City of Cape May Historic Preservation Commission

Monday, August 25, 2014 - 6:30 PM

Opening: The regular meeting of the City of Cape May Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Coupland at 6:30 PM. In Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this meeting was provided.


Roll Call:

Mr. Coupland, Chairman Present

Mr. Fontaine, Vice Chairman Absent - excused

Mr. Carroll Present

Mr. Clemans Absent - excused

Mr. Cogswell Present

Mr. Furlin Present

Mrs. Hartman Present

Mr. Connolly Alt. 1 Present

Mrs. Pontin Alt. 2 Present

Also Present: Robert Fineberg, Esquire – Commission Solicitor

Edie Kopsitz, Secretary


Moore, 1106 New Jersey Avenue, 1115/4&5, Non-Contributing, Resolution #2014-25

Ritz, 1603 New Jersey Avenue, 1186/18.02 & 19, Non-Contributing, Resolution #2014-26

Daly/DeBlasio, 727 Page Street, 1077/9, Non-Contributing, Resolution #2014-27

Motion made by Mr. Cogswell to approve Resolutions #2014-25, #2014-26 and #2014-27. Seconded by Mr. Carroll and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: Mr. Furlin on Daly/Delasio #2014-27. Those abstaining: None.

Applications approved in Review:

Gl Realty, 11 Perry Street, 1034/18, Non-Contributing - Windows

Tyson/Fitzapova, 712 Lafayette Street, 1080/1.02, Contributing – Fence

Aubinoe, 729 Columbia Avenue, 1066/12, Contributing – Paver Repair

Tiburzio, 412 Washington Street, 1042/8, Contributing – Door

Kurkowski, 807 Corgie Street, 1091/20 & 21, Not Rated – Fence

Martinstein, 101 Philadelphia Avenue, 1116/31, Not Rated – Windows

Howard, 411 Jefferson Street, 1086/3, Contributing – Roof

Glasser, 1213 Lafayette Street, 1061/85.01, Non Contributing - Roof

Motion made by Mrs. Hartman to accept the applications approved in Review. Seconded by Mr. Connolly and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.




William Lambert, General Contractor is representing owners Anthony and Sheila Williams who were not present. Mr. Lambert stated the owners are requesting a rear addition of approximately 324 square feet that will include a Bedroom and Bathroom. Mr. Lambert included drawings completed by himself and was part of the application.

Members were not opposed to this addition however they are requesting the owners to obtain professional Architectural drawings that will include detailed elevations and a survey for their perusal. It was suggested the application be tabled in order for the contractor to speak with the owners.

Motion made by Mr. Cogswell to table the application waiving all time constraints scheduling for September 22, 2014. Seconded by Mr. Carroll and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

HELBIG……………………………….…………………………..…………..……315 JACKSON STREET


Louis Dwyer, Esquire representing the owners Leonard and Kelly Helbig, property owners who were present along with their professional Joseph A. Courter, Jr., Architected. Applicant proposes construction of one-story, 450 square foot building for the purpose of a miniature golf operation and offices photos of subject property; site plan dated August 18, 2014 by Joseph A. Courter, Jr., architect; site plan dated August 18, 2014 by ARH Associates, Inc. Mr. Dwyer stated that demolition of an existing non-rated commercial building was approved pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-30 on November 25, 2013. A conceptual review of the proposed new structure was made at that time, which included an ice cream take-out operation. The present proposed structure reduces the size of the proposed building. The proposed structure is reduced. Demolition of an existing non-rated commercial building was approved pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-30 on November 25, 2013. A conceptual review of the proposed new structure was made at that time, which included an ice cream take-out operation. The present proposed structure reduces the size of the proposed building. Materials propose: Roof a standing seam roof, cedar fascia, soffits, window trim, box columns, and wood fencing. Cedar shake exterior siding will be used, not clapboard. The windows will be Anderson Woodwright, Door - steel panel, Railings-anodized aluminum, Decking composite and foundation will be brick face.

Members were positive on the application, but had concerns regarding the cupola. Members requested the glass panels in the cupola will be milk-white glass not clear and the use of cedar shake for the exterior siding not cedar clapboard as indicated on the drawings.

Motion made by Mr. Carroll to approve the application as presented with two (2) alterations: the clapboard siding is to be cedar shake and the four (4) glass panels in the cupola be with a milk white glass versus clear glass . Seconded by Mr. Cogswell and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

DALY/DEBLASIO………………TABLED..………………………………………727 PAGE STREET


Chairman Coupland announced public comment will be conducted at the end of the presentation of this application before Members comments.

Louis Dwyer, Esquire representing the contracted buyers Marc and Pamela DeBlasio who were present along with their professional William McLees, Arhitect. Mr. Dwyer indicated that owner Peter Daly was in the audience. Mr. Dwyer then gave a brief review the comments from the July 28, 2014 that the application was tabled. Enlarge Architectural Drawings with a revised date of August 5, 2014 were reviewed in detail - Sheets A-1 – Site plan and Page Street, A-2 – Ground, 1st and 2nd Floor Plan, A-3 & A-4– Page Street Elevations. He explained they have reduced the size of the structure, reduction of the height and were mindful of the Commissions comments.

The meeting was open to the public at 7:05 pm with several concerned neighbors present who spoke in the negative of the application and they are as follows: Mark and Lauren Shenfield - 726 Corgie Street, Ron Deluca - 725 Page Street, Bob White-609 Jefferson Street, Rick Duff- 614 Jefferson Street, Joe McCauley - 813 Columbia, Harley Shuler-722 Corgie Street, Harry Belangey-511 Pearl Street, Brady-609 Jefferson Street and Mary Pat Meyers – 611 Jefferson Street all persons voiced their reason for the record. Speaking positive for the application was owner Peter Daly – 727 Page Street voiced his response and opinions to the opposing neighbors. Mr. Dwyer interjected throughout the public comment trying to respond to their concerns.

Members were negative on the proposed structure thanking the applicant for reducing the previous structure but expressed their concerns of the ever present mass that they are still proposing. It was recommended after lengthy discussion that the application be tabled. Mr. Coupland explained this structure is not a modern interpretation of a bungalow style structure and is not appropriate for the streetscape.

Motion made by Mr. Cogswell to table the application waiving all time constraints until September 22, 2014 with the understanding that the applicant will return with plans that are more suitable to what the Commission has tried to convey in the way of size, massing, height, materials of the proposed property. Seconded by Mrs. Hartman and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

MAJOR/PETER ..………………………………………………….…………………508 BROAD STREET


Louis Dwyer, Esquire representing Scott Peter who was present. Mr. Dwyer gave a brief review of the meeting July 28, 2014 that the application was tabled. Mr. Peter then distributed color copies of the proposed structure to every member. He then described using the Architectural plans dated February 2014 with a revision date of August 8, 2014 the proposed structure and stated he implemented all suggestions stated by the Commission (the inclusion of gable style roof, additional window, omitted the garage door and implemented doors with and the having the siding be Cedar Shake in keeping with the Architectural design of the house). Mr. Peter stated he kept in mind the streetscape. Mr. Dwyer stated they are seeking Conceptual approval of the Commission and applicant is appearing at the Zoning Board for variances.

Members were positive on the application complementing the applicant on revising his plans and embrace the Commission observations of the project. Mr. Carroll requested clarification on the railing system with Mr. Peter clarifying the railings are denoted on the plans (the baluster are 2x2 with spacing of 2 to 3 inches between) and the siding will be uniform.

Motion made by Mr. Cogswell to grant Conceptual Approval provided when the applicant returns for Final approval that the plan reflect Cedar shakes all around. Seconded by Mr. Carroll and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

MANGINI……………………………………………………………………1327 NEW JERSEY AVENUE


Christina Amey, Architect representing the owners John and Judy who were present. Ms. Amey stated the buildings they are proposing to demolish (single family and garage) are not historic and the two story single family with garage they are proposing will enhance and better blend in with the streetscape. Ms. Amey read into the record the 9 points contained within Zoning Ordinance §525-40 and marked A-1 for the record.

Motion made by Mr. Carroll to grant the demolition of the non rated structure. Seconded by Mr. Cogwell and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

Ms. Amey continued her presentation by using enlarge photo boards of the Plans and Elevations dated August 1, 2014 of the proposed 2 story structure with detached garage is approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed new structure will be a significant improvement to the streetscape. Materials to be used will include a GAF Timberline shingle roof; Azec fascia; fibercement shingle, pre-finished siding; Anderson 400 Series windows; Foundation Stone Veneer, Azec window trim; Therma-Tru doors; Fypon column wrap or Azec columns; Azec railings and Wolf synthetic decking.

Members were positive on the application in general but addressed their concerns regarding the foundation suggesting brick veneer rather than stone, privacy lattice be implemented rather than horizontal boards, metal on the roof tops, mullion in sliding windows and sliders; Azec soffit materials; choice of pavers, either brick or grass material. The detached garage is to match the dwelling in material and design. The applicant is to return to the review committee with the revised plans.

Motion made by Mr. Carroll to approve the application subject to the Review Committee looking at the elements of metal will be used on roof tops, brick rather stone on the base, privacy lattice versus azek also on the base, mullions on the sliding windows, soffit material as azek, pavers either brick or grass. Seconded by Mrs. Hartman and carried 7-0. Those in favor: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Furlin, Mr. Connolly, Mrs. Pontin and Mr. Coupland. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: None.

Discussion was entered regarding the 727 Page Street property regarding particulars of the proposed structure and concerns regarding the streetscape.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mrs. Pontin, seconded by Mr. Cogswell with all in favor at 9:25 pm.

A verbatim recording of said meeting is on file at the Construction/Zoning Office.

Respectfully submitted: Edie Kopsitz – Secretary