The site to use for speeches of advocacy:

Issues that might make for interesting original oratory speeches:

1. Should young men play football?

2. Should the team NFL team in Washington change its name?

3. Should schools stay open through the summer?

4. Should students be able to use their cell phones in school?

5. Should student wear school uniforms?

6. Should the school day start later?

7. Should students be required to learn a musical instrument?

8. Should high schools be single gender?

9. Should schools move away from textbooks and towards digital media?

10. Should restaurants post calorie counts on their menus?

11. Should soda be taxed to discourage its consumption?

12. Should the US continue to use the penny?

13. Should the US abolish the electoral college?

14. Should the US government enforce a ban on cars getting less than 30 miles per gallon?

15. Should the US government ban the use of plastic bags?

16. Should there be age restrictions placed on video games (like the movies)?

17. Should people be able to vote using the Internet?

18. Should teenagers be able to have cosmetic surgery (surgery not required for health or repair)?

19. Should the minimum wage be raised?

20. Should schools allow the sale of junk food in their cafeterias?

21. Should medical testing on animals continue?

22. Should the use of antibiotics be limited?

23. Should there be limits on the amount of tuna taken from the ocean each year?

24. Should there be a strictly enforced ban on the sale of ivory?

25. Should big-game hunting (lions, bears, rhinos) be outlawed?

26. Should bullfighting be outlawed?

27. Should the US Navy limit its use of sonar, given its effect on whales and dolphins?

28. Should students be required to do animal dissection in science classes?

29. Should English be made the legally official language of the US?

30. Should there be strict regulations on e-cigarettes?