Brittany Mimms
ELED 3050
Dr. Winters
8:00 A.M. MTWR
Urie Bronfenbrenner
· History
-Urie Brofenbrenner was born in Russia in 1917.
- Majored in psychology at Cornell University.
-Bronfenbrenner earned his master’s degree from Harvard University.
-Received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
· Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory
-Composed of five systems:
1. The microsystem - The microsystem is the environment closest to the child. This includes close relationships such as family, friends, neighbors, and teachers. These relationships affect each other and have an impact on the behavior and beliefs of the child. Also, the child’s behavior can have a positive or negative effect upon the relationships. At this level these influences are the strongest and have the most impact on the child.
2. The mesosystem - The mesosystem shows how the parts of the microsystem interact to affect the child. In other words, the mesosystem describes the synergistic relationship between the various factors.
3. The exosystem - This is the larger community, or the parents’ work environment, active participant in the exosystem, but is affected by the exosystem nevertheless.
4. The macrosystem - Society, government, local or national cultures, and various other factors that have an even less direct influence upon the child. This can include religious systems also.
5. The chronosystem - Time, and the effects of time, affects the development of the child. This includes the child’s development as well as the aging, deaths, divorces of relatives and other individuals who have played major roles in the life of the child. The chronosystem also affects the child’s physical and psychological environment.
Works Cited
Oswait, Angela. Urie Bronfenbrenner and Child Development. (2005). Child & Adolescent Development Overview. Retrieved May 11, 2009 from
Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-). (2009). Retrieved May 11, 2009, from