The typically tranquil community of Teakean-Cavendish will be shaken up as nearly 200 people gather in

North Central Idaho for a weekend of explosives and guns at the seventh annual Boomershoot, May 7-9, 2004. Special spectator/participator slots, including the opportunity to mix explosives and shoot rifles, are available to media representatives.

"It’s a magical experience to see, hear, and feel an explosion,” says Joe Huffman, Event Director. “The Boomershoot is the Magic Kingdom for both precision rifle shooters and spectators.”

Over three days, 1250 reactive targets containing over 2200 pounds of high explosives will be detonated at the shoot -- enough to be heard over seven miles away, causing cars and houses to shake over two miles from the range.

“That’s three times the amount of explosives used at last year’s event,” says Huffman. “We’ll be detonating more explosives this year than in all previous Boomershoots, combined.”

Huffman, a Senior Research Scientist for a government laboratory, started the Boomershoot in 1998 to give people a safe space in which to enjoy the recreational pleasure of guns and explosives. He is also a certified firearms instructor and has an ATF license to manufacture high explosives.

Diverse shooters and spectators from across the country are expected to attend the Boomershoot, including law enforcement officers, scientists, engineers, members of the Boeing Pistol & Rifle Club, and Microsoft Gun Club. Others are gun rights activists, such as Stephanie Sailor, who ran for U.S. Congress in ’00 and ’02 as a third party candidate (

“The Boomershoot is good, clean, thrill-seeking fun,” says Sailor, a certified firearms instructor who also works in the IT industry.

Featured at this year’s event is the Mother’s Day Blowout to be held on Sunday, May 9th. In honor of Mother’s Day, moms will shoot for free.

Other highlights of the shoot include Project Fireball, a colossal fiery explosion ( and a precision rifle clinic taught on May 8 by Major (Retired) Gene Econ, formerly an Officer in the US Army Special Forces. Econ is currently a marksmanship instructor for the 1st Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) at Fort Lewis (

For the past six years, the Boomershoot has maintained an unblemished safety record, with participants adhering to strict standards of safe gun handling and operation. Spectators are welcome at this year’s event; shooter positions are expected to sellout.

For more information, please contact Joe Huffman at 208.301.4254, or Stephanie Sailor at . Visit the Boomershoot website at ###