AP Spanish Language – Fall, 2015

Srta. GonzálezLAHS, Room 711

Telephone: (562) 799-4780, ext. 82711(goes to voice mail between 7:50 and 2:30)

Email: Preparation period: 4th(11:04 – 11:58)

A. Course Description

AP Spanish is an intensive language course that is the equivalent of a 5th or 6th semester college-level course. It is a preparatory course for the AP Spanish Language exam offered by the College Board in May. Students are expected to take the AP exam. To earn a passing score of 3 on the AP exam, students must perform at a level equivalent to a student earning a B in the college course. Class work will stress the skills tested on the exam: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar. Although the class includes a comprehensive grammar review, it is expected that students in AP already have a solid understanding of grammatical concepts taught in previous courses. The emphasis in this course will be on comprehension of written and audio sources and synthesis of these sources in response to written and aural prompts.

Students need to be aware that, as in any college level course, they must take responsibility for learning beyond the classroom. To do well in this course, most students will need to develop independent study habits and to go beyond the minimum requirements for the course. Depending on a student's particular abilities, this might involve extra grammar study, extra composition practice, outside reading, watching Spanish TV, listening to Spanish language radio, etc. If a student does not understand a concept taught in class, it is his responsibility to seek help from the teacher outside of class. Unlike previous Spanish classes, doing homework daily and studying for tests will not guarantee an A in this course. Except in a few cases, an A student goes beyond what is assigned on the syllabus. Likewise, an A in the course will not guarantee passage of the AP exam. The student must make a year-long effort to build reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

B. Materials needed:

1. A 3-ring binder or section in a larger binder for the lab manual and other handouts. There will be lots!

2. A decent Spanish-English dictionary. Paperback is fine, or download the Wordreference application on your cell phone.


C. Textbooks

• Temas - Lectura - issued to all students. Cover it and bring it as indicated by your teacher.

• Abriendo Paso – Gramática - workbook for grammar. Maybe purchased at ASB or checked out from the Media


• AP Spanish: Language and Culture Exam Preperation– Available for purchase or they are also available for check

out in the Media Center.

D. General Rules

• Your most important contribution is your presence in class every day! Students should not miss more than 5 classes per semester! You will receive participation points daily and may earn more through exceptional contributions. Obviously if you aren't here, this will affect your grade.

• Absolutely no English will be spoken in the classroom. It is my experience that students who insist on speaking English do not pass the AP test. Speak Spanish, even when you are chatting with a friend. You will be deducted participation points if you speak English.

• ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM ONLY WHEN THE TEACHER ALLOWS.The first time a student is caught with one of these devices, it will be removed by the teacher, to be picked up at the end of class. The second time, it will be removed and must be picked up by a parent. PARENTS – PLEASE do not call or text your children during class! Even the beep is very distracting.

• Students will be allowed to make-up work only when there is an excused absence. All make-up work will be done by appointment. Any make-up work not completed within one week will be assigned a grade of zero. Late work, if accepted, will be penalized one letter grade for each day late.

• Homeworkpoints will vary, depending on the assignment. To receive credit, it must be completed before the beginning of the class period. Late homework will receive half credit. When you are absent, you should show me the homework immediately. In addition, even if you are absent, you are responsible for the assignment due the day you return. No excuse for not having it done! You will need to write down the homework assignments in your agenda at the beginning of the period each day. You will receive credit for completed homework. Partially completed homework will not be accepted. You can get half credit for late homework assignments. Homework assignments will be inputted in Aeries that same day.

• You will receive daily participation points, plus additional credit for outstanding contributions. You should volunteer as often as possible, and I will make a point of calling on everyone in the class. However, classes are large, and you may not get called on every day unless you volunteer. If youare absent, you will obviously not earn any participation points for that day, and they may not be made up.

• Under no circumstances may you miss AP Spanish to attend another class or take a test for another class. Don't even ask! If at all possible, try to avoid college visitations during AP. Also, if you are taking a test in another class, it is not OK for you to stay to finish your test and come to Spanish late. This includes calculus and pre-calculus.

• Each time you are late you will be marked tardy. I will follow the Los Alamitos High School Tardy Policy, which means the attendance office will automatically give you a Saturday school after 4 tardies or more.

• AP Spanish is a difficult course and requires your undivided attention and effort. It is not a study period to complete other assignments for other classes. I will remove your book/notes if you are studying for another class during a Spanish lesson.

• Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook – page 7 – for the school Academic Honesty Code.

GRADING: 89.5 - 100% A

79.5 - 89% B

69.5 - 79% C

59.5- 69% D

Depending on the unit, there will be quizzes on vocabulary; periodic review grammar examinations, regular compositions and class participation, listening comprehension quizzes, homework, etc. in conjunction with periodic unannounced quizzes. These percentages may change, but you will be notified, and they will be changed only to help you. After the optional AP exam in May, studies will include various oral, written and video projects.

-Essays / Projects: 30%

-Tests / Quizzes: 40%

-Homework / Class Work: 15%

-Participation: 15%

Please share this information with a parent, and return this sheet, signed by parent and student.

Thank you,

Srta. Aviña and Srta. González

We have read the course description and classroom rules for AP Spanish at Los Alamitos High School. We understand that regular attendance is of utmost importance and that any work missed due to an excused absence must be made up by appointment within one week of the absence. We also understand that no late homework is accepted, and that late essays/projects will be penalized one letter grade for each day late. We know that electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom, and that Spanish must be spoken at all times.

In addition, we understand that this course is a preparation for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language exam administered by the College Board in May and that students are expected to take the exam.


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date