BLT Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Ohio 5-Step Process


Liberty Arts MagnetFacilitator: Angela Heffner

Nov. 20, 2013Time Keeper: Amy Knight

3:15-4:15Recorder: Suzanne Lyons

SST6: Jean SnyderTask Master: Jerilyn Johnson

District Support: Teresa Gantz

Team Members present:

Beth Bartels / x / Amanda Cupples / x / Jodi Freiberger / Jerilyn Johnson / x
Suzanne Lyons / x / Tekla Murphy / x / Gayle Dixon / Corrie Reed
Sally Windle / Lea Werling / x / Matt Bica / x / Amy Knight / x


1.) Norms- Stay on task, Keep what we discuss here, No side-bars, Allow for 1 speaker at a time, Be open to others’ ideas, Maintain positive intentions, Keep cell phones on vibrate, Be on time

2.) Role Selection ( 2 minutes)-

3.) DLT highlights ( 4 minutes) -

4.) Key Data to be Discussed:

a.) Common Quarterly Assessments

b.) Concepts of Strengths and Weaknesses for Reading/ K-1 Math

c.) TBT Strategies- Beth Bartels/ Amanda and Jodi

5.) Summarize Meeting( 3 minutes) -

6.) Evaluate Meeting (5 minutes) -

Step 1: Collect and Chart the Data / TBT data is provided by the TBT representative
Monitoring data is provided by the designee / Include student performance data
Include adult implementation data / Subgroup data is reported
Determine your benchmark score for grouping criteria
*Analyze post-test data based on decisions from Step 5 from previous meeting.
*What data has been collected by the BLT from each TBT representative? / District CQA Data shared with teachers to analyze. Discussed strengths and weaknesses.
Common Quarterly Assessment Data given to teachers to analyze. Discussed strengths and weaknesses.
Step 2: Analyze Individual TBT Performance Data. / *Determine overall student performance and adult implementation strengths across building.
*Were there common errors across building in student performance?
*Were there misconceptions based on defined strengths and errors? / *Look for trends across building in student performance and adult implementation.
*Do trends indicate building-wide student performance or adult implementation needs?
*Are there urgent needs?
*What does the data tell you about the students’ learning?
*What does the data tell you about the adults’ learning or adult implementation / Discussed District wide date on CQA. Questions were raised in regards to how many times students were able to take the test over. Does this skew the results? Many thought the initial score should stand. Discussed that 8th grade is behind on the pacing map in Math, therefore, justifying the low scores. Also noted that the data didn’t match our numbers, specifically number of students tested. Did students take the same test multiple times?
Liberty CQA- Reading
% Proficient-
K- 56%, 1st- 98%, 2nd -96%, 3rd -71%, 4th -21%, 5th -60%, 6th -80%, 7th -96%, 8th -84%
Strengths - many grades are off to a great start. First grade student are using a keyboarding program to get students ready for the future assessments.
Weaknesses- 4th grade, 5th grade, ethnicity gap in 3rd grade (W-91%, AA- 50%)
*Discussed the huge jump in rigor.
*Had a difficult time getting the information from the monitor to the paper. All the strategies that we have taught them, don’t work on the computer (highlighting, etc.)
*Specifically discussed the 4th grade assessment Common Core vocabulary. We will focus several E.R. plans around strategies to improve student understanding and fluency of new vocab.
- Amanda spoke directly to the 8th grade CQA and felt the tests did not fairly assess what they’ve learned (only assessed 2 standards) If it is to truly be reflective of what we’ve taught, then all the standards need to be assessed. Questions came from conversation. Did the assessment match the map? ProCore is compliance (Amanda) Were the ones that were chosen to be tested, the ones that will be tested on OAA?
Liberty CQA –Math
K -91%, 1sr -100%, 2nd -100%, 3rd -41%, 4th -81%, 5th -51%, 6th -50%, 7th -52%, 8th -13%
Strengths -first and second grade- felt focus on all P.D. Math Solutions was paying off. Also, they started with common core last year and the rigor is proving to prepare our students for these assessments.
Weaknesses- 8th grade, low last year as well, AA % proficient, mentioned the students are immature and can be difficult to work with. Also noted that there was no difference between success of Enrichment kids and non-Enrichment students in Algebra. Amy felt self- reporting of grades and charting for themselves for parent teacher conferences was powerful motivation for students. Discussed how SMI starts them where they are, assessing growth, not necessarily what they have been taught. The growth charts are more powerful than simply proficient/not proficient. As a building our goal this year is value added, should we examine the data from that standpoint (growth).
Step 3: Determine BLT Supports to be Provided to TBTs / *How will you group students to ensure tiered support across the building?
*What differentiated support will you need to offer for adult implementation of instructional strategies?
*How will you provide support for TBTs to implement tiered student supports? / *When will this support/training happen:
During school day, early release days, before or after school.
*What specific support/training will be provided? / Determine length/frequency of support.
*Aligned resources to support training. *What outcomes, or indicators of success, will determine the successful implementation of the support/training?
*What supports will be implemented across the building to meet the prioritized needs?
*What supports (if any) will be provided to specific TBTs based on prioritized needs? / Reading Next Steps
Strategies for Vocabulary- Graphic Organizers, Read the questions first, We need to train them to get the info from the screen to their paper, non-linguistic representation, find the non-examples. Also, we will plan ER around specific strategies to address specific concerns regarding vocabulary related to common core.
Across the board we have lots of positives in regards to Math Solutions- We are noticing many of the successful strategies entering other content areas- Talk Moves- Anchor Charts- Number Talks.
Amanda- shared successful TBT- Social Studies/ ELA- Ancient Rome- Types of Figurative Language- many wonderful strategies discussed, specifically fluid grouping, direct and indirect instruction, nonlinguistic representation, lots of questioning, and more. Matt mentioned he thought much of their success could be attributed the fact that the 7 lessons incorporated the 7 areas of intelligence. Brought student work *Vocabulary- great strategies- pictures, definitions, etc. Also, integrated across the content areas- Romeo and Juliet- Graphic novels- Venn Diagram as a culminating activity. How will you assess? Will do the post- assessment on Pro-Core, but also use observational data as well.
Discussed vertical meetings reading/math and mentioned the power of that time. Recognizing common strengths and weaknesses across the grade levels. And power of sharing strategies that work- replicating what we do well.
Al Step 4: Implement the Support Consistently / Administrator walk-throughs are tied to the supports offered. / Feedback is provided to the TBTs.
*How will the BLT ensure consistent delivery of supports?
*What will the administrators observe in the classrooms?
*What will the teacher be doing?
*What will the students be doing? / Communicate and share the successful strategies across the grade levels. We need to replicate what we do well. WE will continue vertical meetings to give teachers the opportunities they need to share successful strategies. We discussed the power of kinesthetic strategies, across the content and across grade levels. Movement can be as simple as changing groups, something to play with in their hands, rhythm; We need to use Tekla and her wealth of knowledge to help us incorporate this powerful strategy for all types of learners.
Step 5: Collect, Chart and Analyze Pre/Post Data / *Everyone comes with the post-data ready.
*Were the supports implemented consistently?
*Were there observable changes in adult practices based on the supports provided? / *Were changes in student performance
a direct result of the supports provided? *Were successful practices replicated building-wide (based on teachers that had high student results on post-test)? / *Include pre and post data for all students and any subgroups
*Include adult implementation data
*Use same chart from Step 1 to collect data
Note: Post-data is to be discussed at the beginning of the next BLT meeting.
*What does the post-data look like?
*What supports proved to be successful? / Post Test data will be by the end of January.
Next Agenda
What do we need to do/bring for the next BLT meeting? / TBT rubric assessment- TBT’s assess where they are in the 5-step process
TBT sharing- Beth Bartels, ?
Evaluate and Report to DLT / *What was our level of implementation? Full, partially, not at all / *What we learned (successes and obstacles)
*Reflections / *Our recommendation: Continue with this…, select alternative, adapt, identify PD needs in relation to the district OIP plan
*What was successful?
*What needs to be revised or changed?
*What are our needs (PD/support)?
Feedback / Support to TBTs / Needs identified by TBT.
Needs identified by BLT. / Recommendations of BLT To TBT aligned to OIP plan. / Supports
Response to TBT Evaluation based on TBT Agenda and Minutes report
Additional recommendations from the BLT to the TBT.