Physics Outline Concurrent Enrollment— TC3/CCS/Dr.Z/2010

1.  Measurement/Vectors (Week 1)

A.  Common items…

i.  tools= rulers, tape, mic's... radar, GPS, e-microscope...

ii.  approximations; sound vs light; here to moon; mass of earth, sun, etc.

B.  Units…

i.  base vs. derived.

ii.  errors implicit in tool and reading.

iii.  sig figs.

iv.  scientific notation.

v.  dimensional analysis

C.  Vectors…

i.  vs. Scalars; Displacement and ∆ defined.

ii.  Concurrent; Resolution; Geometric or Trigonometric methods.

iii.  Components of vectors.

iv.  Resolution of 3 concurent F on useful axes.

2.  Mechanics: (Week 2 and 3)

A.  General Overview of Mechanics…

i.  Matter in Motion or Stationary.

ii.  Briefly on statics and types of motion.

B.  Motion:

i.  ∆x; ∆x/∆t; ∆v/∆t--as dots on timing tape.

ii.  Graphing (x,t); (v,t); (a,t)…

1.  take graphs one second at a time.

2.  ask what’s happening at that moment.

3.  construct a stack of parallel graphs.

iii.  Using (x, v, a, t) formulae…

1.  calculations using ∆x; ∆x/∆t; ∆v/∆t

2.  and (ALL @ CONST ACCEL)…

a.  (avg v) = (vi + vf)/2

b.  (avg v) = vi + a∆t/2

c.  vf = vi + a∆t

d.  ∆x = vi∆t + 1/2(a∆t2)...challenge: DERIVE.

e.  vf2 = 2a∆x + vi2...challenge: DERIVE.

3.  Free fall in air gives terminal velocity. (Why?)

iv.  Newton's Universal law of Gravitation, between two point masses.

1.  attraction is proportional to mass of each, m1 or m2, hence product of masses.

2.  attraction is inversely proportional to distance separating masses.

3.  so F=G(m1m2)/r2 where G is an empirical constant.

3.  Two-Dimensional Motion (Week 4 and 5)

A.  Arrow shot at 30° wrt horizontal has two components to all variables.

B.  David's stone in a sling has a complex set of vectors.

i.  Sling; linear motion; release.

ii.  Define centripetal; no such force as centrifugal.

iii.  Angular what?

C.  Circular motion extends to ellipses.

i.  Two centers of mass? ...Focus?; PE/KE interplay; Kepler's 2nd Law.

ii.  Kepler's 1st and 3rd Laws, and planetary motion in general.

iii.  PE/KE interplay again, and escape velocity.

4.  Three laws (Week 6)

1.  inertia: without a net force, there’ll be no ∆v or ∆direction.

2.  F=ma; accel as fn(F or m)…

a.  note gravitational a=9.8m/s2; so what's F?

b.  note g=F/m; so feather vs guinea falling.

3.  action/rxn: no force exists independently.

4.  Applications

5.  Conservative vs Non conservative… BUT see 5F below

5.  Work and Energy (Week 7 and 8)

A.  Define: W = moving something; E = an outcome or storage:

i.  W = {Fcos(q)}

ii.  W = F∆s = (ma)∆s…

1.  but v2 = vo2+ 2a∆s, so a∆s = (v2 - vo2)/2,

2.  hence Wnet = m(v2 - vo2)/2, or Wnet = (1/2)mv2 - (1/2)mvo2…

3.  looks like ∆KE!

iii.  Easiest example is the pendulum (springs, roller-coasters?).

B.  Units of Work and Energy: the Joule (Nxm) = (kg/ms2)m...

i.  Moving a mass some distance against a force.

ii.  Only the motion against the force is work.

iii.  Switchback vs direct trail up a mountain.

C.  Power; watts…

i.  P=W/t

ii.  elevator problems.

iii.  Watts vs horsepower.

iv.  Ladder, shallow ramp, steep ramp.

1.  graphing problems.

2.  F, W, P-- all vs time.

D.  PE-KE; conservation.

E.  Work-Energy Theorem:

i.  How much work can a weight at height "h" do? What's it's PE?

ii.  Motors draw energy and do work... effic?

F.  Conservative vs non-conservative; friction losses; internal E…

i.  One idea: Friction.

1.  define "Normal" axis.

2.  slide a book on face vs edge…

a.  the smaller area simply means higher pressure.

b.  it's only FN that matters.

3.  it turns out to be a linear fn: Ffrict=µFN

a.  kinetic vs static.

b.  maximum static friction is F at instant of release.

c.  if kinetic friction is less than Fappl, what happens?

6.  Momentum and Impulse (Week.9)

1.  p=mv, = m∆x/∆t, so take a mass through ∆x fast and it has more momentum.

2.  J=∆p =m∆v, Note J=m(a∆t) hence J=F∆t

3.  impulse causes change in momentum, meaning change in velocity of a mass.

4.  There are other ways to look at it: ∆v, or time-limitedcause of accel.

7.  ROTATIONAL MOTION-- David's stone in a sling has a complex set of vectors. (Week 10)

i.  Sling; linear motion; release.

ii.  Define centripetal; no such force as centrifugal.

iii.  Angular what?—see 8 below

B.  Circular motion extends to ellipses.

i.  Two centers of mass? ...Focus?; PE/KE interplay; Kepler's 2nd Law.

ii.  Kepler's 1st and 3rd Laws, and planetary motion in general.

iii.  PE/KE interplay again, and escape velocity.

8.  Rotational Equilib/Dynamics (Week 11)

A.  Torque

B.  Center of Grav

C.  Angular Momentum

9.  Solids and Fluids (Week 12 and 13)

A.  States of Matter

B.  Deformation of Solids,

C.  Pressure

D.  Buoyancy

E.  Fluids in Motion

F.  Other Applications of Fluid Dynamics

G.  Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscous Fluid Flow

H.  Transport Phenomena

10.  Thermo background (Week 14)

A.  T and the Zeroth Law

B.  Heat, per se

C.  Heat effects, measurement, and changes wrought.

11.  Thermal E (Week 15)

A.  T, Internal E and Heat.

B.  Specific Heat.

C.  Exchange of Q.

12.  Laws of Thermodynamics (Week 16 and 17)

A.  Thermodynamics: Laws about heat processes:

i.  1st Law-- E = Q + W

ii.  2nd Law-- Heat flow direction and Entropy tendency.

iii.  3rd Law Can't attain absolute zero (practically and theoretically).

13.  Vibration and waves…Wave Phenomena (Week 18 and 19)

A.  Hooke’s Law (recall PE-Spring Lab)

B.  Transfer energy in medium or space.

i.  single pulse vs periodic disturbance

ii.  longitudinal vs transverse

iii.  reflection, transmission, and absorption

1.  absorption vs transmission depends on angle

2.  hence refraction (see below for light refraction in detail)

C.  Frequency, period, wavelength, amplitude, speed (of propogation), and phase.

D.  Sinusoidal wave = mark on a wheel in linear translation is both periodic and circular!

E.  Wave fronts; breaks.

F.  Doppler effect.

G.  Reflection

i.  Specular vs diffuse

ii.  Ray tracing

H.  Superpositioning...

i.  Constructive vs destructive.

ii.  Interference experiments (but more in #24 below).

iii.  Diffraction.

iv.  Standing waves; resonance.

I.  EM radiation and light.

i.  Law of reflection.

ii.  diffuse vs regular (specular)

iii.  Refraction

1.  Speed change at any ∆density of media.

a.  blue shift under water

b.  dispersion by prisms

2.  Absolute index of refraction.

3.  Law of refraction (Snell's Law).

4.  Total internal refraction and critical angles.

iv.  Interference (using coherence and double-slit ideas) "proves" the wave nature of light

  1. ...and polarization "proves" the transverse nature of that wave.
  2. Sound (Week 20)

A.  Producing a Sound Wave

B.  Characteristics of Sound Waves

C.  The Speed of Sound—c.f. above on waves in media.

D.  Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves

E.  Spherical and Plane Waves

F.  Interference of Sound Waves

G.  Forced Vibrations, Resonance; Standing Waves—in sound (c.f. generally above)

H.  Dissonance, interference and beats

I.  Quality of Sound

J.  The Ear

End of 1st Semester

Beginning of 2nd Semester

15.  Static electricity (Week 21 and 22)

A.  Stucture of matter review.

B.  p, n, e

C.  Friction: cold welds: bonds: electrons pass: charge imbalance occurs.

D.  Amber rod and wool rag yield ststic electricity due to charge imbalance.

E.  Charges are conserved in closed systems.

F.  Elementary charge; units of charge:

i.  defined: charge of e- or p+ (note the volt).

ii.  one electron has 1.6x10-19 Coulombs of charge.

iii.  Coulomb =6.25x1025 elementary charges.

G.  Hence charge of a body is measurable as an excess or deficiency of e’s, or unit charges.

H.  Coulomb force is equal mag, opposite direction for +/- along line joining the charges.

I.  Electric field…

i.  Is said to exist in any space when an electric force acts on a charge.

ii.  Around every charged object.

iii.  Field intensity is vector quantity.

1.  Magnitude of field strength is force per unit charge at that point in the field.

2.  Direction of the field is the direction of the force on a positive charge.

3.  E=F/C

4.  Newton/coulomb, N/C, is the SI unit for electric field strength.

iv.  Field around a point charge... field around a point charge is radial.

v.  Field around charged conducting sphere is as though charge concentrates at center .

vi.  Field within a charged conducting sphere is zero.

vii.  Intensity of field varies inversely with the square of the distance from the point charge.

viii.  Field between two parallel plates: IE uniform if distance small compared to area.

16.  Electric potential (Week 23 and 24)

A.  Potential at any point in field…

i.  ...W per unit q required to bring one C of + q from infinity to that point.

ii.  Potential is a scalar quantity.

B.  Potential difference between two points in field…

i. ∆PE per unit charge as charge is moved from one point to the other.

ii.  V=W/q

C.  Volt is the SI unit of electric potential and potential difference.

i.  Volt is potential difference between two points in a field…

1.  ...if 1J of W is required to transfer 1C of charge between those points.

2.  1 V = 1 (joule/coulomb)

D.  Electronvolt, eV, is energy required…

i. move 1 elementary charge through a potential difference of one volt.

ii.  1eV = 1.60 x 10-19joule.

E.  Field in terms of potential:

i.  Intensity of a uniform electric field is rate of potential change with position.

ii.  The volt per meter, V/m, is the unit for electric field intensity.

17.  Current is a flow of electric charge (Week 25)

A.  ...Measured by rate at which charge flows past a given point.

B.  Solids vary in their ability to conduct electric current.

i.  Conductivity of solids depends on:

1.  ...number of free charges per unit volume.

2.  ...and the mobility of the charges.

3.  Conductors have many free electrons insulators have few.

4.  Outer e's are not bound or only loosely bound to atoms of conductor.

5.  Outer electrons are tightly bound to the atoms of an insulating material.

6.  Potential difference is required to create flow between points in a conductor.

7.  Conductor must form a complete circuit to maintain a flow of charge.

C.  Current of one ampere transfers charge at the rate of one coulomb per second.

i.  I=A/s

ii.  The ampere is a fundamental unit.

iii.  Ammeter is used to measure current.

D.  At constant T, I is proportional to potential difference btwn endpoints of conductor.

E.  ...And inversely proportional to its resistance.

F.  Resistance: is the ratio between potential difference across and current in a conductor.

i.  R=V/I

ii.  The ohm, Ω, is the SI unit of resistance. It is a derived unit.

iii.  Resistance of a conductor of uniform cross section and composition:

1.  ....varies directly as its length…

2.  ...and inversely as its cross-sectional area.

3.  In general, the resistance of metals increases with increasing temperature.

18.  A circuit is a closed path in which a current can exist (Week 26 and 27)

A.  Circuit components may be connected…

i.  in series,

ii.  or in parallel,

iii.  or in combinations of these.

B.  R, V, and I in circuits obey Kirchoff's Laws.

i.  1st ∑(all I) into any point = ∑(all I) out of that point.

ii.  2nd ∑(all V) around a loop of circuit = zero.

C.  Rules for equivalent R, V, and I in complex circuits...

D.  Power is still work-energy per time... but energy is defined as IVt...

19.  Magnetism (Week 28)

i.  Occurs when currents pass.

ii.  Field is a vector from N to S.

iii.  Flux is number of field lines crossing a perpendicular plane.

20.  Inductance (Week 29 and 30)

A.  Left-hand rule:

i.  ...thumb is I, then B will be fingers curled;

ii.  ...or curled fingers are I (as in solenoid), then B will be thumb, pointing N.

iii.  And F on the e's ("moving charge carriers") will be palm in both cases.

iv.  Current in a fixed external magnetic field simply substitutes that field for B.

1.  max in highest flux,

2.  and in max V perpendicular to B.

3.  generators and motors .

Optional Solid State Physics…

Conductors and Semiconductors.

Band theory (vs sea of electrons).

HOMO "hops" to LUMO.

Gap defines conductivity.

Heat (KE) causes hop in semicond,

...but adds collisional friction to already mobile e's in cond.

Metals vs metalloids, as structures.

Intrinsic vs extrinsic.


P vs N... who "carries" the charge?

Electron migration and induced fields, just because of the junction.

conduction barriers,

this is the diode.

Bias or reverse bias will affect the barrier.

Current characteristics (graphed).

Zener diodes.



Emitter, base, and collector.

Correct biasing; the effects of bias.


IC's, as a concept...

21.  AC Current and EM Waves (Week 31 and 32)

A.  Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors in an AC Circuit

B.  The RLC Series Circuit—pass filters

C.  Power in an AC Circuit

D.  Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit

E.  The Transformer

F.  Maxwell’s Predictions

G.  Hertz’s Confirmation of Maxwell’s Predictions

H.  Production of Electromagnetic Waves by an Antenna

I.  Properties, Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves

J.  The Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves

22.  Reflection, Refraction and IMAGES Generally (Week 33 and 34)

A.  The Nature of Light

B.  The Law of Refraction

i.  Formed where rays from the same point intersect on a surface or appear to intersect.

ii.  Real images are formed when rays converge and intersect at a point.

  1. Virtual images are formed when rays diverge and appear to come from a single point.

C.  Dispersion and Prisms

D.  The Rainbow

E.  Huygens’s Principle, 746

F.  Total Internal Reflection, 748

G.  Total internal reflection

23.  Mirrors and Lens (Week 35)