Baker PTA General Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2012
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by president, Felicia Musillo. There were 8 in attendance. See attachment.
Opening Ceremony – Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved as presented.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the October 9, 2012 General Meeting were approved as presented.
Correspondence – Thank You notes were read from Mary Ann Stabile, Central Office and Kristen Senay Rose, Baker Guidance Counselor.
Financial Report – Treasurer GiGi Crowley presented the 2012/2013 PTA Budget with a breakdown of income and expenses reported with itemized categories from September 1, 2012 to November 9th, 2012. GiGi also reported bills will be paid including insurance that is currently due. The budget and expenses were approved as presented. Kim Mcgonnell motioned and Jody Yurcich seconded. See attachment.
Presidents Report – President, Felicia Musillo talked about the PTA’s Cooking Together, Cooking Forever program at the Heinz History Center, a special program that features free cooking and nutrition education for families. Felicia and Mr. McClintock-Comeaux also answered questions regarding the changes made to the school lunch program. Mr. McClintock-Comeaux reported that the changes have taken place across the country for schools that receive reimbursement from the Federal School Lunch Program. These changes include reduced portion sizes and healthier ingredients. Students have the option of ordering a double lunch or choosing additional healthy snacks. The Meal Pay Plus Program was mentioned as a great way to keep track of your child’s lunch orders.
Felicia also reported that TIP (Together in Parenting) will host a “Straight Talk” program with local magistrates sponsored by TIP and The Youth Steering Committee at The Upper St. Clair Community and Recreation Center on November 14th at 7pm. Felicia also thanked the Homeroom Coordinators for their patience as we attempt to perfect all the new procedures. Felicia also spoke about PTA event reports and stressed the importance of staying within the assigned and working budgets. Felicia also reported that the Kids Stuff Coupon Books fundraiser will be sent home shortly. The books are $25.00 each. PTA will receive $12.50 from each book sold. Felicia also shared the PTA closet was cleaned and organized and reminded committee members to check for plates, cups and silverware to be shared to keep expenses down.
Executive Committee Reports –
Principal, Mr. Patrick McClintock-Comeaux shared that the Harvest Parties and Parade went smoothly even though the weather changed the parade route to inside the building. Mr. Mclintock-Comeaux also reported a school wide election was held to vote on whether the student body wanted indoor or outdoor recess equipment. He said Students overwhelmingly voted for outdoor recess equipment with the votes including more outdoor playground balls. Mr. Mclintock-Comeaux stated he hopes the PTA can provide the needed money for the playground balls and would like to coordinate by Inaugural Day in January. Mr. McClintock-Comeaux also reported that Baker will have two upcoming vacancies as Mrs. Kuzma is retiring and Mrs. Kristen Senay Rose will be going on maternity leave for twelve weeks. Mr. McClintock-Comeaux also thanked everyone for their patience and flexibility during teacher conferences.
Vice President, Kim Megonnell thanked the Homeroom Coordinators for organizing successful class parties. Kim stressed the point was for each child to have the same experience. She stated there was a 90% compliance rate across grade levels for parent participation and monetary contribution. Kim stated that she is working on trying to figure out what is and is not working and is in contact with other local PTA’s to improve the program.
Standing Committee Reports –
After School Activities: Felicia Musillo reported for Kris Ritter that Snapology had 9 participants and ran for 6 weeks. Felicia also reported that LabRatz has 57 participants and will run 5 weeks starting tomorrow.
Felicia stated that Kris is also planning several programs for after the new year including another Snapology, LabRatz, chess club and yoga.
Assemblies: Felicia Mussillo reported for Kim Popp that she is currently working on finding an appropriate assembly for May.
Baker Caper: Felicia Musillo reported for Natalie Seery and Angie Berger that it was another very successful Baker Caper Boo Bash event here at the school. Felicia reported that Natalie and Angie would like to start by sending a HUGE THANK YOU to our wonderful committee members. Each and everyone put 100% forth to make everything work out just great. Natalie and Angie would also like to thank all the parents and staff that volunteered that evening and to the sponsors of all the games. They emphasized that they cannot run such a large fundraiser without all of your help. Felicia reported for Natalie and Angie that our Caper net income came in at a total of $9,790.78. It exceeded prior year by about $700.00.
Book Fair: Felicia Musillo reported for Susan Phillips that the Book Fair was held on Tuesday, November 6th. We made a total of $1858 cash profit from Scholastic. Felicia said we were able to give $180 worth of books back to the classrooms and the library received almost $200 worth of books. A raffle drawing for a color Nook was held on Tuesday, November 13th. Mr. McClintock-Comeaux drew the winning ticket on WBKR. The winner was Kelly Ehasz, mom of 2nd grader Zachary Ehasz. A ticket for every 3 books purchased at the Book Fair and online was offered. Susan would like to thank all those that volunteered to make it a successful one-day book fair.
Baker Bowling: Felicia Musillo reported for Betsy Boughner and Angie Kweder -
1st grade- First grade bowling date is set for February 16th from 2:00-4:00
2nd grade- Second grade bowling date is set for April 6th from 2:00-4:00.
3rd grade – Third grade bowling took place this past Saturday at AMF Lanes in Mt. Lebanon. We had a great turn out - about 40 bowlers and all had a great time.
4th grade – Fourth grade bowling is set for January 12 from 2:00 to 4:00
Box Tops for Education: Julie Halpner reported that the Box Top Contest made over $1,200 so the school will celebrate with a Pajama Day soon! Next contest will run from the middle of January to the middle of February.
Clothing Sale: Felicia reported for Lucy Higginbotham that orders should be here this week as Hurricane Sandy slowed the company process down. We had 62 orders for an estimate of about $280 profit made.
Enchanted Shop: Kim Megonnell reported that the vendor for this year’s Enchanted Shop has changed to Kids Holiday Shop. She stated the new vendor supplies gift bags and each gift will be wrapped. The new company will also set up and tear down. Kim also reported that Yoga Glow in Mt Lebanon donated 100 two class passes to sell. Kim reported PTA will receive 100% of the profits from the passes sold. Kim thanked everyone who signed up to volunteer. She said the Baker Buzz will have a list of when classes will be shopping.
Families and Flapjacks: Felicia Mussillo discussed the need to start the planning process for this year’s event. Look for more information to come
Giant Eagle Apples: Felicia Musillo reported for Jenn Glassbrenner that Apples for the Students is an easy way to support area schools and you can support up to 5 schools.
It’s easy to register online or by phone:
Call 1-800-474-4777 or Visit . Sign-in to the
Enter your Giant Eagle Advantage Card® number (which appears under the bar code)
Enter the school code -you can add up to five codes- Baker Elementary 45, Eisenhower Elementary 302, Streams Elementary 1200, Boyce Middle School 107, Fort Couch Middle School 353, USC High School 1408
Apples for the students encourages all people of all ages to support their schools in an easy-to-use program that delivers free educational awards.
Apples for Students is a long-standing program of Giant Eagle that allows shoppers to register their Giant Eagle Advantage Cards® and help earn points for the school. With every scan or swipe of a registered card at the cash register, your school builds its point base. Points can be used for educational awards such as technology, playground equipment and classroom supplies. This year, Giant Eagle is donating $1.1 million to area schools for purchases made with registered cards between October 1, 2012 through March 17, 2013. The company has donated over $30 million in educational awards through the program in the last 25 years. Supporters can also check if a card is enrolled using the same easy steps. For more
information, or students.
Internet/Technology: Felicia Musillo reported for Gillian Rose-John that Communications at Baker have been modified. Mr. McClintock-Comeaux will publish Baker Bits on a monthly basis rather than a weekly issue. The PTA communications will travel along two avenues. First, we will also continue to advertise on the monthly Baker Bits. Second, Baker PTA has created our own weekly email blast called the Baker Buzz. If you are subscribed to the Baker PTA e-alerts, you will receive your Baker Buzz every Thursday. This is in an effort to prevent continuous e-alerts throughout the entire week. However, some time sensitive reminders and updates will be sent on an as needed basis.
Finally, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @USCBakerPTA.
Market Day: We are currently looking for a volunteer to help one day a month to work the sale which involves unloading the truck and sorting customer orders. It is one Tuesday a month from approx. 2:45 to 5:30 p.m.
Membership: Felicia Musillo reported for Jen Gray that we currently have 354 members.
Original Works: Felicia Musillo reported for Liz Leavey that Original Works orders are being returned now. They are due no later than Thursday, November 15! All orders received by the due date will be sent into Original Works ASAP so the products can be received back at Baker and sent home the week of December 12, 2012, just in time for the holidays.
Reflections: Julie Halpner reported that Baker had 16 submissions for Reflections. The entries have been sent off for judging and we are awaiting the results. Julie also reported entries are up as last year we had only 6 participants.
Spelling Bee: Felicia Musillo reported for Ginny Wright and Michele Sanford that they are working on putting together flyers & registration forms for the Spelling Bee. Flyers and registration will go out both digitally and in backpacks. Word lists and Spelling Bee rules will be posted on Baker's Homepage. Felicia also reported that Mr. McClintock Comeaux is lined up as our pronouncer! The Spelling Bee will be held at Baker Elementary on January 17th.
Spirit Night: Felicia Musillo reported for Jenn Glassbrenner that Baker Spirit Night will be November 15th at Chik-Fil-A. Drive through and dining room both count toward our fundraiser. Felicia stated that the winning classroom will earn an extra recess.
Teacher Appreciation: Felicia Musillo reported for Dianne Gander that No event is slated for November but the committee is working on a December stress reliever event for staff and hoping to have massage therapist come in to do chair massages and provide chocolates and water for participants.
4th Level Activities: Felicia Musillo reported for Liz Leavy that 4th Level T-shirts will be available for purchase by parents. Look for information to come home soon.
Old Business:
Felicia musillo reported that The PA Ski Area Snow pass applications for 4th and 5th grades were sent home.
New Business:
Felicia Musillo discussed ideas for the left over party money at the end of the school year. Felicia stated that the money cannot go toward teacher gifts and may possibly be used for a 4th grade Legacy Project.
Felicia also reported that a membership roster will be used at future meetings for voting purposes.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Approved__________ Recorded by Secretary Jody Yurcich