Band Parents,

Hello all, I hope you are having a good start to the fall weather. It has been a busy time here at the Bowers’ household. Anyway, I wanted to send you this email to give you some important information for the upcoming Mid-Ohio contest on Saturday, October 1st. This is by and far the largest thing we as parents can help with. It is a lot of fun and a lot of hard work, but the more hands we have the lighter the load. So I am coming to you for help.

Below you will find a list of areas where you can volunteer. We also love to have other family members volunteer, so if any grandparents, siblings, alumni, aunts, uncles, etc want to help, we would love to have them. The contest will actually start at 3 pm, but we need people to come help with set up and preparing things at 11 am. Our first band should arrive around one, so that will give us plenty of time to have everything ready to go.

OK, and now the part you are all waiting for, where and what can I do to help our Marching Warriors?

We need people to do the following: take money at the gate and mark hands, sell programs, work in the tshirt booth selling bears and raffle tickets for an ipad, work the stands (blocking off the stands while a band is performing), monitor the peoples choice table, be a judges assistant, be a practice field timer, donate food for the hospitality room, and work the concession stand. If you can help in any of these areas, just email me back at and I will make sure you get plugged in to help.

Deb Tumblin is also in need of 4 more roasters. If you have one we can borrow, please let me know asap.

The other opportunity for you is if you have a home business or if your company you work at would like to advertise in our program, the info will be attached to this email. You can also sponsor a trophy, that information will be in the attached letter also.

We also offer a section of our program for best wishes to the kids. If you would like to have a wish put in there, you can email them to Todd Bowers at . Cost for the wishes is $5.00 a wish. Please get them into Todd by September 25th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back.

Lets all work together to support our State Bound Marching Warriors!

Kris Bowers