Materials Available to StudentsTakingState Assessments Beginning in 2005-2006
In the current testing environment, students are allowed to use manipulatives, graph paper, blank paper, and other materials as specified in the test directions. (These are to be provided, as available, by the school.)
Textbooks, dictionaries, computational tables, and other instructional/curricular materials are NOT to be used during testing. This includes classroom posters, teacher or student-generated journals, and other instructional materials that may have been used during the course of instruction and/or permitted during previous years’ testing.
Individual students may receive allowable accommodations that are regularly provided during classroom instruction and assessment activities. If applicable, these accommodations should be specified in a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan, or should be a part of a student assistance plan resulting from a school’s Student Intervention Team (SIT) process or an English Language Proficiency assessment. Allowable accommodations are detailed in the Examiner’s Manual.”
Additional Information on Available Materials
- Graphic organizers that are generated solely by the student on blank paper during the assessment are allowed.
- If you want to use an accommodation other than those listed in the Examiner’s Manual, call KSDE at 785.296.3996 or 785.296.4349. If the accommodation changes the construct being tested, the student will count as non-participating.
- Manipulatives that are routinely used in the classroom may be used by the student on the Kansas Assessments. The manipulative MUST be chosen by the student. The teacher may neither suggest a particular manipulative nor insist that a manipulative be used. Examples of manipulatives are listed on the back of this page. If you have a question about 1) whether something really is a manipulative, or 2) if a particular manipulative is allowable on the state assessment, please e-mail Sid Cooley, .
January 2007
Examples of Manipulatives Appropriate for the
State Mathematics Assessment
graph paper
integer number line
pattern blocks
color tiles (squares)
chips, two-color counters, two-sided counters
CUBES:multilink, connecting, color, wooden, unifix,multilink cubes
snap blocks
cuisenaire rods
number cubes
hundreds chart
rulers, meter sticks, protractors, compass
base 10 (ten) blocks
clock or clock face
transparent mirror or mira
geometric solids
Not all of these manipulatives will be found in a particular classroom. Manipulatives will not be useful on the assessment if they have not been used regularly during the year.
Calculators, not considered manipulatives, are allowed only on state-designated sections of the assessment.
External electronic devices, including cell phones, palm pilots, and similar devices are not allowed on any part of the assessment.
If you have a question about 1) whether something really is a manipulative, or 2) if a particular manipulative is allowable on the state assessment, please e-mail Sid Cooley, .
January 2007