Upcoming Events
Event / Date / Location / Details
Lung HealthEducation Program2011 / 2011 / The Alfred / Lung Health Resources available at
Information on coursesor seminars please contact the:
Lung Health Promotion Centre, The Alfred
Commercial Road,Melbourne, Victoria 3004
“Is Suicide Contagious? – Lessons from the Bridgend Suicide Cluster” / 21 March
2.00pm – 4.00pm / Gryphon Gallery – 1888 Building University of Melbourne Building No 198, Ref K20 on map at
http://www.pcs.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/151052/Map_2011_rev26.pdf / In 2008, the County Borough and town of Bridgend was at the centre of a media frenzy. The reason was the reporting of a high number of suicides over a short period of time. The reporting was pushed to the forefront of the British and Welsh public when a number of bulletins reported an apparent suicide craze sweeping through the area.
This presentation will examine the facts and the response from the health services, social services, police, voluntary sector organisations and others during that time.
Presented by Gill Thornton – Clinical Lead for Adult Mental Health Services, Wales, UK & Ian Stevenson – Senior Nurse, Wales
RSVP to Thursday 17th March 2011 if you would like to attend the presentation
VicHealth Participation in Health Short Course FREE!! / 21 & 22 March, 11 &12 April, and 12 & 13 May / Carlton. / This is a great opportunity to participate in the VicHealth Participation in Health Short Course FREE!! Three pilot courses are being held in Carlton.VicHealth -Participation for Health Short Course - Carlton this is an update of the highly popular Mental Health Promotion Short Course. Three, two-day pilot courses will be held free of charge. http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/Workforce/Participation-for-Health-Short-Course.aspx It is a great course that covers the basics of health promotion in two days rather than five.
Communicate, Participate, Enjoy!Solutions to InclusionConference - 2011 / 21 – 22 March / Darebin Arts Centre, Preston / The conference will provide participants withpractical strategies to facilitate the activeinclusion and participation of people withprofound intellectual and multipledisabilities in everyday activities and lifechoices.
For further information please contact:Scope - Communication Resource Centre, Phone: (03) 9843 2000 or email:
Finding Funding Roadshow / 21 March
7pm - 8:30pm
2 May
7pm - 8:30pm
31 May 7pm - 8:30pm
22 June 1pm - 2:30pm
29 June
7pm - 8:30pm
5 July
1pm - 2:30pm
5 July 7pm - 8:30pm
28 September 7pm - 8:30pm / Maffra Hall
Loch Sport Hall
Gormandale Comm House
Maffra Hall
Sale, Wellington Room
Yarram, Pelican Room
Yarram, Pelican Room
Maffra Hall / This free series of presentations will include:
  • What you need to think about before applying
  • Tips for writing good applications
  • What grants are currently on offer

“Introducing Divisions of General Practice” / 23 March 10.00am to 1.00pm / General Practice Victoria
Level 4, 458 Swanston Street, Carlton 3053 / GPV is pleased to offer this introductory seminar for staff in the primary care sector who wish to build links with general practice by working through and with divisions. This seminar will provide a general introduction to divisions and their relationship to general practice and will explore strategies for working collaboratively with divisions.
There is no cost for attending and a light lunch will be provided at the close of the seminar. A detailed agenda and a registration are available from GPV website.
Secondary Students and Sexual Health Workshop / 23 March 10am – 2.30pm / Century Inn, Princes Highway, Traralgon / Jenny Walsh and Jen Johnson from Latrobe University (ARCSHS) will present the research findings from the 4th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health.
This workshop is suitable for health & welfare teachers, school nurses, community health nurses, and anyone working with young people. Cost$15.00 (includes lunch)
RSVP by Monday 21 March. More information is available from Gippsland Women’s Health Service on 5143 1600 or email:
Creating Dementia Friendly Environments / 23 March / Bendigo /
Exploring Assistive Technology & Succeeding with Aspergers / 28th March
29th March
30th March / EG TAFE Forestech
GippsTAFE Morwell
GippsTAFE Leongatha /
Please note there is an extended registration date for the above workshops – Registrations now close on Tuesday 22nd March.
International Women’s Day 2011
Movie Night / 29 March, 6.45 pm / Sale Cinema, Cunninghame St Sale /
Disability, Homelessness and Mental Health Referral Pathways Forum / 29 March
5 April
24 May
7 June-
22 June - / Baw Baw
South Gippsland and Bass Coast
East Gippsland / These forums provide an opportunity for DHS and DH disability, homelessness and mental health funded agencies to present information about their services and detail the preferred referral pathway into their programs.
This information, presented in a clear and concise manner, will assist practitioners in providing clients with a cohesive systems response.

‘Remembering Lives: Responding to Grief (Narrative Approach)’ workshop / 29 March 9.30am – 4.30pm / Queen Victoria Women’s Centre, Atrium, 5th Floor, 210 Lonsdale St, Melbourne / The workshop will provide an introduction to the theory and practice of a narrative approach to loss and grief, (as developed by Michael White and David Epston). Focusing mainly on therapeutic work with individuals of all ages and families, this workshop will also consider the relevance of these practices in conversations with groups and communities. The workshop will share examples of the work and provide opportunities for participants to practice specific ‘micro maps’ of narrative therapy using structured exercises. Throughout this training attention will be given to the kinds of questions we ask, how we support the ‘scaffolding’ of conversations and how our ‘position’ as therapist / consultant influences our work.For more information:Freecall (Country Vic 1800 100 023)
First Gippsland Allied Health Symposium / 30 March / Monash Churchill / Evidence for Intervention: Transforming Allied Health Practice. This bi-annual Gippsland Allied Health Symposium provides an opportunity for participants to share ideas, expertise and experiences around important areas of allied health practice, professional development and research. Contact Amelie Ivkovic for more information: Phone 5177 2665
Allied Health Workforce Development and Planning, Department of Health
‘Building Disability Inclusive Organisations’workshops / 31 March
3 May
11 May / Moe
Bairnsdale / The Office for Disability and Community Concepts in partnership with the Department of Human Service are running three ‘Building Disability Inclusive Organisations Workshops’ in Gippsland. These workshops are free.

Caring for a person with an acquired brain injury (ABI) / 5 April
10am – 4 pm / Community College, East Gippsland
Dalmahoy Street, Bairnsdale /
Kids ‘Go for your life’ Health Professionals Forum
'Engaging and Motivating Primary Schools and Early Childhood Servicesin Health Promotion.' / 5 April
10am - 4pm / Melbourne Zoo / A keynote presentation will be provided by Professor Lawrence St.Leger, a well-known expertinthe health promoting schools approach.
Interactivesessions by a range of reputable children's settingsprograms, such as SunSmart, Quit, Ride-2-school, KidsMatters and VicRoads, on the tips and tricks for maintaining momentum in health promotion.
Register your interest by sending an email to Ph:9635 5422
Evidence-Informed Public Health Short Course / 5 & 6 April / 15-31 Pelham St, Carlton, Vic / The Cochrane public health group is conducting this course in collaboration with the Department of Health Victoria and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)
Click on the link below to download the flyer for more information

Melbourne CAREX 2011 / 6 & 7 April / Caulfield Racecourse / Registrations are now open for Melbourne CAREX 2011 - "Australia's Premier Health & Aged Care Expo" for CEOs, Managers, Health/Other Professionals.
click here to register online and click here for other Expo details.
Alcohol and your community: what YOU can do / 27 April / Quality Inn LaTrobe Convention Centre
5601 Princes Hwy, Traralgon /
Tuning in to kids
Emotionally intelligent parenting / Wednesdays from May 4 – June 8
9.30–11.30am or
7.00—9.00pm / UnitingCare Gippsland
126 Raymond Street, Sale / Would you like to learn to:
  • Be better at talking with your child?
  • Help your young child better manage their emotions?
  • Teach your young child to deal with conflict?
Tuning in to Kids is a free group parenting program that teaches parents skills to help their young children begin to understand and regulate their emotions.
Parents who complete the program find improvements in their children’s emotional competence, social skills and behaviour.
Please phone Damon Piercy on 0428 620 470 or 5662 5150 by 22 April if you would like to attend
This program is for parents and carers only. Unfortunately no child care is available.
Through a Child’s Eyes – a forum on Children and Homelessness / 11 May / Jasper Hotel, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne / Council to Homeless Persons, in partnership with Housing Sector Development, Department of Human Services and the Statewide Children’s Resource Program Network is presenting a one day training and professional development forum for those who work with children and their families who are experiencing homelessness.
Contact North West Regional Children’s Resource Program on 03) 9359-5493
Girls & Women with Asperger’s Syndrome / 18 June
9.00am – 4.30pm / Karstens Conference Centre, 123 Queen Street Mall, Melbourne / This 1 day presentation will focus on and celebrate the unique presentation of girls and women on the autism spectrum. The seminar is designed to increase awareness and knowledge of the female presentation of Asperger’s syndrome and share strategies and ideas found to be useful in clinical practice. Whilst paying careful attention to the many strengths that women on the autism spectrum share, the presenters will also explore the challenges that many of these women are faced with.
Consumers Reforming Health / 18-20 July 11
Public forum on Sunday 17 July / Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre / Priority Conference Themes:
  • The case for participation
  • Consumers and health services as equal partners
  • Consumers in research
  • Human rights, health and health care
  • Strategic Partnership between consumers and community and quality improvement
For more information:
Strong Foundations for Early Childhood / 22 July / Monash Churchill / The 2011 ‘Strong Foundations for Early Childhood’ Conference themes are Language, Literacy and Inclusion.
Keynote Speakers:
Andrew Daddo, Author and Television Presenter
Anthony Semann Director, Semann & Slattery
Australian Disease Management Association: “Partnerships for Chronic Care – Patients, Services, Policy” / 25 & 26 August / Canberra / The 2011 conference will include presentations on; services and programs for indigenous, younger and older people with chronic illnesses; integration of primary care and tertiary services; workforce issues; and lessons from practice.
For the conference program go to:
PHAA 41st Annual Conference
Sustainable population health / 26 – 28 September / Brisbane / This conference will examine: sustainable populations, supportive environments for health and public health systems. How should a clear population policy for Australia look like? Share your expertise by presenting a session or paper.
For conference program go to:
Gippsland Health Promotion Conference 2011
Take the Next Step – Share Experience and Sustain Action / 11 October / Auditorium, Monash University / Working groups are currently being established. If you would like to participate in organising the conference please contact Rachael – or Debbie –

Wellington Primary Care Partnership Page 1 of 517 March 2011