
/ SAICM/ICCM.5/Bureau.1/INF/3
/ Distr.: General
2March 2016
English only

First meeting of the Bureau of the

International Conference on Chemicals Management for its fifth session

Dead Sea, Jordan

16-17 March 2016

Item 3 of the provisional agenda[*]

Review of the outcomes of and reflections on the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4)

Overview of ICCM4 resolutions

Note by the secretariat

The secretariat has the honour to circulatein the annex to the present note a table that provides an overview of the ICCM4 resolutions and proposed related actions. The table is provided for the information of the ICCM5 Bureau in guiding future work.




Overview of ICCM 4 resolutions

Resolution IV/1: Implementation towards the achievement of the 2020 goal

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
3,4 / Implement the Overall Orientation and Guidance for achieving the 2020 goal (OOG), including the 11 basic elements; achieve concrete risk reduction objectives / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
5 / Invites IOMC and EMG to issue declaration of commitment, including actions planned within their mandates / Promote action / Monitor / IOMC, EMG / 1 July 2016 / IOMC, EMG
8 / 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Para 6. Notes potential contribution of SAICM to the SDGs.
Para 7. Use SAICM to implement the SDGs.
Para 8.Emphasis of importance of SMC in national development plans. / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
9 / Outreach with GEF for OOG and for 7th replenishment / Prepare / Monitor / GEF / 2019 (7th replenishment) / GEF
10, 11, 12,13, 14 / Carry out donor campaign(s) for implementation of OOG and support the implementation of the integrated approach to financing, establish or strengthen partnerships / Prepare / Carry out, as appropriate / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / UNEP ED, SAICM stakeholders, IOMC, private sectors
15,16 / Health sector to contribute to implementation of the OOG / Promote action / Monitor / WHO, health sector / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
17 / Support national focal points for implementation of OOG / Carry out / Monitor / UN regions / Throughout / national focal points
18 / Produce SAICM report on progress for 2014-2016 and an analysis of the 20 indicators; consider report for 2017-2019 at OEWG3 / Carry out / Promote action, monitor / UN regions,
national focal points / 2018/19 (OEWG3) / SAICM stakeholders
20 / Produce SAICM report on OOG implementation / Carry out / Monitor / UN regions,
national focal points / 2018/19 (OEWG3)2020 (ICCM5) / SAICM stakeholders

Resolution IV/2: Existing emerging policy issues (EPIs)

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
2,3,4 / Encourage implementation of actions on EPIs / Promote action / Monitor / Stakeholders / Throughout / Secretariat to report to Bureau through sharing reports of EPI coordination calls led by the secretariat.
5 / IOMC report on EPIs / Coordinate, review / Review / IOMC / For OEWG3 and ICCM5 / IOMC
6 / Fundraising for implementation of EPIs / Carry out, as appropriate / Review and convey messages on priorities / IOMC, GEF / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
7 / Outreach with GEF for EPIs / Carry out, as appropriate / Monitor / GEF, IOMC / Throughout / GEF

Part 1, existing emerging policy issues

  1. Lead in Paint

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
2,3 / Encourage action / Promote action / Monitor / IOMC, Stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
  1. Chemicals in products (CiP)

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
3,5 / Encourage action and fundraise / Promote action / Monitor / UNEP / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
4 / Development of a terms of reference for the steering group / Support UNEP / - / UNEP / First half of 2016 / Steering group
6 / UNEP maintaining website and promoting actions / Support UNEP / Monitor / UNEP, Steering Group / Throughout / UNEP
  1. Hazardous substances within the life cycle of electrical and electronic products

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
1,4 / Encourage action in line with the GPA and the Vienna workshop / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
2,3 / Develop and finalize a workplan
Encourage stakeholders to enhance their involvement / Promote action / Monitor / IOMC, SAICM stakeholders
ILO, SAICM stakeholders / 2016 / UNIDO
ILO to address worker safety
5 / Encourage related actions in the chemicals in products programme / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM Stakeholders / Throughout / Relevant stakeholders
  1. Nanotechnologies and manufactured nanomaterials

Para # / Main tasks / Proposed action / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
2,3 / Encourage action in line with earlier resolutions on nano as well as encourage regulatory framework / Promote action / Monitor / UNITAR, OECD / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders, IOMC
4 / Encourage use of regional networks / Promote action / Monitor / UNITAR, OECD, SAICM Regional focal points / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
5,8 / Foster awareness, e-learning and facilitate information exchange / Promote action / Monitor / UN regions, SAICM stakeholders / 2020 (ICCM5) / SAICM stakeholders
6 / Develop guidance and training documents / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM stakeholders / UNITAR, OECD
  1. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Para # / Main tasks / Responsibilities / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
2 / UNEP/WHO to disseminate and generate information / Promote action / Monitor / UNEP, WHO / Throughout / UNEP, WHO
4 / Further developworkplan / Promote action / Monitor / IOMC / 2016 / IOMC

Resolution IV/2: Part 2, new emerging policy issues

Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants (EPPP)

Para # / Main tasks / Responsibilities / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
4 / Implement cooperative actions to increase awareness and understanding / Promote action / Monitor / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
5 / Generate and share information / Support / Monitor / National focal points, sector focal points / 2020 (ICCM5) / SAICM stakeholders, governments
6 / Development of a workplan / Promote action / Monitor / IOMC / 2016 / IOMC
7 / Fundraise for implementation of EPPP / voluntary financing / Support / Support / SAICM stakeholders, IOMC / 2020 (ICCM5) / SAICM stakeholders, IOMC
19 / IOMC report on EPPP / Support / Review / UN regions / 2018 (OEWG3)
2020 (ICCM5) / IOMC

Resolution IV/3: Highly hazardous pesticides (HHP)

Para # / Main tasks / Responsibilities / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
2 / Encourages stakeholder actions to implement the HHP strategy / Promote action / Promote action / IOMC, stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
3 / FAO, UNEP and WHO to develop modalities for international cooperation / Promote action / Review / IOMC / Early 2016 / IOMC to keep Bureau informed of proposed modality.
4 / IOMC to facilitate collaboration, cooperation and contributions / Support / Monitor / National focal points / Throughout / IOMC to keep Bureau informed of progress
5 / Report to OEWG3 and ICCM5 / Compile reports / Review, as appropriate / IOMC, SAICM stakeholders / 2018 (OEWG3)
2020 (ICCM5) / IOMC

Resolution IV/4: The Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020

Para # / Main tasks / Responsibilities / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
1 / Contract independent evaluation / Carry out / Monitor / 2016/2017 / Evaluator
2,6 / Initiate intersessional process
Participants of first intersessional meeting to draw up the timetable for subsequent meetings. / Set out proposal for timing
Prepare meeting documents / Decision
Monitor / UN regions, SAICM stakeholders / Bureau to decide at its first meeting / SAICM stakeholders - secretariat to inform of first meeting by 31 March 2016 (para 6)
5 / Coordinate meetings of intersessional process with relevant meetings and processes / Set out proposals for timing / Monitor / UNEA regions, BRS / M, IOMC, UNEA, WHA, GEF / (meeting #2: likely early 2018) / SAICM stakeholders, participants to the intersessional process
7 / Support participation of eligible stakeholders from UN regions and sectors / Carry out / Advise / UN regions, SAICM stakeholders / SAICM stakeholders, participants to the intersessional process
8 / Identify 2co-chairs from governments for the first meeting of the intersessional process / Consider options / Advise / - / To be elected by participants at the first meeting
10 / Intersessional process to consider need for and prepare recommendations regarding measurable objectives in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / Prepare draft with evaluator(s) / Monitor / overview / UN Statistical Commitee/, participants intersessional process / For OEWG3
11 / Secretariat to make relevant documentation available / Carry out / - / -
4 / OEWG to consider the conclusions of the independent evaluation and any recommendations for consideration by ICCM5
OEWG to consider need for an additional meeting before ICCM5 / Prepare draft with evaluator(s)
Include in OEWG3 agenda / Monitor / overview
Monitor / overview / -
UN regions, SAICM stakeholders
Annex / Development of the independent evaluation / Oversee evaluation process / Monitor / overview / Secretariat Proposal
Meeting #1: Interim report
Meeting #2: Draft report
OEWG3: Final report

Resolution IV/5: Activities of the Secretariat and budget

Para # / Main tasks / Responsibilities / Liaison /
Cooperation / Deadline / Addressee(s)
Secretariat / Bureau
3 / Calls upon the WHO to support the work of the secretariat / Promote action / Monitor / WHO / Proposed at WHO EB for consideration at WHA
5 / Fundraising for the secretariat and its functions / Carry out / Review and convey messages on priorities / SAICM stakeholders / Throughout / SAICM stakeholders
Secretariat to keep UNEP CPR informed.
7,8 / Staffing actions for the secretariat / Carry out / - / - / 2016 / -
9 / Full and final closure of the QSP / Carry out / Inform / QSP Executive Board / Before ICCM5, inform ED of UNEP 6 months before closure / QSP Executive Board
10 / Host OEWG3 / Prepare, carry out / Advise, monitor / SAICM stakeholders / Late 2018 / SAICM stakeholders
11 / Cooperate with BRS / M, IOMC, UNEP / Coordinate / Monitor, as appropriate / BRS / M, IOMC, UNEP / 2020 (ICCM5) / BRS / M, IOMC, UNEP
13 / Report to OEWG and ICCM5 on budget and activities / Prepare, coordinate / Monitor, as appropriate / 2018/2019 (OEWG3)
and 2020 (ICCM5) / OEWG3 to consider changes in budget priorities (para 12)


