriculum topics in the wider world. is the award winning online teaching and learning resource used in over 15,500 schools around the world. Modules cover English, Maths, Science, French, German, Spanish and English as an additional language and assessment tools help teachers to differentiate.