SAS Macro Language: Reference

SAS Macro Language: Reference

SAS Macro Language: Reference

What's New in the SAS 9 and 9.1 Macro Language Facility

Understanding and Using the Macro Facility

Introduction to the Macro Facility

Getting Started with the Macro Facility

Replacing Text Strings Using Macro Variables

Generating SAS Code Using Macros

More Advanced Macro Techniques

Other Features of the Macro Language

SAS Programs and Macro Processing

Introduction to SAS Programs and Macro Processing

How SAS Processes Statements without Macro Activity

How SAS Processes Statements with Macro Activity

Macro Variables

Introduction to Macro Variables

Macro Variables Defined by SAS

Macro Variables Defined by Users

Using Macro Variables

Displaying Macro Variable Values

Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly

Manipulating Macro Variable Values with Macro Functions

Macro Processing

Introduction to Macro Processing

Defining and Calling Macros

How the Macro Processor Compiles a Macro Definition

How the Macro Processor Executes a Compiled Macro

Summary of Macro Processing

Scopes of Macro Variables

Introduction to the Scopes of Macro Variables

Global Macro Variables

Local Macro Variables

Writing the Contents of Symbol Tables to the SAS Log

How Macro Variables Are Assigned and Resolved

Examples of Macro Variable Scopes

Macro Expressions

Introduction to Macro Expressions

Defining Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Arithmetic Expressions

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Logical Expressions

Macro Quoting

Introduction to Macro Quoting

Deciding When to Use a Macro Quoting Function and Which Function to Use

Using the %STR and %NRSTR Functions

Using the %BQUOTE and %NRBQUOTE Functions

Referring to Already Quoted Variables

Deciding How Much Text to Mask with a Macro Quoting Function


Summary of Macro Quoting Functions and the Characters They Mask

Unquoting Text

How Macro Quoting Works

Other Functions That Perform Macro Quoting

Interfaces with the Macro Facility

Introduction to Interfaces with the Macro Facility

DATA Step Interfaces

Using SAS Language Functions in the DATA Step and Macro Facility

Interfaces with the SQL Procedure

Interfaces with the SAS Component Language

SAS/CONNECT Interfaces

Storing and Reusing Macros

Introduction to Storing and Reusing Macros

Saving Macros in an Autocall Library

Saving Macros Using the Stored Compiled Macro Facility

Macro Facility Error Messages and Debugging

General Macro Debugging Information

Troubleshooting Your Macros

Debugging Techniques

Writing Efficient and Portable Macros

Introduction to Writing Efficient and Portable Macros

Keeping Efficiency in Perspective

Writing Efficient Macros

Writing Portable Macros

Macro Language Elements

Introduction to Macro Language Elements

Macro Statements

Macro Functions

Automatic Macro Variables

Interfaces with the Macro Facility

Selected Autocall Macros Provided with SAS Software

Selected System Options Used in the Macro Facility

Macro Language Dictionary

Macro Language Dictionary

%ABORT Statement

%BQUOTE and %NRBQUOTE Functions

CMDMAC System Option

%CMPRES and %QCMPRES Autocall Macros

%* Macro Comment Statement

%COMPSTOR Autocall Macro

%COPY Statement

%DATATYP Autocall Macro

%DISPLAY Statement

%DO Statement

%DO, Iterative Statement

%DO %UNTIL Statement

%DO %WHILE Statement

%END Statement

%EVAL Function


%GLOBAL Statement

%GOTO Statement

%IF-%THEN/%ELSE Statement

IMPLMAC System Option

%INDEX Function

%INPUT Statement

INTO Clause

%label Statement

%LEFT and %QLEFT Autocall Macro

%LENGTH Function

%LET Statement

%LOCAL Statement

%LOWCASE and %QLOWCASE Autocall Macros

%MACRO Statement

MACRO System Option




%MEND Statement

MERROR System Option

MFILE System Option


MLOGIC System Option

MLOGICNEST System Option

MPRINT System Option

MPRINTNEST System Option

MRECALL System Option

MSTORED System Option

MSYMTABMAX= System Option

MVARSIZE= System Option

%NRBQUOTE Function

%NRQUOTE Function

%NRSTR Function

%PUT Statement

%QCMPRES Autocall Macro

%QLEFT Autocall

%QLOWCASE Autocall Macro

%QSCAN Function

%QSUBSTR Function

%QSYSFUNC Function

%QTRIM Autocall Macro

%QUOTE and %NRQUOTE Functions

%QUPCASE Function

RESOLVE Function

%RETURN Statement

SASAUTOS= System Option

SASMSTORE= System Option

%SCAN and %QSCAN Functions

SERROR System Option

%STR and %NRSTR Functions

%SUBSTR and %QSUBSTR Functions

%SUPERQ Function

SYMBOLGEN System Option

%SYMDEL Statement

SYMDEL Call Routine

%SYMEXIST Function


SYMGET Function

SYMGETN Function

%SYMGLOBL Function


%SYMLOCAL Function


SYMPUT Routine


SYSBUFFR Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSCALL Statement

SYSCC Automatic Macro Variable

SYSCHARWIDTH Automatic Macro Variable

SYSCMD Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDATE Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDATE9 Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDAY Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDEVIC Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDMG Automatic Macro Variable

SYSDSN Automatic Macro Variable

SYSENV Automatic Macro Variable

SYSERR Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSEVALF Function

%SYSEXEC Statement

SYSFILRC Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSFUNC and %QSYSFUNC Functions

%SYSGET Function

SYSINDEX Automatic Macro Variable

SYSINFO Automatic Macro Variable

SYSJOBID Automatic Macro Variable

SYSLAST Automatic Macro Variable

SYSLCKRC Automatic Macro Variable

SYSLIBRC Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSLPUT Statement

SYSMACRONAME Automatic Macro Variable

SYSMENV Automatic Macro Variable

SYSMSG Automatic Macro Variable

SYSNCPU Automatic Macro Variable

SYSPARM Automatic Macro Variable

SYSPARM= System Option

SYSPBUFF Automatic Macro Variable

SYSPROCESSID Automatic Macro Variable

SYSPROCESSNAME Automatic Macro Variable

SYSPROCNAME Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSPROD Function

%SYSRC Autocall Macro

SYSRC Automatic Macro Variable

%SYSRPUT Statement

SYSSCP and SYSSCPL Automatic Macro Variables

SYSSCPL Automatic Macro Variable

SYSSITE Automatic Macro Variable

SYSSTARTID Automatic Macro Variable

SYSSTARTNAME Automatic Macro Variable

SYSTIME Automatic Macro Variable

SYSUSERID Automatic Macro Variable

SYSVER Automatic Macro Variable

SYSVLONG Automatic Macro Variable

%TRIM and %QTRIM Autocall Macro

%UNQUOTE Function

%UPCASE and %QUPCASE Functions

%VERIFY Autocall Macro

%WINDOW Statement


Reserved Words in the Macro Facility

Macro Facility Word Rules

Reserved Words

SAS Tokens

What Are SAS Tokens?

List of Tokens

Syntax for Selected Functions Used with the %SYSFUNC Function

Summary Descriptions and Syntax

Recommended Reading


Introduction to the Macro Facility

Getting Started with the Macro Facility
Replacing Text Strings Using Macro Variables
Generating SAS Code Using Macros
More Advanced Macro Techniques
Other Features of the Macro Language

SAS Programs and Macro Processing

Introduction to SAS Programs and Macro Processing
How SAS Processes Statements without Macro Activity
How SAS Processes Statements with Macro Activity

Macro Processing

Introduction to Macro Processing
Defining and Calling Macros
How the Macro Processor Compiles a Macro Definition
How the Macro Processor Executes a Compiled Macro
Summary of Macro Processing
Introduction to Macro Variables
Macro Variables Defined by SAS

Macro Variables Defined by Users

Using Macro Variables

Displaying Macro Variable Values

Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly

Manipulating Macro Variable Values with Macro Functions

Scopes of Macro Variables

Introduction to the Scopes of Macro Variables

Global Macro Variables

Local Macro Variables

Writing the Contents of Symbol Tables to the SAS Log

How Macro Variables Are Assigned and Resolved

Examples of Macro Variable Scopes

Macro Expressions

Introduction to Macro Expressions

Defining Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Arithmetic Expressions

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Logical Expressions

Macro Quoting

Introduction to Macro Quoting

Deciding When to Use a Macro Quoting Function and Which Function to Use

Using the %STR and %NRSTR Functions

Using the %BQUOTE and %NRBQUOTE Functions

Referring to Already Quoted Variables

Deciding How Much Text to Mask with a Macro Quoting Function


Summary of Macro Quoting Functions and the Characters They Mask

Unquoting Text

How Macro Quoting Works

Other Functions That Perform Macro Quoting

Interfaces with the Macro Facility

Introduction to Interfaces with the Macro Facility

DATA Step Interfaces

Using SAS Language Functions in the DATA Step and Macro Facility

Interfaces with the SQL Procedure

Interfaces with the SAS Component Language

SAS/CONNECT Interfaces

Storing and Reusing Macros

Introduction to Storing and Reusing Macros

Saving Macros in an Autocall Library

Saving Macros Using the Stored Compiled Macro Facility

Macro Facility Error Messages and Debugging

General Macro Debugging Information

Troubleshooting Your Macros

Debugging Techniques

Writing Efficient and Portable Macros

Introduction to Writing Efficient and Portable Macros

Keeping Efficiency in Perspective

Writing Efficient Macros

Writing Portable Macros

Macro Language Elements

Introduction to Macro Language Elements

Macro Statements

Macro Functions

Automatic Macro Variables

Interfaces with the Macro Facility

Selected Autocall Macros Provided with SAS Software

Selected System Options Used in the Macro Facility