The University of Tennessee
University Accounting Inquiries
User Guide
This guide is available at http://www.utenn.edu/uwa/to/co/systems/
What is the University Accounting Inquiries system?
The University Accounting Inquiries System is a set of screens that display the University’s official accounting information including financial activity, balances, encumbrance, and budget information.
How can I get access to University Accounting Inquiries?
Access to the University Accounting Inquiries requires submission of 2 application forms. Since the screens run in the IMS environment, the “Application for Access to IMS/CICS” is required. In addition, the “Application for Access to Financial/HRIS Systems” is necessary to specify the account access a person needs. Both of these forms are available via the World Wide Web at www.utenn.edu/uwa/to/co under the option Forms where they may be completed interactively. The forms then must be printed, signed by the responsible person as indicated on the form and submitted to:
Data Base Administration
University-Wide Computing Services
102 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN, 37996-0112
Once your forms have been received, an IMS userid and password will be established and mailed to you if you are a new IMS user, and the “Application for Access to Financial/HRIS Systems” will be forwarded to the Controller’s Office where the account authorization occurs. Someone from the Financial Information, Systems, and Analysis section in the Controller’s Office will contact you when your University Accounting Inquiries access is complete.
How do I get access to additional accounts?
If you find that you need access to additional accounts after your initial form is processed, you may submit a memo requesting access to those accounts to:
Financial Information, Systems, and Analysis
201 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996-0100
As with the initial form, the memo must include the signature of the person responsible for the account(s).
If you change departments within the University, your access to the University Accounting Inquiries will be deactivated, and you must submit new IMS and Financial/HRIS forms.
u Signing on to University Accounting Inquiries
For information on signing on to IMS see the document “How to Sign On to IMS” , which can be found on the World Wide Web at the following address:
Once you have signed on to IMS, the “Administrative Applications” menu will be displayed. Choose Option 6 - "(CP) Choice Systems". Then, select the number associated with "FN FINMNU Financial Systems Menu". (Numbers are assigned dynamically based on the items you may access, so the number for this option may differ from person to person). At the Financial Systems menu, choose the number for "FN UGL UGLMNU University Accounting Inquiries".
Once you have signed onto the University Accounting Inquiries system, you will see the following menu:
u Navigating in the University Accounting Inquiries System
Menu Options
The University Accounting Inquiries Main Menu allows direct access into the account browses (which will be described in more detail) as well as the Activity screens, and the Report/Job Submission screen.
Browse Accounts Screens and the Action Field
There are three screens that allow browsing of accounts in different orders: by account number, alphabetically by account name, and by organizational structure (budget entity, college, department).
Each of these screens contains an Action field which is designated as *A. This field allows navigation to the other screens by indicating the Action Code to the left of the desired account. The current Action Codes are shown on the screen below, but you may type '?' in the Action field or press F1 while the cursor is positioned in the Action Field at any time to find the most current Action Codes.
The DE action will take you to the appropriate summary screen for your selected account. For example, if you specify DE in the action field next to an I (income) account, the Income Summary will be displayed. The individual actions will be described in more detail in a later section.
As you transfer to other screens you will continue to see the Action field. Follow the same procedures of using the '?' or F1 to find the Action Codes available on those screens.
Function Keys
There are standard Function keys within University Accounting inquiries that act the same from screen to screen. F1 is the Help key (see more on this in the section on Screen Conventions). F3 is the Exit key. For a browse or display containing more lines than will fit on a page, pressing F7 (backward) and F8 (forward) will allow you to move up and down within the list. For those screens that contain multiple panels in order to display all of the fields for a line, the additional panels may be accessed by pressing F11. Pressing F10 will return you to the previous screens (see more information in the section on Screen conventions).
Some screens have special Function keys to navigate to other screens. For example, if you are viewing an expense account summary screen you can toggle from grant-to-date totals to fiscal year-to-date totals by pressing F6.
When you are navigating using the Action field or special Function Keys, you must press F3 to exit back through each screen you accessed. For example, if you browse down to the detail object code grant-to-date summary and then F6 to the fiscal year-to-date screen and from there navigate to the account attributes screen, you will have to press F3 four times to return to the account browse screen. It is similar to browsing the web and using the back key to return to your home page.
Fast Path
Each screen contains a "Fast Path" or "Go To" option that is available by pressing F12.
Pressing F12 will present a pop-up menu that requests an Application Area, Sub-area, and Function. The application and sub-area will already be filled in as FN UGL (Financial - University General Ledger). The function is an abbreviation of the screen purpose; for example the function name for "Browse Accounts by Account Name" is BRWACTNAM. Pressing F1 will provide you with a listing of all the functions available within the sub-area. To select a function, position your cursor on the line and press ENTER.
To transfer to a screen in a different application and/or sub-area, enter the new values and press ENTER to register the new area. Then press F1 for a listing of functions in the new area.
Not all of the screens within University Accounting Inquiries are accessible directly via the fast path. However, those that are available include the main menu and all of the account browses, which allow quick access to all of the screens in the system. In the "Using the System" section of this guide, the screen abbreviations which may be used in the Fast Path are identified in parentheses to the right of the screen title.
u Screen Conventions
Most of the screens within the University Accounting Inquiries have the same "look and feel". The screens have the same layout, consistent headings, and similar terminology. There are a couple of screen conventions that are particularly helpful indentifying when additional information is available: the "*" F1 help indicator and the "# more >" indicator
* F1 Help
In the previous section on navigation, we discussed using F1 or '?' to list the actions available on the account browse screens. The F1 help feature is available for any field that is marked with an asterisk. To activate the help, tab to the field marked by the asterisk and press F1. A list of valid values for that field will be displayed.
# more > Indicator
Many of the displays and browses in this system contain two or more panels. For these screen sets, there will be an indication in the upper right corner to indicate the number of additional panels; it will appear as "1 more >", "2 more >". Press F11 to display these additional screens.
As you display the screen(s) using F11, you will notice an indicator in the upper left corner that specifies the number of screens you have already viewed; it will appear as "< 1 more", etc. Press F10 to display the previous screens.
Questions about University Accounting Inquiries?
If you encounter any problems or have any questions on the use of University Accounting Inquiries, please contact:
Controller’s Office
201 Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0100
Phone: (865) 974-2493
Fax: (865) 974-8646
or send e-mail to Judy Abbott at or Naomi Tackett at
This section describes the screens and options that are available. For each display or set of displays, a description is given and is followed by the corresponding screen image(s). The section begins with the Account Attribute screens and then follows with the Account Activity Displays. Following that is a description of the Account Summary screens for expense accounts; income accounts; and asset, liability and balance accounts. This section concludes with a description of the Report/Job Submission screens. It will be expanded to include information on the Purchase Order list when that option becomes available.
For those users who are familiar with the FNCLA system (a.k.a. Departmental Accounting), see the Section entitled "Using the System for FNCLA Users" to determine what action replaces the corresponding FNCLA screen.
Some of the screen titles are followed by an abbreviation in parentheses. This abbreviation may be used to access the screen directly from other screens or systems via the Fast Path option (F12). See the earlier section on Navigation for an in-depth explanation of the Fast Path.
Account Browse Screens
There are three screens that allow browsing of accounts. Each of these is accessible from
the main University Accounting Inquiries menu. They are as follows:
Browse Accounts by Account Number (FN UGL BRWACTNBR)
This screen lists accounts in numerical order. Type a whole or partial account number to the right of the Start List at Acct Nbr field and press ENTER to rebuild the list beginning with the specified account number. Use the Function keys F7 & F8 to scroll through the list.
This screen also displays the posting status of the account under the OPEN/CLOSED column. An account designated as OPEN may have activity post to it.
The last column on the screen is the ACCOUNT TYPE and will be either E for "expense", I for "income", or B for "asset, liability, or balance."
Browse Accounts by Account Name (FN UGL BRWACTNAM)
This screen lists accounts alphabetically by account name. Type text to begin the list to the right of the Start List at Acct Name field. Press ENTER to rebuild the list beginning with the text you specified. Use the Function keys F7 & F8 to scroll through the list.
This screen also displays the posting status of the account under the OPEN/CLOSED column. An account designated as OPEN may have activity post to it.
The last column on the screen is the ACCOUNT TYPE and will be either E for "expense", I for "income", or B for "asset, liability, or balance."
Browse Accounts by BE/College/Dept (FN UGL BRWACTORG)
This screen lists accounts in order by budget entity, college, and department codes. Type the codes you wish to start the list to the right of Start List at BE/College/Dept. Press ENTER to rebuild the list beginning with the organization you specified. Use the Function keys F7 & F8 to scroll through the list.
If you do not know the code for a particular area, position the cursor in the "Start List at" field and press F1. A pop-up window will appear that lists the department codes. You may designate a code to reposition the starting point of this list and/or use the F7 & F8 keys to browse through the list.
Once you have found your code, use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the code and press ENTER. The pop-up window will disappear and the code you selected will be present in the "Start List At" field. Press ENTER to rebuild the list beginning with this code.
You may notice that the accounts within each department are listed in account number order. You may also specify a whole or partial account number after the department code in the "Start List At" field. For example, you may specify an R to begin the list with the restricted expense accounts within the department.
In addition to account number and name, this screen also displays the posting status of the account under the OPEN/CLOSED column. An account designated as OPEN may have activity post to it.
The last column on the screen is the ACCOUNT TYPE and will be either E for "expense", I for "income", or B for "asset, liability, or balance."
Account Attribute Displays
Display Account Attributes
Display Restricted Account Attributes
Display Related Accounts
The Display Account Attributes screen shows all of the basic account attributes along with their translations, when applicable. This screen may be accessed by specifying AT in the action field (*Act) field of any Account Browse screen, and many of the other screens as well.
There are two screens of basic account attributes. Press F11 to view the second screen.
For a Restricted Expense Account, press F6 to view those attributes specific to restricted accounts.
Display Restricted Account Attributes may also be accessed by specifying GT in the action field from any Browse Account screen and many other screens, as well. If you use the GT option, you may then choose the F6 to transfer to the core account attributes.
Caution: Don’t toggle back and forth between screens using the F6 option. Return to the original screen using F3. If you use F6 several times consecutively, you may terminate your session.
From either of the attribute display screens (core or restricted) you may display related accounts by pressing F5. The Display Related Accounts will display any account associated with the related balance account of the account you were viewing. To access the Display Related Accounts screen directly from an account browse, type RA in the action field of the desired account.
Activity Screens
There are several screens available for viewing different types of activity: "actual" activity (for example, expense or income), encumbrances, expense budgets, income budgets. All of these activity screens are accessible from the University Accounting Inquiries Main Menu
Browse Activity -- Actuals (FN UGL BRWACTV)