

I will use my enthusiasm and knowledge in the sciences to educate, motivate, and provide guidance for students within a college setting while continuing to professionally develop.


BIO 120 – Nutrition Course Coordinator

Parkland Community College, IL Fall 2001-Present

Developed honors, online and traditional curriculum. Developed PowerPoint lectures and video lectures. Prepared exams, homework and in-class activities to assess student learning.

KIN 181 – Community Health Course Coordinator

Parkland Community College, IL Fall 2006-Present

Developed in-house course curriculum. Prepared exams, lecture material, homework and in-class activities to assess student learning.

KIN 288 – Exercise Physiology Course Coordinator

Parkland Community College, IL Spring 2007-Present

Developed in-house course: lecture, lab, quizzes, and activities.

KIN 186 – Human Movement Course Coordinator

Parkland Community College, IL Fall 2006-Present

Developed in-house course: lecture, lab, quizzes, and activities.

BIO 122 – Anatomy & Physiology II Instructor

Parkland Community College, IL Fall 2002-Present

Developed material for self-contained course and hybrid course. Developed PowerPoint lectures, prepared readiness evaluation and module exams, revised labs and prepared activities to assess student learning.

BIO 111 – Introductory Anatomy & Physiology Instructor

Parkland Community College, IL Fall 2001-Fall 2007

Prepared course and lab materials for in house and online instruction.


Master of Science Exercise Physiology University of Illinois U/C May 2010

GPA: 3.7 / 4.0

Master of Science Animal Sciences University of Illinois U/C August 1999

GPA: 3.7 / 4.0

Bachelor of Science Animal Sciences University of Illinois U/C May 1997

GPA: 3.5 / 4.0 Summa Cum Laude


Exercise, Cognition and Academic Performance Research Coordinator

University of Illinois U/C January 2008-May 2010

Managed graduate student research. Implemented activity based intervention.

Extruded Fiber Diets in Humans Research Assistant/Technician

University of Illinois U/C January 2000-August 2001

Authored grant proposal. Developed research trials. Managed graduate student research.

Nutritional Effects of Fiber in Dog Diets Graduate Research Assistant

University of Illinois U/C May 1997-August 1999

Performed ileal-cannulation surgery. Determined diet digestibility using internal markers.

Muscle Glycogen in Livestock Research Technician

University of Illinois U/C May 1996-December 1996

Analyzed for muscle glycogen concentration using the aid of atomic absorption.

Nutritionally Combating Environmental Stressors Research Technician

University of Illinois U/C August 1995-May 1996

Quantified stress’s effects on respiratory quotient, body composition and energy output.

Genetic Aspects of Nutrition Research Technician

University of Illinois U/C January 1994-December 1995

Performed Northern Blots, Southern Blots and gel electrophoresis.


· Parkland College’s Teaching Excellence Award Recipient (2016)

· Central Illinois Business Magazine – Forty Under 40 Award Recipient (2014)

· Parkland College’s Online Teaching Excellence Award Recipient (2011)

· Faculty fellow at UIUC Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership (awarded 2007)

· Outstanding Blended Course Award for Excellence in Distance Learning from ITC (2006).


· Wrote and co-hosted: Surrounded by Science 1-hour program focusing on carbohydrates in our food; a miniseries with 8 half-hour programs entitled “The Nutrition Mission”.

· Invited speaker on topics such as: The good, the bad and the ugly of online education; Entrepreneurial education – just good practice; Faculty collaboration - linked courses

· Lectured at the “World of Science” lecture series speaking on Nutrition Basics

· Member of Parkland Speaker’s Bureau. Spoke to Girl Scouts, MOPS and CU Women’s Business Club, Mahomet Running Club, and more regarding nutrition.


Authored research proposal that was awarded $130K to study the gastrointestinal effects of extruded fiber (CFAR, competitive internal grant at University of Illinois U/C. 2000-2003).

Authored a proposal that was awarded $10K associated with UIUC Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership. The grant funded the redesign of BIO 120 with an entrepreneurial approach.


Burkhalter, T.M., and C.H. Hillman. 2011. A Narrative Review of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity to Cognition and Scholastic Performance across the Human Lifespan. Adv. Nutr. 2: 201S-206S.

Burkhalter, T.M., N.R. Merchen, L.L. Bauer, S.M. Murray, A.R. Patil, J.L. Brent, Jr., and G.C. Fahey, Jr. 2001. The ratio of Insoluble to Soluble Fiber Components in Soybean Hulls Affects Ileal and Total Tract Nutrient Digestibilities and Fecal Characteristics of Dogs. J. Nutr. 131: 1978-1985.

Burkhalter, T.M., K.S. Swanson, and N.R. Merchen. 1999. Factors influencing prececal availability of amino acids from dog foods. Proceedings of the 1999 Purina Nutrition Forum.

Dust, J.M., A.M. Gadja, E.A. Flickenger, T.M. Burkhalter, N.R. Merchen, J.C. Fahey. 2004. Extrusion conditions affect chemical composition and in vitro digestion of select food ingredients. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52: 2989-2996.

Karr-Lilienthal, L.K., G.C. Fahey, Jr., M.A. Flahaven, T.M. Burkhalter, and N.R. Merchen. 2005. Variations in the Insoluble: Soluble Fiber Ratio of Select Fiber Sources Affect Digestive Characteristics in Swine. J. Anim. Sci. 83: