Title: Rounding Whole Numbers Flashcards

Purpose: To strengthening student’s skill of rounding whole numbers to the nearest place value,

From tens to ten millions

Grade Level/TEKS Reference: Fourth grade & up

4(5) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student estimates to determine reasonable results. The student is expected to:

(A) round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand to approximate reasonable results in problem situations

Length of time necessary for game or Activity: At least 10 minutes

Number of Participants: 1 student

Source for Game: http://www.aplusmath.com/flashcards/rounding.html


1. Follow the link to the website.

2. Click on “Max Value” box and select the maximum value you want to be quizzed on. Then click on” Change” to apply it.

3. Once you selected a skill, a number will appear. It will have directions explaining what place value to round to. Type in your response in the answer box and Click “ENTER”

4. In the Message box you will get a note: (Correct! & with a phrase confirming why your answer is correct) or (Sorry. Your answer # is incorrect. Then posting the correct answer)


* There are a total of 10 questions per value.

** On the top right hand side of the screen, there is information to keep tract of progress: the number correct; the total number attempted, and the actual score.

5. The total questions are 10, & as you answer each question the correct number is posted, along with the attempts (which should always be 10) & score is kept in percentage form

6. If at any time you wish to start over, all you have to do is Click on the “Start Over” box under the “Max Value” box

7. On the left side of the rounding flashcards you have other options:

a. Flashcard icon — Click & you will find other math flashcards practice

b. Game room — Click & you will find different math games

c. Homework Helper — Click & you will find other useful tools for math

d. Worksheets — Click & you will find worksheets for printing & worksheets online to practice math skills

Adapted by: Julia H. Tovar (2011)

Directions modified by: Ibet Caro (2012)