Urbandale Community School District

Urbandale Middle School Action Plan/End of Year Report

2008-2009 School Year

Goal #1:
Urbandale Middle School will increase the percentage of identified sub group students scoring in the proficient categories of the reading comprehension and math portions of the ITBS. (sub groups: boy, girl, ELL, sped., Low SES, African American, Hispanic)
Rationale/Belief/Purpose of goal:
We believe that a developmentally responsive middle level school is characterized by…
differentiation that meets the needs of all students.
high expectations for all.
educators committed to young adolescents.
an adult advocate for each student.
Actions for goal #1:
Urbandale Middle School teachers will… / Teaching standard(s):
Possible standards, but not limited to…
1. Implement and document at least one explicit lesson on nonfiction text strategies each quarter. / Standard 2: Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 7: Professional Growth
2. Implement and document the use of at least one mental model each quarter. / Standard 2: Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 7: Professional Growth
3. Instruct a TARGET group with full integrity. / Standard 2: Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 5: Monitor student learning
4. Integrate and document best practices of E2T2 philosophies in conjunction with the math curriculum. / Standard 2: Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
5. Implement and document at least one differentiated opportunity each quarter. / Standard 2: Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 7: Professional Growth
Actions for goal #1:
Urbandale Middle School teachers will …. / Teaching standard(s):
Possible standards, but not limited to….
6. Implement and document at least one cross-curricular lesson each quarter. / Standard 2: Content knowledge
Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 7: Professional Growth
7. Meet and log a cross-curricular meeting once per week (two person team). Focus is on building and reinforcing curriculum strategies to meet the individual needs of students. / Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 5: Monitor student learning
Standard 6: Classroom management
Standard 8: Professional responsibilities
8. Meet and log a grade level curricular team meeting once per month. Focus is on building and reinforcing curriculum strategies to meet the individual needs of students / Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 5: Monitor student learning
Standard 6: Classroom management
Standard 8: Professional responsibilities
ITBS data will show an increase in the percentage of students meeting proficiency (NPR) on the subtests of Reading Comprehension and Math Total. The percentage of progress monitoring graphs of students receiving TARGET services will follow or exceed the goal line. District assessment data will show an increase in the percentage of students meeting proficiency for reading and math.
Possible need(s) to achieve goal:
Results (goal met/unmet, narrative interpretative comments to be completed at the end of the year):
ITBS results - Reading Comprehension: - 6th grade did not meet goal. No subgroups met the goal. 7th grade all students met goal, all subgroups except Hispanic met goal. 8th grade all students, males, females, White, ELL and Non-ELL, IEP, not IEP, Not Free and Reduced Lunch subgroups met the goal. Grade 8 Asian, African American, Hispanic and Free/Reduced Lunch did not meet goal.
ITBS results - Math total:– 6th Grade females met the goal, all other subgroups and the class as a whole did not meet goal. Grade 7 all students met the goal. The subgroups of males, females, Hispanic, White, ELL, Non-ELL, IEP and Non-IEP, Not Free and Reduced Lunch met the goal. Grade 7 subgroups of Asian, African American and Free and Reduced Lunch did not meet goal. Grade 8 all students, males, females, White, ELL, IEP, Not Free and Reduced Lunch subgroups met the goal. Grade 8 subgroups of Asian, African American, Hispanic, Not ELL, not IEP, and Free and Reduced Lunch did not meet the goal.
District Assessments:
District Assessments – Reading: 6th Grade – All Students – 90%, 7th Grade – All Students – 75.3%
District Assessments – Math: 6th Grade – All Students – 83%, 7th Grade – All students – 64%, 8th Grade – 63.8%
2008-09 TARGET Data:
213 students qualified for TARGET reading in August, 08
107/213 (50%) students tested out of TARGET during the year by meeting or exceeding curriculum-based assessments
• 35 students = average cwpm growth = 20 cwpm
• 31/35 (89%) fluency students improved cwpm
6th grade:
• 87 students qualified for TARGET reading in August, 08.
• 48/87 (55%) students tested out of TARGET during the year by meeting or exceeding curriculum-based assessments.

7th grade:

• 69 students qualified for TARGET reading in August, 08.
• 23/69 (33%) students tested out of TARGET during the year by meeting or exceeding curriculum based assessments.

8th grade:

• 57 students qualified for TARGET reading in August, 08.
• 36/57 (63%) students tested out of TARGET during the year by meeting or exceeding curriculum based assessments.
MATH 6-8:
145 students qualified for TARGET math in August, 08.
94/145 (65%) students tested out of TARGET during the year by meeting or exceeding curriculum based assessments.
·  88% of students served improved computation score on AEA
average growth = 31 points (typical peer = 6 points)
·  94% of students served improved application score on AEA
average growth = 6.5 points (typical peer = 2 points)
2009 IELDA Results:
67 Students took IELDA
28 students removed from ESL roster following IELDA.
17 additional students begin transitioning process in ’09-’10.
45 students have the same or higher scores than in 2008.
7 students took IELDA for the first time.
Goal #2:
Urbandale Middle School will focus on building relationships with students and families.
Rationale/Belief/Purpose of goal:
We believe that a developmentally responsive middle level school is characterized by…
·  community and family partnerships fostered through communication.
·  educators committed to young adolescents.
·  an adult advocate for each student.
Actions for goal #2:
Urbandale Middle School teachers will …. / Teaching standard(s):
Possible standards, but not limited to….
1. Incorporate strategies from the best practices of the district’s “Economic Diversity” training. / Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
Standard 6: Classroom management
Standard 7: Professional Growth
2. Provide an example of the different types of communication used with student families/guardians and others. / Standard 1: Academic Performance
3. Maintain a professional website with daily assignments and current classroom information that is updated weekly. / Standard 1: Academic Performance
Standard 3: Plan and prepare
4. Access and incorporate at least one community-based support resource for students. / Standard 2: Content knowledge
Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 4: Strategies for multiple needs of students
5. Meet with counselors and/or administrators to discuss student successes and concerns as scheduled during two person team planning meetings. Focus should include building relationships with students and their families. / Standard 1: Academic Performance
Standard 5: Monitor student learning
Standard 6: Classroom management
Standard 8: Professional responsibilities
Volunteer Hours: 213 volunteers serving 359.75 hours
Possible need(s) to achieve goal:
Results (goal met/unmet, narrative interpretative comments to be completed at the end of the year):
UMS Building goal #2 was to focus on relationships. The goal was met.
GOAL #3:
Given that a safe and secure environment is critical to increasing student achievement, UMS students will be expected to treat one another with respect, dignity, and fairness.
ACTIONS for goal #3:
Urbandale Middle School staff will… / TEACHING STANDARDS:
Possible standards, but not limited to… / Staff
1. Instruct and model the Guidelines for Success at least once each quarter. (Hallways, lunchrooms, restrooms, outdoors) / Standard 1: Academic Performance
Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 6: Classroom management / All
2. Incorporate activities that build/reinforce the Pillars of Character and peer relationships. / Standard 1: Academic Performance
Standard 3: Plan and prepare
Standard 6: Classroom management / All
3. Implement a problem-solving approach to student conflicts. / Standard 1: Academic Performance
Standard 5: Monitor student learning
Standard 6: Classroom management / All


Positive Referrals: ’05-’06 ’06-’07 ’07-’08 ’08-‘09

346 336 670 537

Discipline Referrals: ’02-’03 ’03-’04 ’04-’05 ’05-’06 ’06-’07 ’07-’08 ’08-’09

297 354 328 377 391 474 440

All teachers instructed lessons on the Guidelines for Success.

ARC reviewed and revised Guidelines for Success for ’08-’09 School Year.

Results (goal met/unmet, narrative interpretative comments to be completed at the end of the year):
Goal #3 challenged students to treat one another with respect dignity and fairness. Based on the data collected this goal was not met.
Positive referrals were up. Three hundred sixty two individual students were recognized in the Positive Referral program. Discipline referrals decreased by more than 7% (34 referrals). Although the data would indicate progress is being made in the area of negative discipline referrals and the attention to the positive has increased significantly in the previous two years, we feel we need to continue to focus attention in this goal area. Suspensions (in school and out of school) increased in ’08-’09.

End of the Year Analyses

Improved learning opportunities and programs:
·  Grants and Awards:
ABC5 One Classroom at a Time Award - $1,000 to Patty Coppess and TARGET program.
HyVee Smiles for Education, $5,000 – Media Center Equipment.
• PE Grants: Youth Power Summit grant through (Midwest Dairy Council Grant)- $1500
- Target Field Trip Grant (Target Corp) - $800
- Scheels Sporting Goods (Fishing Dept)- $250 in free bait for trial fishing unit.
• WHO Channel 13, Golden Apple Award, Laurie Raker
• Hero in Education Award, West Des Moines Rotary, Michelle Claussen
• Special Education restructuring to address the needs of students with behavior and mental health issues.
• Increase Counseling services. Addition of one FTE counselor for ’08-’09 school year.
• Increase ELL staff to two full time teachers in ’08-’09.
• UMS selected to receive performance of NASA sponsored FMA Live presentation. Deann Grimm, coordinator.
• After School Groups (Study, Friendship, New Student, SWAT, Fantasy Book)
• Student Leadership – Student Guides
Growth and development of employees:
·  PLC’s – Grade level, Curriculum, Technology, Balanced Literacy, Science Inquiry, Related Arts, Book Groups.
·  Presenters at Minnesota State RtI Conference, September, ‘08
·  TARA (Ruby Payne), Poverty Simulation
·  Co-Teaching training
·  ITBS, TARGET Data and Integrity analysis
·  Counselor Academy, AEA 11
·  KU Strategies – Paraphrasing, Frame, Comparison
·  At – Risk Program review
·  504 Program Review
·  8th grade Restructuring Committee
·  Book groups
Parental and volunteer support and involvement:
·  UMS PTO raised $23,606 in support of students and staff.
·  Volunteer Hours: 213 volunteers serving 359.75 hours.
Facility improvements:
·  Plans in place for building renovation and expansion. Project goes to bid in the fall ’09.
Management of student behavior/safe schools/healthy students:
Student Disciplinary Data:
‘02-‘03 ‘03-’04 ‘04-’05 ‘05-’06 ’06-’07 ’07-’08___’08’09___
Referrals 297 354 328 377 391 474 440
Detentions 165 115 115 112 114 163 101
Saturday Schools 31 64 74 87 65 79 65
In School Suspension 28 41 29 40 54 49 77
Out of School Suspension 9 23 20 20 21 26 34
Expulsions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dropout data (including disaggregated subgroups for students in grades 7-12 (numbers):
·  No Dropouts