The Skin I’m In Assessment-Chapters 1-12

Pick the ONE best answer for each question. Fill in the answer on the answer document. (10 point each)

1) Why is Miss Saunders at McClenton Middle School?

A. She quit her job and luckily found a teaching job

B. Her work had a program to let her teach in an inner city school

C. She was fired from her job, and since she knew the principal at McClenton, she was able to find a teaching job

D. She got a job as a teacher because she applied at a job fair hosted by her college

2) Why does Maleeka’s mother sew so much?

A. They can’t afford any new clothes

B. Her mom likes to save up play the stock market, so she sews her clothes instead of buying them

C. Sewing relaxes her mother, so Maleeka goes along with it

D. Maleeka’s mother is good at sewing. So, good that other students’ families buy clothes from her.

3) What is the math teacher’s name?

A. Miss Saunders

B. Tai

C. Mr. Pajolli

D. Desda

4) Why does Maleeka tell Daphne that Char was the one who kissed Worm?

A. She wants to get Char in trouble

B. She says it only to protect herself from getting into a fight

C. She lies about this so that Char will still be her friend

D. She really likes Worm and wants to see him get in trouble.

5) Why does Maleeka cut her hair?

A. She figures that if she looks different, people will see and treat her differently

B. She wants people to talk about her to help her become popular

C. Someone told her she was a model, so she decided to get a haircut like one

D. She wants to get back at her mom, and a haircut is the best way to do it

6) Maleeka says that Miss Saunders is a “freak like me.” What does this reveal about how Maleeka feels about herself?

A. This shows that Maleeka hates it when other students make fun of her.

B. Because of all of the students making fun of her, she has low self-confidence and can’t see her inner beauty

C. She realizes that she really is kinda weird especially when people catch her talking to herself

D. She feels really close to Miss Saunders and takes pride in the fact that students think they are similar.

7) What does Maleeka learn about Miss Saunders when she eavesdrops on a conversation in the office?

A. Most of the teachers respect her and ask her teaching questions

B. Most teachers hate her and wish she’d leave the school

C. Miss Saunders was forced to work at the school because she would have been fired from her job otherwise.

D. The principal doesn’t like Miss Saunders, but has to put with her

8) What is meant when one of the teachers compares Miss Saunders “a bull in a china shop?”

A. She punished the kids physically by having them do push-ups

B. She does her own thing, not listening to what other people tell her

C. She is as stubborn as a bull, not caring what her students do in class

D. She is mean to her students, making them study too many hours each night

Essay (20 points)

Maleeka has an attitude change in the bathroom. Why? (think about her father’s words). Answer the question completely, using text evidence to make your answer stronger.