TotalPlant Alcont and Printa

System start-up R682Doc-To-Help Standard Manual

TotalPlant Alcont and Printa

System start-up R682

Release: System Releases



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1 Overview 1

1.1 Document purpose 1

1.2 Names used in examples 1

1.3 Preliminary steps 1

1.4 Initial data 2

2 System definitions 3

2.1 Department 3

2.2 Highways 3

2.3 Modules 4

2.3.1 Module cards 8

2.4 Cards and I/Os 9

2.4.1 Processor cards 9

2.4.2 I/O extension rack cards 10

2.4.3 Memory cards 11

2.4.4 Cards provided with control execution environment 12

2.4.5 Node module cards 12

2.5 Process areas 13

2.5.1 Tool picture process area (VSYSAREA) 13

2.5.2 OPC (OLE for Process Control) data connection process area (OPCAREA) 13

2.5.3 Process areas 14

2.5.4 Process areas required for Printa operating 14

2.6 Back-up copy storages 15

2.6.1 Back-up copy storage AAF_RD_U 15

2.6.2 Back-up copy storages for other units 15

2.7 Users 17

2.8 Unit groups 17

2.9 Logical devices 20

2.10 Devices 20

2.10.1 Memory cards 20

2.10.2 Process module’s trend memory 21

2.10.3 Storage module’s trend memory 22

2.10.4 Peripherals 22

2.11 Data storage groups 23

2.12 Directories 24

2.13 Trend storage paths 24

2.14 Alarm output modes 24

2.15 Alarm areas 25

2.16 Local area network interfaces 25

2.17 Structures 26

2.18 System start-up 28

2.18.1 Packet lists of units 28

2.18.2 Compile packet lists 29

2.18.3 Route map 29

2.19 Additional functions 30

2.19.1 Open Data Exchange interface (ODX) 30

2.19.2 ODX or OPC interface to the FC’s Ethernet port 30

3 Environmental variables 31

3.1 Overview 31

3.2 Environmental variables – resilience and re-loading 31

3.3 Structure of environmental variable file 32

3.3.1 ENVSY environmental variable file contents 32

3.3.2 ENVAP environmental variable file contents 32

3.4 Environmental variable files in design module 35

3.4.1 ENVSY environmental variable file 35

3.4.2 ENVAP environmental variable file 35

4 ETI Start-up 37

4.1 Preliminary steps 37

4.2 Start-up 38

4.3 ETI connection problems 39

4.3.1 Error message 64H, 65H or 66H 40

4.3.2 Error message No answer 34H 41

5 Checking modules and devices 42

5.1 Checking modules 42

5.2 Checking devices 42

5.3 Checking the environmental variables 43

5.4 Creating Printa module’s mass memory card and directories 43


6.1 Creating DDMBOOT directory 45

6.2 Checking DDMBOOT directory and files 46


7.1 MEMTABFILE.OBJ file 47

7.1.1 Copying MEMTABFILE 48

7.2 AEMBOOT directory 49

8 Halting operation 50

8.1 OPI units 50

8.2 BBI units 50

9 Structures 51

9.1 CONFBUP structure (Back-up copy storages) for OM1/OM2 pair 51

9.1.1 Creating CONFBUP 51

9.1.2 Loading CONFBUP 51

9.2 UNIGRP structure (Unit groups) 51

9.2.1 Creating UNIGRP 51

9.2.2 Loading UNIGRP 52

9.3 CONFBUP structure (Back-up copy storages) for other units 52

9.4 Creating other structures for OMs 52

9.4.1 Loading other structures to OMs 52

9.5 Run-time situation pictures (Saved situations) 53

9.6 Checking modules for structures 53

10 Loading 54

10.1 Checking system definitions 54

10.2 Loading system messages 55

10.3 Loading effects 55

10.4 Loading system pictures 55

10.5 Loading 0 display 56

10.6 Loading Local area network interfaces 56

10.7 Loading Alcont I alarms 56

10.8 Loading new backup copy storage 57

10.9 Commissioning hardcopy picture (OPI) 57

10.10 Loading the Printing Press Editor definitions 57

11 Increasing DDM definition table size 58

11.1 Purpose 58


12.1 Changing CONFBUP to be department-specific with the System Builder 59

12.2 Changing CONFBUP to be department-specific with Daxmon 59

13 4 Mbit/s support for FC Upline 60

13.1 Replacing the PAE packet for UIX/FST 60

14 Definitions required by FC Ethernet ODX and OPC interface 61

14.1 FC’s ODX and OPC interface limitations 61

14.2 Defining the IP address for the FC’s Ethernet interface 61

15 Data to be returned to Software production 62

TotalPlant Alcont and Printa Contents · iii

System start-up R682 05/2008

1  Overview

1.1  Document purpose

This document contains the start-up instructions for system release 670. The Design module version must be 4.40.105 or higher.

Note! The System release 682 supports only ETI start-up.

This document doesn’t contain user instructions for the Design Module Explorer or builders. Those are contained in the Configuration Manual.

1.2  Names used in examples

The following names are used in the examples included:

Project directory / PROJECT
Deparment directory / 000
Department / XPRDEP
Process area / VALVOMO, WET
Modules / DM1, OM1, OM2, PM1
First application disk: / D:
The \AC_CONF\APPL\ directory of the first application disk is set as M:\.

The following are reserved names in the system:


1.3  Preliminary steps

Check that the design module version is compatible with the system version. The version data is displayed at the bottom left-hand corner of the TotalPlant Explorer main page. The design module version must be at least 4.40. 105 if the system version is 682.

Note! The system’s language version is selected in conjunction with the design module software installation.

1.4  Initial data

The following initial data items, at least, are required for the system definitions (consult the project’s chief designer, for example).

·  System diagram which shows the module names, module structure, highways and highway addresses.

·  Department name

·  Back-up copy storages

·  Process areas

·  Process area users and their passwords

·  Alarm areas, alarm output modes and alarm output devices

·  Devices

·  Mass memory cards' allocation to system software packages, system definitions, pictures, application and data storage units.

·  Unit load lists.

·  Special functions, such as data storage units, trends, hardcopy definitions and Printa system printing press definitions.

The following system definitions are not required in the system start-up:

·  I/O definitions.

·  Database definitions (Pacman)

·  Serial interface definitions

·  Data storage groups

·  Project-specific application pictures.

2  System definitions

2.1  Department

A system’s project and department definitions are made by using the Create new function found in the Design Module Explorer’s File menu.

Always check the department name with the System Builder.
From the System Builder, select Definition / Department and correct the department name to comply with that defined with the explorer if necessary.

Note! If you change the department name, you have to update the new name to directory paths already defined. Directory paths are defined using the Definition menu's Directories function in the system builder.

2.2  Highways

Access the System Builder and select Definition / Highways.

The data required for the definition window, such as the highway names, are normally found in the system diagram made by the hardware design department.

An example of system highway definition:

Name: / SYSBUS
Type: / UPLINE
Usage mode: / SYSTEM HIGHWAY

Once the module and card definitions have been completed, you may check the units connected to the highways by clicking on the Show push button in the Highways definition window’s toolbar.

FC allows the highway transmission rate of 4 Mbit/s. To use this feature the PAE software of the UIX/FST must be replaced if the card is not ordered with the correct PAE version. To replace the software, see instructions in section 13, 4 Mbit/s support for FC Upline.

2.3  Modules

Define as modules all the modules contained in the system, including Field Controllers (FC) and I/O extension racks plus any units containing application blocks, such as the SCI, BBI and IBI cards that are provided with a control execution environment.

SCI cards, which are used to connect alarm or report printers to the system are not defined as modules.

Also BBI cards (BBI NPA/N/01) which act as pairs of ETI cards in an OM are not defined as modules.

Access the System Builder and select Definition / Modules. Select the toolbar’s New push button and write the name of the module to be defined. Use the toolbar’s Show push button to check module definitions.


Note! The system software requires the default department ACEXEDPT which must always be defined as a module.

An example defining the ACEXEDPT default department module:

Module: / ACEXEDPT
Module type: / AC1
Module code: / AC1 0.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Reserve module:
Pass through: / no
Interface module 1: / OM1
Interface module 2: / OM2

Design module

Note! Module definition is not needed for Design modules which are connected to the system via an ETI card.

An example defining design module DM1 for the XPRDEP department. This module connects to the system via the ETI card.

Module: / DM1
Module type: / DM
Department: / XPRDEP
Highway connection card's type

Note! Leave the Highway interface card type field empty when the design module connects to the system via an ETI card.

Operation module

An example defining operation module OM1 for the XPRDEP department:

Module: / OM1
Module type: / OM
Module code: / OM 2.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Cabinet: / CCBS01
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / LPS/ST/N
Pass through: / Yes

Process module (including FC)

If the module to be defined is Field Controller (FC) see Configuration Manual document PROFIBUS Configuration for FC.

If the module to be defined acts as the host process module for an I/O extension rack see Application Planning Guide document Definitions for I/O extension.

An example defining process module PM1 for the XPRDEP department:

Module: / PM1
Module type: / PM
Module code: / PM 1.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Cabinet: / CCBP01/A
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / LPS/ST/N
Reserve module:
Pass through: / No

An example defining redundant process module PM9P1 for the XPRDEP department.

Module: / PM9P1
Module type: / PM
Module code: / PM 1.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Cabinet: / CCBP05/A
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / MPS
Reserve module: / PM9P2
Pass through: / No

Note! The System Builder automatically creates a module whose name is PM9P2 (back-up module). Cards are not defined for the back-up module. See the example of the chapter Cards and I/Os / Processor cards. See also the Configuration Manual / System Builder / Definition / Modules.

I/O extension rack

For instructions see Application Planning Guide document Definitions for I/O extension.

Note! Starting from the system release R682 it is possible to convert VPR-based process modules into I/O extension racks. In practice this means that the Module, Card and I/O definitions of each VPR-based module must be reconfigured as an I/O extension rack by noticing, among other things, that
- in the Module definition IOR must be selected as the Module type.
- in the Edit cards definition the IOC/ST/N must be selected as the
processor card (card slot P1) although the physical card is VPR.

Storage module

An example defining storage module SM1 for the XPRDEP department:

Module: / SM1
Module type: / SM
Module code: / SM 1.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Cabinet: / CCBS01
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / LPS/ST/N
Reserve module:
Pass through: / Yes

SCI card

An example of a SCI card’s module definition. The SCI card is located in the process module PM1 in the card slot 9. (Cards that are provided with control execution environment must be defined as modules. These kind of cards are IBI, BBI and SCI, except for SCI cards for printer connection.)

Module: / PM1SCI09
Module type: / PM
Module code: / PM 0.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Power supply type:
Power supply unit:
Reserve module:
Pass through: / no

Universal module

An example defining universal module UM1 for the XPRDEP department:

Module: / UM1
Module type: / UM
Module code: / UM 1.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Cabinet: / CCBS02
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / LPS/ST/N
Reserve module:
Pass through: / no

Node module

If the system connects to other departments via the mill highway, then the other departments’ node modules must be defined in the module definitions. In the example, HONEYOM2 is the node module through which connection can be made to the HONEY department. The module type must invariably be DEP and the code DEP 0.0. As for the module cards, the only ones to be edited are the main processor and the UIX cards. In card definitions, UIX is named as HONUIX08, for example.

An example defining node module HONEYOM2 for the XPRDEP department:

Module: / HONEYOM2
Module type: / DEP
Module code: / DEP 0.0
Department: / HONEY
Reserve module:
Pass through: / No

Alcont I interface module and QALCONT module

For the definitions of the Alcont I interface module and the QALCONT module, see Application Planning Guide document Alcont I Interface.

Printa module

An example defining Printa system’s Printa module (PRM):

Module: / PRM1
Module type: / MM
Module code: / MM 1.0
Department: / XPRDEP
Capinet: / CCBS02
Power supply type: / 240VAC
Power supply unit: / LPS/ST/N
Reserve module:
Pass through: / Yes

Imposition programme PC

Note! The module definition for a Printa system’s imposition programme PC is needed only if the module connects to the system via the PI2-A card. The imposition program PC (e.g. RPG1) is defined in the same way as the design module.