GradeMaster 600 scantron machine Student Database Setup

Using the Student Database Excel file and StudentID gradesheets, you can automatically associate names with scantrons, and this also configures your version of DataLink for an Easy Grade Pro export.

·  Suggestion: Print tickets for the students with their StudentIDs (not the same as their logins—it’s generally the last 6 digits of their SS#).

·  Suggestion: Ask students to write their BCPS login name (initials + 1-3 numbers, generally) on the scantron form as well, just in case they get their ID# wrong, that info will make it easier for you to manually connect tests to kids.

Setting up the Student Database

1.  When you first open DataLink, even if the scanner is not connected, you can setup the Student Database. Click on the “Student Database” button.

2.  This will open the “Student Database” window.
Click “Import Students” button.

3.  The “Import Student Names and ID Numbers Wizard” will open.
Click the “Next >” button.

4.  You will be prompted to import a CSV (information separated by commas) of StudentIDs. Each week, this list is re-created, so that (hopefully) new entrants appear regularly. Suggestion: re-import the Student Data every month or so!
Click the “…” button (to the right of the blank) to find the CSV file, which will always be in the Teacher Shared (I:) drive.

5.  In the “Open” window, find the teacher data file in the I:\TECH\GradeMaster\ folder. It will be called “Student Database” and will have the date of export as part of its file name. If you notice this file is more than 10-14 days old, email Hilary and remind her to update it! It only takes a few minutes!

Once you’ve found the “Student Database” file, highlight it and click “Open.” You’ll see the filename appear in the Wizard. Click the “Next >” button.

6.  The Wizard will display a sample list of the Student data. Click the “Next >” button.

7.  Make sure that you assign the following correctly—it’s counter intuitive, but this will allow you to export the test data into Easy Grade Pro Web!

  1. “Student’s First Name” in DataLink should be set equal to “LastFirst” in the Student Database file.
  2. “Student’s Last Name” should be set equal to “AccountID”
  3. Student’s ID Number” should be set equal to “StudentID”
    Click the “Next >” button.

8.  DataLink will ask you to confirm. Click the “Next >” button.

9.  Make sure that you select the “Update the Student Name with the entry in the CSV file” radio button, and then click the “Finish” button.

10.  It may take a few seconds for the import to process, and then you should see all students in the building listed in the Student Database window.

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