University of New Hampshire at Manchester September 2016

Communication Arts
Option in Cinema and Media Arts

Students must complete all of the Communication Arts major requirements. The option in Cinema and Media Arts consists of 24 credits as distributed below. Courses may be used toward the Communication Arts Degree requirements as well as the Cinema and Media Arts Option. Courses applied to the option must be completed with a minimum grade of C- and overall GPA of 2.0. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 credits at UNH Manchester.

The completed form must be returned to the Academic Counseling Office at the beginning of the student’s final semester.

Name______Student ID______

Address______Intended Graduation Date______

I. Select three of the following courses:

CA 500, Media Writing
CA 512, Screenwriting

CA 519, Advanced Screenwriting
*CA 520, Special Topics in Communication

CA 514, Fundamentals of Video Production
CA 515, Advanced Video Production
CA 517, Fundamentals of Audio Production
*CA 518, Adv. Topics in Digital Media Production

(*Topic must be related to Cinema and Media Arts)

Name / Course Number / Course Title / Grade Received / Credit Hours / *

II. Select two of the following courses:

CA 501, Internship (must be approved by advisor and be in Cinema & Media Arts area)
CA 502, Image and Sound

CA 504, Film Criticism
CA 527, History of Film
*CA 550, Special Topics

(*Topic must be related to Cinema and Media Arts)

Name / Course Number / Course Title / Grade Received / Credit Hours / *

III. Select one of the following courses:

CA 600, Research Methods: Media
CA 615, Film History: Theory and Method
CA 618, Documentary
CA 620, Narrative
*CA 795, Independent Study
*CA 720, Seminar in Communication Arts

(*Topic must be related to Cinema and Media Arts)

Name / Course Number / Course Title / Grade Received / Credit Hours / *

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Advisor Signature: ______Date: ______

Special Conditions: ______

*For Dean’s Office/Registrar’s Office Use Only: SHADEGR ______

02/15 code ______SGASTDN ______