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Tutorial Reviews are concise, authoritative overviews of important contemporary topics in the chemical sciences. They should appeal to advanced undergraduates, the general research chemist who is new to the field, as well as the expert. They provide a solid introduction to the development of a subject, the latest breakthrough results and their implications for the wider scientific community.

Tutorial Reviews must be:

· Accessible: to advanced undergraduate students and beyond. Tutorial reviews are often used in advanced undergraduate and Masters studies.

· Authoritative: An essential introduction to the field will lay the foundation of knowledge in the area with approximately 25 seminal citations, serving as a springboard to further reading, followed by the most important recent advances.

· Exciting: the reviews should treat subjects where there has been significant recent advance and promote a rigorous view in a succinct form.

· Short: Maximum 12,000 word equivalents; 12 journal pages; 35 pages of A4 or American Quarto (double-spaced text and artwork).

· Lightly referenced: Maximum 50 citations; authors should credit the major contributors – old and new – only. The 'and references therein' tag is recommended to direct the reader to further reading. Multiple referencing (the use of a, b, etc.) is strongly discouraged.

· Jargon free: Specialist terms and symbols should be defined and fundamental ideas simply explained.







Please complete all sections, ensuring your answers are succinct and within the word limit.

1) Please comment on the current importance of the field

2) What are the implications for the wider scientific community?

3) To which communities will your article appeal?

4) Please comment on any other reviews published on a similar topic, justifying why there is room for another review

5) Please list the key learning points (up to five) that your review will offer

6) Chem Soc Rev aims to publish only the very best review articles while avoiding repetition, and one way to achieve this is to have groups of authors to collaborate on writing the definitive review on a particular area. Are you willing to work together with other author group/s on the proposed review? If so, please identify some potential researchers with whom it might be suitable for you to collaborate. If not, please explain briefly why the proposed review would not benefit from being a collaborative effort.

7) Please provide section headings along with a brief discussion of each section and associated key references. List at least 10 of the main research articles you will use as core references in your proposed review.


Please provide a brief CV and a list of research articles in the suggested topic area and any reviews published by the leading author in the last three years

Please note that pre-approval of a proposal does not guarantee final publication: the manuscript will be subject to full peer review in accordance with the journal’s high standards. In particular, manuscripts that exceed the 50 citations limit will be returned to the author for editing before being sent for peer review.

© Royal Society of Chemistry 2015

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