The University of Manchester and Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust R&D Executive Risk Management Sub Committee

March 15th 2007 8-30 -9.30am Division Meeting Room


Present: Chris Griffiths, Peter Crowe, Sid Swindells, Hawys Williams, Linda Coulston, Wendy Johns, Deborah Swift, Linda Gibbons, John Crosby Margaret Hoadley, Steve Hopkins


Judy Hadfield

2. Minutes: Corrections

Item 7.

· PTC has met with Mike Hall, Roger Robinson and Richard Sandland about the re-planning and refurbishment of the CSB.

· There will be service diversions across the main car park due to the installation of new generators on site. 150 users have been relocated off the Essential Users car park.

Item 11.

· Radiation Advisory Group.

· Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Advisory Group.

3. Matters arising

Human Tissue Act SH

SH clarified some of the aspects of the Human Tissue Act. For example; all samples should have an accessible record, so that it can be ascertained if they are covered by the Act. It was agreed that there are grey areas, but SH will address this problem by liaising with the Principle Investigators. CG suggested that training should be given to individuals who may be unsure of their obligations in this auditing process.

Future Meetings will take place on the 2nd Thursday of every month CG


· Trust policy to follow regarding work wear policy away from work site. – JC

· Risk Assessments and Clinical Trials HW/LC

· Fire Security PTC

· First –Aid Boxes. LG

· Risk Assessments LG



· Regarding Risk Assessments and Clinical Trials:-A sub-group has been set up at the University with Richard Sherbourne. It has been agreed that Risk Assessments are included in the applications for approval, before a clinical trial can take place.

· HW is still meeting with key figures in order to develop her MHRA action plan. If an inspection is going to take place, a months notice will be given and a list of clinical trials approved since 2004 requested by the Authority.

· A merger with Salford Primary Care will take place on the 1st April 2007, which will double the number of staff involved with Research Governance. It is expected that this merger will yield more benefits than risks.


· B210 – The IT cabinet has been moved and the fume cupboard will go on Saturday.

· The builders will come in on Monday and strip the room prior to ceiling work taking place. Refurbishment will follow soon after. LG will sort out decontamination form.

· The Heating has been repaired and further pipe work will take place, when the system to the CSB has been turned off for the summer.

· Mike Hall and Roger Robinson are costing the plans for the Biomedical Facility.

· CSB car park – relining will take place the weekend of the 24th March, with the rest completed when the site has been cleared in August.

· The Homesteads have been demolished. The new build will start at the end of March once the working methods and risk assessments are in place)

· The construction of the new multi-storey car park will begin May-June and should be completed in October 2008. The capacity will be approximately equivalent to original parking capacity of the site.

· Fire equipment maintenance has been completed. All hose reels will be removed except for those in strategic positions. Some equipment may be re sited and extra fire extinguishers provided.


· Eight people responded to the e-mail regarding the UTB User Group. CG suggested that this group should be re-energised.

· PTC has liaised with Kate Lee regarding the re siting of Behavioural Medicine out of the CSB.

· PTC reported back from the Space Committee. It is the aim of the group to prepare a list of requirements related to space required per function. Architects will assist with the actual design.


· WJ has had no response as yet from Kirk Siddals regarding the de-designation of room B207. PTC will follow this up.

· HW met with WJ to discuss if Research applications addressed the issue of ionising radiation. This was confirmed.


There have been two near misses, which have been reported, indicating a good standard of awareness to the need of incident reporting.

· A clinical researcher was working with a strong adhesive in the Shared Clinical Research Area. Thinking that he may have splashed some in his eye, he immediately rinsed it with eye wash solution. Advice was given, that safety glasses should be worn when carrying out this type of procedure.

· A member of the Trust became stuck in the lift between floors in the CSB. She used the intercom to obtain help. The response was swift, but it was suggested by SH that a notice be placed in the lift, informing people that it may take a short while for help to arrive, should the lift fail out of hours.




· First Aid Boxes have been restocked with plasters

· Emergency First-Aiders lists have been prepared and sited appropriately

· An audit will take place to ascertain interest for further first aid courses on site


From the Biohazard/GM Committee meeting

· Patrick Seechurn (BSO) has requested that Project Applications more than 2 years old must be re submitted to the Committee, and Laboratory Self Inspection forms for Biological Agents must be completed. MH stressed that these forms should be filled in honestly, so that any problems can be dealt with before they become serious.


· LG and DS have sorted out modifications on the Lone Working and Out of Hours Policies to accommodate the circumstances in the UTB.

· DS has prepared a form to be signed by staff wishing to borrow equipment. DS explained that equipment cannot be pre booked and is issued on an adhoc basis. Undergraduate departments on other sites do not lend out equipment. CG will meet with Tim Dornan regarding this issue.

15. TIU LG


16. AOUB

JC informed the Committee that a new policy regarding the wearing of workwear off site is due out soon and will require stricter enforcement. JC will keep us informed.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday April 12th B101 8.30am