University of Iowa Student Government


March 3rd, 2015

A.) Call Meeting to Order (7:07)

B.) Quorum Call – Roll Call

C.) Public Access

D.) Old Business

E.) New Business

· S.S.B. 12 By Laws- By law revision regarding office hours is discussed by Secretary Crose. Discussion of how this will work and S.S.B. 12 is tabled.

· S.S.B. 13 Powwow Support Act- Senator Thom Johnson talks about how he is president of NASA and how this event is now a one day event and asks for UISG’s approval to back them on this piece of legislation. He wants to have the validity of UISG being behind the bill when he goes to other organizations for support.

Various senators express their support for this bill. Motion for previous question by Senator Zuckerman seconded by Senator Power. S.S.B. 13 Passes unanimously.

· S.S.B. 14 Election Reform

Senator Baer, Zuckerman, and Golinghorst present a powerpoint. See attached legislation.

Diversity Liaison Seay suggests adding ex officio members to the committee of picking executive members.

Power asks what the senators $100 would be for. It is said it would be Marketing and Design materials, things to help campaign for yourself.

Senator Hale talks about he thinks that is financially inaccessible in several different ways such as senators spending $100, SOBO having to handle many accounts, and overspending. He doesn’t think there will be diversity presented with this system. There is quality over quantity in the ticket system. Reform will destroy productivity of UISG. Tickets form cohesiveness and this will be lost with this new system. Finally the issue of incumbency will arise, without “veterans” people will not be as accustomed and comfortable with doing things and carrying on projects. He says that if its not broken there is no need to fix it.

Senator Ponnada says she thinks that people who were here before won’t be passive. She thinks that extending this discussion is necessary.

Baer respectfully disagrees and says there has been a lot of research done and we’re not simply reforming to be like the rest of the big ten. Comparing it to national government she says there needs to be reform.

Senator Power says ticket parties have brought the highest voter turnout and without the ticket system a type of advocacy is left behind. He also says diversity is something that needs to be remembered among different colleges and that classifying people by their major is unfair.

Senator Huang says that the system is trying to increase diversity but perhaps it is surface level. He says senators currently are doing a fine job even with our current system. He says the nominations committee selected 5 people from Tippie out of the 11 from the at large and freshman and the Tippie students are necessary for UISG.

Senator Zuckerman clarifies the proportioning of seats and says we cannot assume we always have the best ideas. She addresses that there are currently passive senators and that with the new system she believes we would actually eliminate that. She would love to see the cap moved $50 for senators. Senator Brittain moves to amend to change the $100 cap to $50. Seconded by Senator Zuckerman. Executives Neal and Lawler discuss that they did not spend that much if not zero dollars on campaigning for themselves. Amendment passes unanimously.

President Bartoski says were currently violating University policy because were not supposed to spend money out of our pocket. This accountability measure in place actually will help students from overspending.

Senator Hale asks why reform everything when we could just put the current system through SOBO.

President Bartoski says the reform does a lot more than just dealing with money, it will better represent our students. We will have a much more representative senate. He talks about how constituents report back to their groups and why does our not senate do the same with the varying colleges.

Senator Smock talks about how this reform will get people who are more involved on campus to campaign and reach out.

Senator Terman talks about how this reform will affect constituents.

Diversity Liaison Seay says we aren’t entirely increasing the constituent number but there is reform to help increase the inclusiveness.

Senator Hale says he is just now bringing this up so the whole senate can hear his voice.

Senator Brittain motions to amend that an ex officio member of the committee’s choice to also sit in on the board of interviews. Gengler seconds. Motion to previous question by Senator Hale, seconded by Senator Terman. Amendment passes unanimously.

Senator Gengler says maybe there is a way to still have a ticket and collaborate with the college based system.

Senator Ponnada says maybe there needs to be change with who can run for President and Vice President and who else can run.

Senator Hidalgo-Wohllebeen asks if there is anything preventing people from running together as a small group.

Golinghorst explains that you can’t run as a big “ticket” because everyone has their own separate account.

Senator Garcia thinks this may discourage people from running because they would have to do it individually.

Motion to previous question Brittain, seconded by Senator Hidalgo-Wohllebeen.

S.S.B. 14 passes not unanimously. 19 say yay, 4 abstain, 11 say nay.

· Senator Cable asks for UISG’s support of this conference in order to send a strong voice. Motioned by Golinghorst seconded by Terman.

S.S.B. 14 passes unanimously.

· S.S.B. 15 JFC Funding- SABAC chair Senator Dahms talks about the JFC funding. Motioned by Senator Golinghorst seconded by McGrath.

S.S.B. 15 passes unanimously.

F.) Reports

· Advisors

· Executives

-President Bartoski- Bartoski thanks Senator Cable, says that the presidential committee will soon be formed, they are working on a project for pay as you go project for seniors, ubill registration hold is still coming along, and there will be an executive report.

-Chief of Staff Banach says this Wednesday and next Wednesday are managing your midterms and reminds senators to sign up to volunteer, she says there will be a google drive for UISG now, and she gives updates with saferide.

-GR Liaison Bell says to sign up for Hawkeye Caucus Day!

-Diversity Liaison Seay encourages senators to talk to other organizations about Senator Cable’s conference and that multicultural formal is April 25th in the second floor ballroom!

-CFO Cai says that there is grant program he has been working on to fund student orgs on travel and equipment purchase and it is almost done and then he will share it with everyone. He asks for senators to come up with names for the grant program.

-Communications Specialist Liaison Lawler and Student Safety Liaison Burger say that “Behind the Shield” is out and to share it on social media!

-City Council Liaison McCarthy says that new taxi cab ordinances are in place and apartment recycling is happening but not until next semester.

G.) Announcements

Senator Hidalgo-Wohllebeen thanks senators for their help with the letter to the editor, and they still need volunteers for the cat calling campaign.

Senator Golinghorst really encourages senators to sign up for managing your midterms this week and next!

H.) Adjournment (9:07)

Motion to adjourn by Senator Brittain and seconded by Senator Golinghorst.


Student Senate

To: University of Iowa Student Government Senators From: Secretary Crose and Senator Mills CC: Dr. Nelson RE: Penalties for Missing Office Hours

Date: March 3, 2015


Currently, there is nothing written in the by-laws to penalize Senators who do not complete office hours. This by-law addition is to keep Senators accountable for office hours and to establish the way in which the Secretary regulates them.

In short: 1. Clarify the by-laws to include a penalty for not completing office hours.

We recommend the following: 1. Approve the by-law addition to clarify the penalty of not completing office hours.

APPROVED _________________, 2015


UISG President

Patrick Bartoski


Speaker of the Senate

Samuel Wampler


Secretary of the Senate

Cassie Crose


Student Senate

To: University of Iowa Student Government Senators From: Senators Thom Johnson, Brendan Power, and Sri Ponnada CC: Dr. Nelson RE: Powwow Support Act Date: March 3rd, 2015


The University of Iowa Powwow - hosted by the Native American Student Association (NASA) - was founded in 1990 and has since become an invaluable UI cultural tradition. The annual powwow is the most important event for members of NASA and the Native American community on campus.

Each spring the tribally diverse members of NASA share their culture with the larger UI community and attract Native Americans from various tribes across the nation. In addition to vibrant dance exhibitions and an exciting singing contest, the annual powwow features a number of food and craft vendors. Not only does the powwow facilitate cross-cultural collaboration by allowing Native students and their allies to work together planning this significant event throughout the academic year, but the powwow also makes a powerful statement about cultural diversity in our community by raising awareness of the smallest population of students and faculty at UI.

Over the past few years, as student membership dwindled and fundraising became more difficult, NASA’s ability to hold a successful powwow has been jeopardized. Last year NASA had to cancel the powwow due to a lack of funding and participation. This year’s powwow should have been the 25th annual UI Powwow, however, the event has not occurred at 4 different times due to the aforementioned reasons. Hence, this year will feature the 21st Annual UI Powwow and will be a one-day event, although it has been a three-day event in the past.

The extended powwow has always strained the resources of the Native students on campus; students have made responsible efforts to adjust as the organization simply does not have the resources to support an extended powwow like those of the past.

WHEREAS, UISG has already committed $20,000 to the financial sustainability of Powwow and,

WHEREAS, Powwow provides the UI community with an unparalleled cultural enrichment opportunity and,

WHEREAS, the President’s Office, the Office of the Provost, the Chief Diversity Office, and the City of Iowa City have previously sponsored Powwow,

WHEREAS, Powwow currently lacks $6,022.50 in unmet costs,

THEREFORE be it resolved that the undergraduate student government reaffirms its support of NASA, and its commitment to promoting Powwow’s success,

THEREFORE be it resolved the undergraduate student government invites university and community partners to join us in committing financial resources to ensure the Powwow’s success,

THEREFORE be it further resolved that upon passage of this legislation, that this resolution be forwarded to the Office of the Provost, the President’s Office, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Chief Diversity Office, the American Indian Native Studies Program, the Vice President of Student Life, the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Associated Residence Halls, and the City of Iowa City.

APPROVED _________________, 2015


UISG President

Patrick Bartoski


Speaker of the Senate

Samuel Wampler


Secretary of the Senate

Cassie Crose


To: University of Iowa Student Government Senators From: Senators Zuckerman, Baer, and Golinghorst (on behalf of President Bartoski) CC: Dr. Nelson, Dr. Cory, and GPSG RE: Comprehensive Election Reform Date: March 3, 2015


In order to more strongly align the mission of UISG to the structure of the organization, comprehensive election reform is required so that students from all corners of the University of Iowa are represented and empowered to enact positive change. The current election system is a party system consisting of executive tickets which are headed by candidate for president and vice president. These executives then run with a group of up 39 self-selected senators that together comprise a party. Each party may spend up to $3,000 dollars and is elected by popular vote of the student body following a 10 day campaign cycle. There are no representation requirements for the composition of parties or its members. In addition to the parties formed, there are five freshmen senators selected by the nominations committee in the fall semester, as well as six constituency seats for a total of 50 seats. This system is known colloquially as the ticket system.

A new, more equitable and accessible means of electing student representation to the University of Iowa Student Government is a necessity. In light of the lack of representation requirements, a prohibitively high rate of incumbency and high financial burden to participate in student government, it is time for comprehensive election reform.

A perceived lack of fair elections also undermines the legitimacy of UISG leadership and representation as the voice of the undergraduate population. The common perception is that it takes a great deal of personal and financial capital to reasonably compete as a candidate in UISG elections. Because Executive candidates must assemble a ticket of thirty-nine Senators, successful Executive candidates are sometimes perceived as being capable of little more than winning a popularity contest rather than a contest of ideas. Moreover, the campaign expenditure limit of $3000 and loose enforcement of expenditure reporting requirements makes entering the race prohibitively expensive for some potential Executive candidates, especially those from less affluent backgrounds.

Specifically, the desired outcomes of this election reform are:

1. UISG elections should invite a larger and more diverse pool of Senatorial and Executive candidates.

2. UISG structure should more closely represent the undergraduate student body to promote greater legitimacy of student government.

3. UISG should endeavor to include a broader group of student voices in its deliberations and decision-making.

4. The review process will result in an election procedure that allows both students with limited financial resources and students with ample financial resources to compete for office in a way that comports with commonly held notions of fair play.

Based on these priorities, and after extensive discussion, we propose the following changes be made to the UISG Constitution, Bylaws, and Student Election Code, as applicable:

1. The election of UISG Executives (president and vice president) shall be severed from the election of Senators. UISG Executive tickets shall consist of one presidential and one vice presidential candidate.

2. The campaign expenditure limit for Executive tickets shall be set at $500. 3. Both Executive and Senate candidates shall deposit their campaign funds into an account in

the Student Organization Business Office (SOBO) and shall make all campaign expenditures exclusively from that account. Any unspent funds shall be refunded to the candidate at the conclusion of the campaign.