Unit II U S History II (U S History from 1877)
I. Pretest - Put these events in order. (Put answers on this sheet)
1. _____ The Korean Conflict
2. _____ Reconstruction
3. _____ Prohibition
4. _____ the New Deal
5. _____ World War I
6. _____ World War II
7. _____ The Roaring Twenties
8. _____ The Cold War
9. _____ Westward Expansion/Indian Wars
10. _____ The Great Depression
11. _____ The collapse of Communism
12. _____ Industrialization
13. _____ The Vietnam Conflict
14. _____ The Spanish American War
15. _____ US in Iraq
Answer Key to Unit II Pretest: (check you own answers)
Question Order
1. 12
2. 1
3. 7
4. 9
5. 5
6. 10
7. 6
8. 11
9. 2
10. 8
11. 14
12. 3
13. 13
14. 4
15. 15
II. SOLs and the Enhanced Scope and Sequence for US II
Go to the Department of Education homepage (www.pen.k12.va.us) and look under SOLs.
Go to the Social Studies sections and locate the Social Studies SOLs.
Print a copy of the SOLs for US II. Punch holes and put it in the notebook.
Review the SOLs for US II. As you read through them, highlight the main SOLs.
What is included in each of the following categories?
1. Essential Understandings
2. Essential Questions
3. Essential Knowledge
4. Essential Skills
How will this breakdown into these categories benefit the teacher?
What is the importance of the Essential Knowledge category?
III. Topics for research and discussion: these are topics for you to read about and to take notes on. Use the textbook used in your division by teachers who are teaching US History II. Which book are you using? Give name of text, author, publisher and date of publication. (Type answers on your paper, punch holes and put in notebook/binder)
1. Write a one page summary of how life changed after the Civil War. Use information
noted in US II.3.
2. Write a description of the Spanish American War. How would you explain the “possible causes” of this war to your students? What SOL covers the Spanish American War?
3. Using several SOLs, in note form tell how economic activity affected history from 1920 through 1950. From which SOLs did you get your information?
4. What was the Cold War? When did historians start talking about the Cold War? When did the Cold War end? How and why? Why is there so much emphasis on the Cold War?
5. Briefly tell about the major events in the Civil Rights movement in the U. S. from 1954 to 1965.
IV. From the topics above, develop a lesson plan you would use in the classroom. Include the basic information that would be part of a good lesson. Try to select the most difficult topic above to develop the lesson plan.
Final test U S II (Type on your paper, punch holes and put in notebook/binder)
1. Make a list of 8 people who played a most important role in this period of history and relate the role they played in United States history and their importance.
2. List and briefly tell about five factors that led to changing patterns of society in post-WW II America.
3. Briefly tell about the causes of World War II.