United Nations Nations Unies

Appendix A.2


(“Ten Working Days in Nine”)

I. Staff member: Index #:


Functional Title:

Division/Unit: Ext: Room No:

II. Supervisor:


Functional Title:

Division/Unit: Ext: Room No:

III. Under this Agreement, all hours normally worked during a period of ten working days are to be compressed into nine working days by distributing among these nine days the hours that would otherwise have been worked on the tenth day. This redistribution of normal working hours allows staff members, every other week, to take one day off, normally the last day of the work week.

Agreed working hours on each of the nine days to be worked must make up the total hours of 10 working days. For example, based on an eight hour work day (8h30min during the General Assembly), this will lead to 8h45min of working hours for eight working days and nine hours the ninth day; with one hour for lunch each day (or 8h50min each day during General Assembly). The tenth day, i.e., the last day of the two week cycle would be a day off.

Working week at duty station: to .

On eight days of the nine, Daily starting time:

(or nine days during the GA) Daily finishing time:

On one day of the nine, Daily starting time:

(outside the GA period) Daily finishing time:

Total working hours in nine days:

Day off (tenth day of the cycle):

IV. Period covered by this Agreement:

First day of recurring two week cycle: (day of week)


Ending date for this Agreement: .

VI. During absence, staff member’s key functions will be performed/backstopped by:

1) I understand the United Nations policy on Flexible Working Arrangements as specified in ST/SGB/2003/4 dated 24 January 2003.

2) I agree to the duties, responsibilities, obligations and conditions outlined in this AGREEMENT ON COMPRESSED WORK SCHEDULE (Ten Working Days in Nine).

3) I understand that this Agreement is a re-arrangement of working hours that can be altered or withdrawn by the [ ] and remains subject to exigencies of service.

Signed: Date:

Staff Member (name)

Signed: Date:

Supervisor (name)

Approved: Date:

Print name:


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P.314 A2 (1-12)