university of south florida

Central Receiving – Table of Contents

CENTRAL RECEIVING…………………………………………………3


SEARCH FOR PO NUMBER……………………………………………9

Central Receiving

Roles Initial Approximate Resources:



With the implementation of the FAST PeopleSoft system vendor invoices will be sent directly to Accounts Payable rather than the buying departments. An online Receiving process will replace the manual signature approval currently provided on the vendor invoice.

The responsibility for online receiving and acceptance remains with the departments.

Central Receiving units do not need to perform any online work other than an Inquiry to determine where on campus merchandise needs to be taken.
It is assumed that all other normal procedures will be followed.

Scenarios: Roles Perfoming: Page:

Find Internal Location Using Purchase Order Number / Central Receiving Units / 4
Search for Purchase Order Number / Central Receiving Units / 9
find internal location using po number
Short Guide:

Step 1: Log On to FAST!! Financials

Step 2: Navigate to Find the “Location” Query

Step 3: Enter PO number

Step 4: Identify Location for Delivery

Step 1 Log On to Fast!! Financials

1.1  Open the web browser (Microsoft Explorer 5 or higher is the optimal program. Netscape Communicator 4.7 or higher is also supported but may look different from the screen shots in this guide.)

1.2  Go to:

1.3  Log on using User ID: INQUIRY and Password: INQUIRY and click on the Sign-In button.

Step 2 Navigate to find the “Location” Query

2.1  Using the Menu, navigate to: Reporting Tools – Query – Query Viewer

2.2  While here, click on Add to Favorites in the blue bar at the upper right of the screen.

2.3  Click Add to Favorites button.
From now on, you can access this page under the My Favorites listing at the top of the Menu.

2.4  Back to Query Viewer. Type in the Query name U_PO_FIND_INTERNAL_LOCATION and click the Search button.

2.5  Click on the Run link. A new window will open.
The size of the display can be adjusted by changing the size of the window. You will see more lines if you open the window up all the way by clicking on the sizing icon circled.

Step 3 Enter the PO Number

3.1  Type in the PO number. PO numbers are 10 digits and a different series is used for each campus.
POs for the Tampa Campus will begin with a “0”
POs for the Sarasota will begin with a “6”
POs for the St. Pete Campus will being with a “7”
POs for the Lakeland Campus will begin with an “8”
POs for Tampa Physical Plant will begin with a “9”

3.2  Click on the View Results button.


4.1  The system will display the Internal Location (building and room number,) the Requester’s name and phone number, the Vendor and the first 15 characters of the description for all the lines on the Purchase Order.

4.2  Call Requester with any problems or questions. Note: the Requester name here is just a training name. The live system will have a real person’s name.

4.3  Type over the PO number to enter another PO number and click View Results, again.

4.4  When finished, close the window.

4.5  If the Location is not a standard building/room number, it may be a “Ship to” address, such as the Florida Institute for Phosphate Research “F_REC” and may have been shipped to you in error.
A list of “Ship to” addresses is appended. Follow current procedures to rectify any errors.

4.6  If the Location is “ZZZZ000” it indicates that the Location is not yet in the system. In this case, call the Requester for the correct building and room number.

search for purchase order
Short Guide:

Step 1: Log On to FAST!! Financials

Step 2: Navigate to Purchase Order Inquiry

Step 3: Enter Search Parameters

Step 4: Identify Location for Delivery

Step 1 Log On to Fast!! Financials

1.1  Follow Step 1 “Find Internal Location…” page 4

Step 2 Navigate to purchase order inquiry

2.1  Navigate: Purchasing – Purchase Orders – Review P O Information – Purchase Orders

Step 3 Enter Search Parameters

3.1  Enter any information available. Use the drop-down boxes for a list of available values.

3.2  Business Unit
This is the Purchasing Business Unit, not the GL Business Unit which is USF01. The Purchasing Business Units are:

  1. TAMPA - Tampa Campus excluding Physical Plant
  2. PPLANT – Physical Plant at Tampa Campus
  3. SRSTA – Sarasota Campus
  4. STPTE – St. Petersburg Campus
  5. LKLND – Lakeland Campus

3.3  Purchase Order
There are separate Purchase Order sequences for each Purchasing Business Unit. A vendor may mistakenly reference only the last few numbers of an actual PO number, for example “913.” In reality, the number may be Tampa’s but it could also belong elsewhere.

  1. Tampa PO # 0000000913
  2. Physical Plant PO # 9000000913
  3. Sarasota PO # 6000000913
  4. St, Petersburg PO # 7000000913
  5. Lakeland- PO # 8000000913

The drop-down arrows allow for a variety of additional search criteria such as “begins with,” “contains,” “=” (equal to) “not=” (not equal to) “<” (less than) “<=” (less than or equal to) etc.

3.4  Purchase Order Date
If the date of the vendor’s last shipment is known or to limit the search to specific dates, use this field. The calendar icon can be used if a calendar is helpful.

3.5  PO Status
The Purchase Order status of shipped merchandise should be “Dispatched” but this isn’t always the case. Start by using this status, but you may want to see all orders regardless of status if the search fails to find a qualified order.

3.6  Short Vendor Name
If anything is known, it at least should be the vendor. Click on the drop-down box and type in the first few letters of the vendor’s name, then click the Look Up button. To select the vendor, click on any link in the same row.

3.7  Vendor ID
Like the Vendor Shortname, this field also has a drop-down box that allows you to search by the Vendor ID number along with the Shortname. The Vendor ID is NOT the vendor FEID number; it is a system-generated number.

3.8  The other fields are not used at USF. Ignore them. Also ignore the ‘case sensitive’ box. The vendor names are all caps.

3.9  Once you have entered your search parameters, click on the Search button.

3.10  To view the purchase orders, click on the PO number (or any link in the same row.)

3.11  To view the next or previous PO in the search list, use the Next in List and Previous in List buttons. Or click on the Return to Search button to select another PO.

Step 4 Find Location

4.1  Once the PO number is identified, follow instructions in Find Internal Location on page.