UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4

Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System
in the Akkuyu NPP Project








UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4

Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System
in the Akkuyu NPP Project



Director for Designing Akkuyu NPP,
VVER-TOI Basic Design / A.Yu.Kuchumov
Design Chief Engineer / М.А. Ivanov


JSC"Atomenergoproekt" / AkkuyuNPP / В02


Terms and definitions

1 Applicationguide

1.1 General statements

1.2 Procedure for introducing changes

1.3 Agreement and approval procedure

1.4 Distribution procedure

1.5 Responsibility

2 Agreedprovisions

3 Listofcodesforfunctionalsystems, buildings and structures

4 Listofequipmentunitcodes

5 Component codes

Appendix АStructure of a functional and process-related code

Appendix BNumbering in an equipment unit code...... 90

Appendix CCorrespondence between maintenance elevations and height elevations

Appendix DRules for coding embedded parts, penetrations, and reinforced blocks

Appendix ECable and cable route coding principles

Appendix FPrinciples for coding electrical equipment

AppendixGThe procedure of using system numbering in the KKS code in the
process partfor the Akkuyu NPP Project

Appendix HPrinciples for coding ventilation system plants and equipment

Appendix J List of codes for temporary functional systems, buildings,structures……………………………………………………………………………...... 114

Appendix K Process piping erection block coding ……………………………….………..120

List of adopted abbreviations

Revision list


Term / Definition
Atomic station (AS) / A nuclear plant for producing power in preassigned modes and conditions of its use, being located within a design-defined territory and using a nuclear reactor (reactors) and complex of necessary systems, devices, equipment and structures with the required employees (personnel) for fulfilling this purpose [NP-001-97General Provisions for Ensuring Safety of Nuclear Stations]
nuclear power plant (npp) / An atomic station intended for producing electric power [NP-001-97]
OUTER CONTAINMENT (UJB) / The outer (secondary) shell of the reactor building including its annulus
AKKUYU NPP PROJECT / The project of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant including, but not limited to, engineering survey works at the site, engineering, construction, commissioning, and operation of the NPP throughout its entire service life, waste handling, and decommissioning of the NPP.
Classification and coding system KKS / The system developed by the Association of Industrialists VGB
AKU-AEB0001 / Agreement / 1
JSC"Atomenergoproekt" / AkkuyuNPP / В02


1.1 General statements

1.1.1The Akkuyu NPP Project uses the unified classification and coding system KKS developed by the technical committee of the German association of industrialists VGB for encoding functional systems, buildings, structures, equipment (equipment units), and equipment components.

1.1.2The KKS system is aimed at identifying buildings, structures or premises, any process systems, equipment sets or parts thereof, as well as the places of their location and installation in the course of design, construction, operation, and maintenance of power facilities.

1.1.3The Agreement on Application of the KKS Coding System in the Akkuyu NPP Project (referred to hereinafter as the Agreement) regulates activities of organizations involved in development of the Akkuyu NPP Project with regard of applying the classification and coding system KKS.

1.1.4The Agreement has been developed in compliance with the standard rules and guidelines for applying the KKS system.

1.1.5The standard rules and guidelines for applying the KKS system are contained in the following KKS documents:

"KKS Rules. The KKS Coding System for Power Stations. VGB-В 105 Е,"version 2010 including the following:

"Guidelines for KKS Application";

"KKS Keys";

"Guidelines for KKS Application. VGB-В 106 Е,"version 2004, including the following:

"KKS Application Commentaries. PartАGeneral";

"KKS Application Commentaries. PartВEngineering Discipline-Specific. PartВ1.Identification in Mechanical Engineering";

"KKS Application Commentaries. PartВEngineering Discipline-Specific. PartВ2.Identification in Civil Engineering";

"KKS Application Commentaries. PartВEngineering Discipline-Specific. PartВ3 Identification in Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Engineering";

"KKS Application Commentaries. PartВEngineering Discipline-Specific. PartВ4 Identification of I&C Tasks and Functions in Process Systems and of Functions in I&C Systems".

1.1.6The structure of a functional-process KKS code is given in Appendix А.

1.1.7Section 2 of this document "Agreed Statements" contains a list of statements that are not regulated by the KKS system, and that are a subject of agreement. This list can be further extended if additional statements emerge in the course of work.

1.1.8Section 3 of this document contains a list of functional systems, buildings and structures. A list of functional numbering is provided in the document “Detail list of codes of the functional systems in the Akkuyu NPP Project”.

A full list of functional systems, buildings, and structures can be revealed and encoded only after all participants to the Project complete the development of working documents.

The full list of codes for functional systems, buildings, and structures shall be issued at the end of the working documentation development stage.

1.1.9To satisfy additional identification requirements, the KKS codes or part of them can be combined with other coding systems on agreement with the General Designer.

1.1.10Additional agreed provisions and codes can be incorporated subject to their consenting with the General Designer. In this case, the document shall be revised, and its next revision shall be issued.

1.1.11Buildings, structures, functional systems and equipment are all subject to obligatory coding. The coding boundaries of NPP components are defined by the developer of the documentation.

1.2 Procedure for introducing changes

1.2.1This document must be revised in the following cases:

- on request of the General Customer or Technical Customer;

- on decision of the General Designer if there is significant amount of changes that have to be introduced into the document.

1.2.2Each of the participants involved in works relating to the Akkuyu NPP Project may introduce a proposal for altering or extending the document and forward it to the General Designer for agreement.

1.2.3Changes are incorporated by the General Designer as per a duly established procedure.

1.3 Agreementand approval procedure

1.3.1The document has to be agreed with the key participants to the Project. The list of key participants agreeing the document is defined by the General Designer of the Akkuyu NPP Project.

1.3.2The document is regarded to be agreed if no reply has been received from a participant to the Project for 20 working days since the receipt of official letter about its forwarding for agreement. The moment at which the incoming letter was registered in the Project participant's document circulation system is regarded as the fact confirming the receipt of letter by the participant to the Project.

1.4 Distribution procedure

1.4.1The General Designer forwards the agreed document to the Technical Customer.

1.4.2The Technical Customer and General Designer bear responsibility for distributing this document among their subcontractors.

1.5 Responsibility

1.5.1This document is mandatory for all organizations participating in the development of the Akkuyu NPP Project at all stages of the NPP lifecycle.

1.5.2The responsibility for development and revision of this document rests with the General Designer.

1.5.3The responsibility for correctness of assigning KKS codes rests with the developers of documentation.


Matters subject to agreement / Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
1Changing the names of KKS codes / 1.1 It is allowed to change the names of KKS codes given in the KKS Keys listed in the document VGB-В 105 Еwithout changing their meaning. Such changes must be agreed upon with the General Designer.
The list of code names is given in Section 3 of this document.
1.2 The code of buildings (structures) contained in the name of code for a functional system applied for Units 1 to 4 is given in the Agreement for four Units, for example:
KRA10 - System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from equipment in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building.
In the documentation:
- if the system is applied only for Unit 1, the code name is as follows: System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from equipment in the 10UJA building;
- if the system is applied only for Unit 3, the code name is as follows: System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from equipment in the 30UJA building.
1.3 The name of functional system code used in the Agreement indicates all buildings to which the system applies (sequentially, separated by a comma), for example:
SMT - Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UTF, 00UTH buildings.
In the documentation:
- if the system is applied only for the 00UTF building, the code name is Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UTF building;
- if the system is applied only for the 00UTH building,the code name is Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UTH building
2Order and direction of numbering for all digital parts of a code / 2.1 This document establishes specific methods of numbering for concrete parts of the project and kinds of codes. In doing so, the basic rules of numbering corresponding to i. 2.3.2 of the volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B 105 E document are retained
3Defining sector 0 of codes with regard to:
–type of character;
–direction of numbering / 3.1 Sector 0 contains a code indicating whether the component belongs to a power unit, to common-unit, or to common-station installations and systems.
3.2 Power units are encoded by a digital character beginning from digit 1.
3.3 Common-unit installations and systems for Units 1 and 2 are encoded by the digital character «5».
3.4 Common-unit installations and systems for Units 3 and 4 are encoded by the digital character «6».
3.5 Common-station installations and systems for the Akkuyu NPP (for Units 1 to 4) are encoded by the digital character «0».
3.6 Temporary installations and systems are encoded by the digital character «9» outside the KKS System. A list of codes of temporary functional systems, buildings and structures is provided in Appendix J
4Code writing method / 4.1 A code is written in one, two, or three lines, e.g.:
- in one line:
10JND20AP001 MK01;
- in two lines:
AP001MK01; / 10CCA03
GW001; / 10UMA10
- in three lines:
4.2 When a code is drawn in the SmartPlant Enterprise (SPE) software system, it is written in accordance with the structure given in Appendix А. If information is not available in the code group A3, this group is replaced in the SPE and on a paper carrier by a space
5Use of reserve codes / 5.1 Reserve codes can be used as follows:
on agreement with the VGB Association of Industrialists Task Force (such codes are marked in the"KKS Keys" volumeof the VGB-В 105 Еdocument by the words «blocked»);
on agreement with the General Designer (such codes are marked in the "KKS Keys" volume of the VGB-В 105 Е document by the words «free for use»)
Functional and process related codes
6Use of code clusters for functional and process-related identification / 6.1 Code clusters are used in accordance with Section 3.1 of the "Guidelines for KKS Application" volume of the VGB-В 105 Е document. Code cluster G is used in accordance with i.3 of Section 2"Agreed Provisions" of this document. Code cluster A3 is used if a need arises
7Use of code group (cluster) F0 / 7.1 Numerical group F0 includes numbering within 0 and 9. Using group F0is mandatory.
7.2For civil structures, numerical group F0 is used for designation of functionalysimilar buildings and structures. For process, electrical and I&C systems, group F0includes the following.
7.2.1 Numerical symbols 1 and 2 to designate:
- safety system trains and its elements;
- elements used in the trains of the emergency power supply system (EPSS);
- elements that take power supply from the EPSS.
7.2.2 Numerical symbol 0 to designate:
- elements of normal operation systems;
- elements belonging to the normal-operation auxiliary power supply system;
- NO (Normal Operation) functional systems;
- functional safety systems as a whole (for denotation of SS trains see i .7.2.1).
7.2.3 Numerical symbol 5- for components of the ventilation and air conditioning systems, which are powered from normal operation diesel-generator
8Determining the numbering in cluster FN /

8.1 The digital code FN uses numbers from 00 to 99. Examples of possible numbering for the heat-transfer and mechanical parts are given in i. "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B1 Identification in Mechanical Engineering" of the VGB-B 106 E document. The procedure of using system numbering in the process part for the Akkuyu NPP Project is described in Appendix G

9Determining the numbering in cluster АN / 9.1 The digital code АN is used for assigning the number to an equipment unit. The largest number is 999. The numbering in each cluster begins with 001. For making the designation more informative, the first digit of the АN code can be fixed for certain kinds of equipment units or can bear other meaning. Details on using the cluster АN of digital codes from 001 to 999 are given in Appendix B to this document
10Use of the alphabetic codeАз / 10.1 The additional cluster А3 of alphabetic codes is used:
for encoding impulse (pilot operated) valves;
for encoding main safety valves and devices protecting from overpressure;
for encoding impulse valves used in the containment isolation valves;
for encoding the double drive of an equipment unit;
for encoding multiple power supply;
for encoding several measurement loops with one measurement point;
for denoting the phases (А, В, С) in the equipment unit code of electrical devices produced for individual phases;
for further division of premises;
for further division of lighting systems using the following Latin letters:
a) N - working lighting system;
b) E - emergency lighting system;
c) F - escape lighting system
11Determining the numbering in cluster BN / 11.1 Parts of equipment units are numbered from 01 to 99. The definitions given in i. 3.1.3 of the volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B105 E document are in force. Examples of BN numbering are given in i.
of the volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part A General" of the VGB-B106 E document
12Denoting attachment elements / 12.1 Attachment elements belonging to a process-related mechanical system are encoded in accordance with i. 5.4.2 of the volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B105 E document using the equipment unit code *BQ*. The digital breakdown of the *BQ* code is given in Appendix B.
12.2 Attachment elements belonging to in electrical and I&C devices are denoted using the code *GZ* (i. 5.6.1 of the volume "GuidelinesforKKSApplication" of the VGB-B105 E document).
12.3 Embedded parts for various functional purposes with reference to the civil engineering system are encoded as is explained in Appendix D
13Coding of support systems / 13.1 The definitions given in i. 5.4.3. "GuidelinesforKKSApplication" are in force. Examples of encoding support systems are given in i. of the volume "KKSApplicationCommentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B1 Identification in Mechanical Engineering" of the VGB-B106 E document
14Coding of united systems for processing data of measurements / 14.1 The definitions given in i. "GuidelinesforKKSApplication" are in force. Examples of coding are given in Section 3 of the volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific Application Commentaries. Part B4 Identification of I&C Tasks and Functions in Process Systems and of Functions in I&C Systems" of the VGB-B106 E document
15Determination and use of codes for signals and determination of subgroups in the main groups X, Y, and Z in code sector 3 / 15.1 The signal codes X, Y, Z are used in accordance with
section 5 of this document
15аDenoting parts of equipment units in electric and I&C circuit diagrams / 15а.1 Electrical apparatuses appearing in the codes of equipment unit parts in circuit diagrams are denoted in accordance with Appendix F
Codes of erection locations
16Use of code clusters for identifying the erection location / 16.1 These groups of codes are applied in accordance with Appendix F
17Use of code cluster F0 / 17.1 The code cluster F0 is used in accordance with i. 7 of Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
18Нумерации в группе FN / 18.1 The digital code FN uses numbering from 01 to 99. Examples of possible numbering are given in subsections 5.2 and 5.3 of the volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B3 Identification in Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Engineering" of the VGB-B106 E document
19Coding of erection location in an erection unit / 19.1 The relevant items are encoded in accordance with
Appendix F
Codes of location
20Use of code clusters for location / 20.1 These code clusters are used in accordance with subsection 3.3 of the volume "GuidelinesforKKSApplication" of the VGB-B105 E document. Code cluster G is used in accordance with i. 3 of Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
21Use of the code F0 / 21.1 The preliminary code F0 is used in accordance with i. 7 of Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
22Use of the codes F2,F3 / 22.1 The use of subcluster F2, F3 is given in Section 3 of this document
23Use of the code FN / 23.1 Maintenance elevations used in each building and structure are numbered individually in accordance with Appendix С to this document
24Coding of rooms / 24.1 Rooms are encoded in accordance with i. of the volume "GuidelinesforKKSApplication" of the VGB-B105 E document. Coding examples are given in i. of the volume "KKSApplicationCommentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B2 Identification in Civil Engineering" of the VGB-B106 E document.
In doing so, the following requirements must be complied with:
–the numbering must be directed along the Cartesian coordinates;
–the code cluster A1 must always contain the code R;
–rooms in the cluster AN are numbered by a three-digit numerical character.
Shafts and rooms passing through several maintenance platforms are denoted by three-character group codes:
3NN for equipment shafts;
4NN for cable shafts;
5NN for staircase shafts;
6NN for elevator shafts;
7NN for reactor shafts (cavities);
8NN for process shafts; and;
9NN for ventilation shafts.
Items in the code cluster FN can be numbered with respect to the lower maintenance elevation from which the shaft or room begins, or with respect to each maintenance elevation
25Coding of individual structures united with another structure / 25.1 In case of using united buildings and structures that have their own KKS codes, an individual KKS code is assigned to the united building.
If it is impossible to select an individual KKS code for given buildings and structures, they are encoded according to the priority functional purpose of the structure. In this case, the name of the united building is indicated first in the code name and the name of building this code directly belongs to is written through a slash («/») in Section 3 of this document.
For example:
10UJA Reactor building/Inner containment
26Coding of channels and trestles as connecting structures / 26.1 Channels and trestles are encoded in accordance with the code of one of the buildings or structures being connected according to the priority functional purpose of the building or structure