7pm – 11 June 2015: St Peter’s Church, Walworth, SE17.
ITEM / COMMENTSWELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS. / Jeremy welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Attendees: Jeremy Leach; Marek Drewicz; Rev Peter Stevenson; Jim Beedell; Shelagh Farren; John Whelan; Norma Lawrence; Anne Roache; Louise Eggett; Paul McGann; Jerry Flynn; Harriet Hill; Diana Cochrane; Robert Middleton (Orbit Beers); Toby Eckersley; Steve Crawford; Charles Harvey; Celia Harvey; Darret Tomlin; Vincent Brown; David Carter.
Apologies: Apologies were received from: Nick Coombe, Liu Wang, Christine Tan, Peta Steel, Steve Lancashire, Isobel Durrant, Cllr Maisie Anderson, Cllr Eleanor Kerslake, Jay Hayter.
Follow up to WS meeting of May 2015:
Correction to previous minutes: Norma Lawrence should have been recorded as present at May’s meeting.
Kennedy’s: A letter was sent by the WS regarding the proposals for Kennedy’s which concluded that more positive signs of conservation works were required before harmful interventions could be considered. JB expressed concern about likelihood of further harmful works and suggested the Society needed to take a strong stance. NL agreed. DC felt we were already doing all we could in terms of monitoring the site and keeping close contacts with the architect.
Letters have been sent out in relation to both the Manor Place Depot and Occupation Road planning applications. Copies of these are available on our website.
JB had been unable to find any additional information regarding the Browning Street proposals.
1. Living Walworth Festival Review / Feedback discussions were held on the Living Walworth Festival. The group gave generally very positive feedback. SF mentioned there were other competing fetes and events that day. JW mentioned wide coverage and an estimated 2,000 visitors on the day. CH mentioned how excellent the children’s activities were. SK mentioned the excellent history presentation from DC. JW thanked all who had contributed. Suggested we should look at doing more of these kinds of outreach events.
TE recommended for future events we would benefit from an information leaflet setting out details about the Society.
JW proposed a meeting of the steering group to talk through the outcomes of the event and gather feedback.
Following comments by JB, JL mentioned a note of thanks will be sent to the residents of Liverpool Grove.
2. E&W Neighbourhood Plan / JF gave an update on progress on the neighbourhood plan. There will be a conference on the Saturday 4th of July at Inspire from 10am to discuss a new boundary for the plan. The E&C shopping centre, Rockingham Estate, Heygate Estate and OKR opportunity area are now likely be excluded from the plan. Cllr Williams has been invited to speak. Advice has been sought from DCLG. JB and SC expressed concerns over the reduction in the boundary and what would be left out.
3. Mobile Gardeners, New Kent Road / Paul McGann presented on the new community garden which has been set up on the New Kent Road. People are welcome to become members, can use it for recreation and can apply for plots for cultivation.
The mobile gardeners also have a grant from USS to help support other local groups and TRAs to develop their own projects.
PM will send on some publicity material to JL which we will circulate. Further information is available online at www.mobilegardeners.org
4. Orbit Beers Craft Brewery / Robert Middleton presented about the new craft beer company, Orbit Beers, which has recently been established in the Fielding Street Railway Arches. The brewery tap room is open to the public on Saturdays, usually 12-6pm (occasionally 10pm). Local customers can get a discount card from the tap room.
JB asked how the Society might help support future expansion. VB queried whether they were seeking to sell through local outlets and asked whether any of the naming/branding might more directly reflect an aspect of Walworth. RM confirmed this might be an option in the future, although the current branding focuses around a musical theme. TE queried whether the Society has a policy around promoting commercial enterprises. PS confirmed this is referenced in our charter in terms of supporting local businesses.
SC expressed concern about gradual loss of industrial buildings in the area which might support new local industries.
5. E&C Pub ACV application / JL explained the situation behind the proposed sale of the E&C public house and its change of use to an Estate Agency. A Community Asset application has been submitted and a decision is due next week which we will share. David Carter suggested the site might combine an information centre resource.
6. Walworth Road CA Project / DC gave an update with progress on the HAA report which will inform the Council’s Conservation Area Appraisal. The Appraisal is scheduled due to go to planning committee in June/July.
7. Planning Applications / JL mentioned the current planning application for 8 flats to the rear of the former Temple Bar (now Poundland) application ref 15/AP/1607. DC mentioned the importance of the view into Carter Place of the historic scale and grain and suggested the proposals could harm this view. JL mentioned it is a popular walking route through to Penrose Estate and queried whether any linked funding could be put to improving this. The meeting agreed we should send a consultation response addressing these points.
SC mentioned the Town Hall & Library site. Expressed concern over provision for books and a reference library and how this would relate to previous provision. HH mentioned she had heard the Cumming Museum have had their educational department closed with no indication it would reopen.
354 Walworth Road. JL mentioned proposals to insert a new retail unit on the side of the existing shop. The meeting agreed to send a consultation expressing concerns.
AOB / TE mentioned there will be an OKR community forum workshop on Tuesday 16 June.
AR raised concerns about the accumulation of graffiti on the Walworth Road. This needs to be addressed with councillors.
NL expressed concern about the condition of the trees on the Walworth Road.
JL mentioned the upcoming auction of the Thomas A Beckett pub and the intention to seek registration as an asset of community value. The meeting agreed with this. We will prepare an application to submit next week.
Committee Meeting Date. Due to OKR meeting is was agreed to change the date. TBC.
JL mentioned the Surry Gardens TRA summer event on Saturday 13 June. Members of the Society are invited to attend.
LE mentioned problems with dust around the Heygate demolition site and encouraged people to contact the Council if they have concerns. NL mentioned problems with dust and possible cracks/structural impacts on local properties. Also noted inadequate cleaning of the trucks and soil deposits on Heygate Street.
Date of next meeting: 7pm, Thursday 2 July. St Peter’s Church