The Python Papers {Source Codes} X(Y): Z

Put Your Paper’s Title Here!
an optional subtitle goes here

First Author's or Editor's Name

First Author's Institutional Affiliation

Second Author's or Editor's Name

Second Author's Institutional Affiliation


This is the abstract. It uses the style sheet AbstractParagraph instead of Paragraph. Here comes a line break.

And this is a new paragraph inside the abstract.

Keywords: first keyword, second keyword, last keyword.

1.  Introduction

This word document provides several style sheets for text paragraphs. Use of them is mandatory to unify the look of your document with The Python Papers formatting guidelines.

These style sheets are in particular: Header1, Header2, Header3 and Header4 for captions of sections and subsections, Appendix and AppendixSubsection for unnumbered captions, Paragraph for any normal text blocks, and Code for source code in a non-proportional font. Additionally there is Footnote for any footnote that might become necessary (although use of them is discouraged), and Label for Table and Image captions.

1.1.  Sub-section of Introduction

This is the sub-section of the introduction.

1.2.  Second header 2

There should never be two headers following each other without a normal paragraph between them. Additionally it doesn’t make sense to have only one sub-section below any section.

If you’d like to use inline code examples or need a non-proportional font inside your paragraphs, make use of the InlineCode character template which looks like that.

1.2.1.  Sub-Sub-section of Introduction

This is the sub-sub-section of introduction. Here comes a footnote[1].

1.2.2.  Second header 3

Empty paragraph. The following style sheet may be used for enumerations:

·  This is how enumerations look,

·  Another viable point comes here,

·  And we’re finished.  Sub-sub-Sub-section of Introduction

This is the sub-sub-sub-section of introduction. Please try not to go beyond this.  Second header 4

Last paragraph here.

2.  The Bulk of Materials

Here comes your paper’s bulk of the materials – repeat as needed.

This is an example of reference with a single author (Glenn, 2005), two authors (Hao and Naiman, 2007), more than 2 authors (Voon et al., 1995). Multiple references should be separated by semi-colon (Glenn, 2005; Hao and Naiman, 2007).

In-line codes should use the Code style sheet. Each line is a new paragraph:

class Poisson:

mean = 0.0

def __init__(self, lamb = 0.0): self.mean = lamb

def factorial(self, m):

value = 1

if m != 0:

while m != 1:

value = value * m

m = m - 1

return value

Yet another paragraph.

Header may be bold / Header
Rest is usually not / Content

Table 2.1. Title of Table uses the style sheet Label.

Figure 2.2. Caption of Figure also uses Label.


For references, there is the style sheet Reference that should be used for all bibliographic entries.

Referencing should follow Harvard Style, in alphabetical order of first author. For example:

Doe, Jane and Doe, John (2007): My title, number/series, page, institution/publisher, location.

Doe, Jane et al. (2009): Another title, University of Sampleville, Master Works Ltd, Sampleville.

Appendix A: Title (if any)

Appendices are numbered in Roman numerals; the style sheet Appendix is suitable for that.

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[1] This is a normal footnote.