Name of parent/guardian :Name of Child: / Surname:
Gender: Female / Male / Child’s Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Postal code: / Passport /ID Number:
Nationality(country where you were born):
Mother’s Name: / Income Tax no:
Mother’s Telephone: (h) / Fax:
Mother’s Telephone: (w) / E-Mail:
Mother’s Cellphone: / Height: :cm
Father’s Name: / Clothing Size: 7-8 yrs
Father’s Cellphone: / Shoe size:
Hair: (Please select one)
Blonde White Blonde Golden Blonde
Dark Blonde Sandy Blonde Strawberry Blonde
Red Light Brown Medium Brown
Dark Brown Black None / Eyes:(Please select one)
Blue Blue-Green Blue-Grey
Green Hazel-Green Green-Grey
Hazel Brown L.Brown D.Brown Grey Other:……
Hair Length: short / medium / long / very long / Skin Tone: pale / tan / olive / dark
Hair Type: straight / curly / wavy/ dreads/ cones/ none / Body Build: petite / skinny / average / stocky etc.
Do you have any allergies? / Wear Glasses/Contact Lens?
Your teeth: Select one: Have none/Have some/ Bad / Normal /Perfect/ Front Teeth Missing / I Wear Braces
Have you appeared in any TV Ads,Films? Give Details.
Talents & Hobbies? ie.Soccer,Swimming,Surfing,Skateboarding,Singing,Cricket,Karate,Tennis,Golf,BMX tricks, Handstands,Cycling,Rollerblading,Gymnastics etc.
Can you Dance ?(list types,like Modern,Ballet,Jazz etc.)
Can you Sing?(list vocal range ,like soprano etc. & singing style like, pop,musicals,choir etc,)
Do you play a Musical Instrument? (list instruments)
Tell us about your child’s personality/confidence level? ie. Shy,Very Confident, etc.
•I may not join another other casting/modeling agency whilst I belong to Starlightz for the contract period of 2 years. If I decide to resign from Starlightz after 18 months from date of registration,I will give 3 months written notice,which will need to be acknowledged and accepted by Starlightz.During the 3 months resignation period I may not join another casting agency or cast for jobs through another agency.Failure to follow procedure will result in legal action.
•If you don’t arrive on set, without letting anyone know, we will immediately take you off our books. You will be blacklisted from this agency and forfeit any payments if you disobey this rule.
•We will not be held liable for any expenses or any injury, during your transport to and from the set or while you are on set.I will provide my services ,to the best of my ability, through Starlightz under contract.I hereby give Starlightz Casting full power of attorney to sign contracts on my behalf.
•I may not represent myself without my agent at a casting or on set. I may not discuss rates/fees with other artists or crew on set.
•If whilst on set,a relative/ friend of the applicant/performer is recruited by Production Co. to participate in the shoot ,that person will automatically be represented by Starlightz.
•My photographs may be used by Starlightz for self-promotional purposes only.
•PAYE will be deducted from performance fees only.
•Failure to comply with any of these rules, will result in legal action.
Date: ……………………………………………… / I agree to the above information being entered into the STARLIGHTZ KIDZ CASTING database & that it is correct.
By accepting the general conditions above,
I consent to my child taking part in castings & shoots.
PO Box 655,Regent Rd,Sea Point, Cape Town,8061.South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27 21 4388039 Cell: +27 82 720 0700
I,……………………………………..,Parent of …………..………………………..
give permission for my child to participate in TV Ads & Photo shoots.
Starlightz Casting
8 Woodford Ave, Camps Bay,8005.