Town of Monmouth

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

Minutes – December 17, 2008

Selectmen present were: Tim McDonald, Pauline McDougald, Pete Thibodeau and Douglas Ludewig.

Town officials present were: Town Manager Curtis Lunt, Police Chief Bob Annese, Fire Chief Andre Poulin, Public Works Director Herb Whittier and CEO David Shaw

Others present: Donna Shaw, Paul Flohn, Mike Wing, Norman Edwards, Christina Levesque, Tony Siderio, Sr., Derek Thomas, James Phillips, Michael Allen, Kenneth Ouellette, Lorie Bachelder, Stephen Harrison, Nicole Prescott, V. J.

Call to order and flag salute by Pauline McDougald at 6:30 pm.

REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 12/3/08: Postponed until next meeting.


LD1 2009 WORKSHEET: The Town Manager reviewed the breakdown for LD1 2009. In 2008, property tax limit = $1,320,148 (represents the difference between municipal budget and revenues). The State provides the income growth factor, which is .0228, and is multiplied by property growth factor, which is .0158, = 3.8% (this is the LD1 growth factor, net new state funding $29,742 = $1,341,309, which is the property tax levey limit. The levey limit for 2008 was $1,280,712.

PERSONNEL POLICY REVIEW: The Town Manager reported the proposed updated personnel policy has changed vacation time to two weeks per one year of employment and five weeks per 20 plus years of employment. The drug and alcohol policy has been revised as well. There are state and federal statutes that are specifically required for drug and alcohol policies. Tim McDonald requested the drug and alcohol policy reflect volunteers working for the town. The Town Manager will check with Maine Municipal for appropriate wording to cover this. Pete Thibodeau requested the Department Heads review the personnel policy. A continued discussion will be held at the next meeting.

PAY STUDY – MIKE WING: The pay study information was reviewed. A discussion ensued regarding employment steps. Mike Wing suggested breaking down steps into thirds, and said the first third should be new employees, the second third should be where most employees are, and the final third should be reserved for employees who consistently produce outstanding results. This is a flexible guideline, not an absolute formula. The position classifications, pay grades and benefits of sample communities were reviewed. A brief discussion ensued regarding longevity, pay steps and job performance. Mike said many towns offer two weeks of vacation in the first year of employment. Holidays and sick day comparisons were reviewed. He recommended the Selectboard determine where the town wants to be in the marketplace. The next step will be a continued discussion and outlining of options.

AMBULANCE CONTRACT: The Town Manager recommended the approval of the extension of the current contract with a request for an up-to-date roster to be submitted. Reasonable access to schedules was also requested. It was suggested the rescue service, the police department and the fire department develop a work statement as to how the three services will communicate. Jim Phillips provided an insurance certificate of liability and a policy spreadsheet. He said the service has responded to 407 calls this year to date, with the vast majority being calls in Monmouth. Pauline McDougald expressed her happiness with rescue. She read a letter from the Chief of the Wales Fire Department in support of keeping the service and not going out to bid. The Wales Assistant Chief was in attendance and expressed his agreement with this letter. MOTION by Pete Thibodeau to extend the current contract to June 30, 2009, with a roster to be provided to the Town Manager annually, SECOND by Douglas Ludewig. VOTE unanimous.


Police Chief Annese reported Officer Wells was in an accident with the cruiser on December 7, 2008. Officer Wells was uninjured, but the cruiser had $7,000 in damages. There is a $1,000 deductible. Chief Annese also reported Officer Wells will be a rep for the Underage Drinking Task Force.

Public Works Director Herb Whittier thanked Fire Chief Poulin and the Fire Department for their help during the recent ice storm. The department helped to cut trees and clear roads. A thank you card was signed for Maurice Lachapelle and his wife for planting the town flowers. Herb reported the snowstorm today posed no big problems. The railroad crossing on Beach Road has had its culvert replaced; the town provided the culvert. The transfer station trailer is currently in Ohio and will be shipped to Monmouth this Friday.

Fire Chief Poulin reported his department has been working on a written mutual aid agreement which will need to be reviewed by the Selectboard and the town. In regard to the NEMS compliance contract, there recently was a very large fire in South Paris and the NEMS program was used to allocate resources. Although there were many firefighters in attendance, there were no injuries. This demonstrates the NEMS instant command system works. He also said the equipment to repair the antenna is in and will be installed shortly.

CEO David Shaw reported all is going well.

Town Manager Curtis Lunt received the signed order from Superior Court today in regard to the Smith case. The judge denied motions for appeal and the town is able to move forward with selling the property. There are also 5 vacant tax-acquired lots to be sold. Any sales will require that all back taxes be paid.


Selectman Ludewig commented he listened to Public Works and the Fire Department communicate via dispatch during the ice storm and complimented them on well-done teamwork.



Community Partners Map 28, Lot 78 $2,403.12

MOTION Pete Thibodeau, SECOND Tim McDonald, VOTE unanimous.

Charlene Prudhomme Map 36, Lot 64 $57.00

MOTION Pete Thibodeau, SECOND Tim McDonald, VOTE unanimous.

Barrett & Irene Chapman Map 24, Lot 90 $261.06

MOTION Pete Thibodeau, SECOND Tim McDonald, VOTE unanimous.


Richard Ferraro Map 46, Lot 48

MOTION Douglas Ludewig, SECOND Pete Thibodeau, VOTE unanimous.

Crystal Scott Map 27, Lot 27

MOTION Douglas Ludewig, SECOND Pete Thibodeau, VOTE unanimous.


Normand & Marilyn Michaud Map 5 Lot 20-44 $443.46

MOTION Pete Thibodeau, SECOND Douglas Ludewig, VOTE unanimous.

CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PAYROLL WARRANT #13: Pete Thibodeau MOVED to accept warrant #13 for school and town payroll and payables, SECOND by Tim McDonald. VOTE unanimous:

Municipal payroll: $31,566.35

Municipal accounts payable: $126,015.83

School payroll: $183,261.24

School accounts payable: $121,753.19

ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Tim McDonald, SECOND by Douglas Ludewig to adjourn at 8:16 pm. VOTE unanimous.

Recording Secretary: Deborah Nichols