University Place Soccer Club

May Board of Directors Meeting


Call to Order: 7:07 pm

Executive Board Attendance: President/David Hunter, Vice President/Justin Richards, Registrar/Tricia Lee,

Treasurer/Alan Anderson(absent), Secretary/Kris King

Committee Member Attendance: Fields/Kerri Scranton, Equipment/Pat Downey, Games/Marty Dobson, Website/Chris Lilley, TPCJSA/David Hunter, Mod coordinator/Scott Falk(absent), Referee/Richard Wunderle(absent), Uniforms/Jon Williams, Marketing/Suzanne Anderson, Website/Chris Lilley

Team Representative Attendance: David Hunter (GU15 Breakers), Chris Lilley (BU15/16 Cobras), Garrett Lordahl (BU8,GU8, GU12 Reality Sports), Don Wetzberger (Shockers), Tom Webster (GU13 Firecrackers), Julie Mastras (GU13 Firecrackers), Stephanie Glenn (U10 Tarriers), Joe McNallan (?), Charlie Askins (GU9 Mustangs),Jon Williams (U8 &U10 Seahawks), Suzanne Anderson (Blu Starz 99), Mike Gallagher (BU15 Lightning Blue), Tricia Lee (Rave/Lightning), Kerri Scranton (Blue Starz 01), Paula Caullier (Blue Starz 99), Justin Richards (Rapids/Blue Angels), Pat Downey (Chargers), Marty Dobson (GU16 Eagles), Kris King (BU15 Lightning Blue)

Executive Board Reports:

1. Secretary’s Report (Kris King): Affiliation forms voted and approved. (SEE END of MINUTES)

2. Registrar’s Report (Tricia Lee): 168 registered, 10 teams All coaches, assistants and managers need RMA through WYS. Team affiliation MUST be in by July 15th.

3. Treasurer’s Report (Alan Anderson-absent)

4. VP/Judiciary Report (Justin Richards): UK ELITE U12 and up team camps $1500 for 3 hrs/5 days. Held in Stadium. Individual camps Aug 17th -21st.

5. President’s Report (David Hunter): no report

Standing Committee Reports:

1A. Fields Chair (Kerri Scranton): Waiting to hear from School district about stadium availability. Open June 22 lower football field and Colgate and Chambers Primary, Now- West of Pool and Evergreen North and East. No Charles Wright

Contact Kerri for U12 and up for practice fields/time. Scott Falk coordinating MOD practice fields/time.

Possibility of renting Santi-can for practice fields without unlocked bathrooms?

1B. Equiptment (Pat Downey) Need “NO DOGS ALLOWED” signs for Stadium-donate to school district to put on fences. Ordering 2 goals- Evergreen south, Nets 2 for Evergreen, 2 for Chambers, 2 additional liners and paint.

2. Games Chair (Marty Dobson): no report

3. Referee Assignor’s Report (Richard Wunderle-absent) no report

4. Uniforms Chair (Jon Williams): ordering through DTI again, U12 and up order own (let Jon know if going to use DTI) Online ordering set up by coaches with 3 two week windows (june, July and emergency in August). Mods possible bulk order. Spirit Store for Parents and coaches will have link from website same 2-3 week window for ordering. Coaches will receive link to disperse to parents for ordering info.

5. MOD Coordinator (Scott Falk-absent)

6. Marketing Chair (Suzanne Anderson) Flyer to schools sent home by Friday May 9th

7. Website (Chris Lilley): no report

8. TPCJSA (David Hunter): TPCJSA Summit meeting held Hand out with dates for deadlines given.

Acting President is Henry Robicheau. Sumner and possible FME going PSPL.

WSY will run South Sound Union League (SSUL). UPSC is under WYS doctrine/bylaws

Old Business-none

New Business-Sounders fundraiser- vote to attend SUNDAY AUGUST, 30th match VS PORTLAND TIMBERS (2pm match time)

General Questions/Comments: None

GOOD of the GAME:

Adjourned: 8:17pm

Accepted Team Affiliations

GU7 Dynamite Dolphins (Justin Richards) BU8 Reality Sports (Garett Lordahl)

GU8 Reality Sports (Garrett Lordahl) BU8 Lightning FC (Dave Lee)

GU9 Mustangs (Charlie Askins) BU10 Seahawks (Jon Williams)

GU10 Tarriers (Stephanie Glenn) BU12 Hydra FC (Jim Yurina)

GU10 Tuff Girlz (Mark Terry) BU14 Chargers (Pat Downey)

GU11 Blue Angels (Justin Richards) BU15 Lightning Blue (Mike Gallagher)

GU12 Reality Sports (Garrett Lordahl) BU16 Blue Starz (Mark Caillier)

GU12 ? (Chris Lawerence)

GU13 Rave (Dave Lee)

GU14 Blue Starz (Kerri Scranton)

GU15 Breakers (David Hunter)

GU16 Rapids (Justin Richards)