April 2014Update
Photo courtesy activities Instructor, Dom O’Neale
Chairman’s Comments
It was a nice start today to a Monday morning: a bunch of excited kids (and some apprehensive ones) at Albert Park to meet the bus to Licola for what will be a great week of fun and new experiences. Parents and Lions members who delivered their charges were there too, and enjoyed the chance for a chat.
Great to see Volunteer Kelli Burton there again, she’s a real trooper, attends most camps and does an amazing job! We’re grateful to all of our volunteers, they bring so much to the Lions Sponsored Camps, giving their time unselfishly for the children’s benefits, and there’s no way we could run the camps without them. If you’re fit and young at heart, why not give it a go – volunteer for a Lions Sponsored Camp (contact Sudge or Luke at Licola for more details – 5148 8791).
It’s always uplifting to pick the kids up at the end of the week and listen to their accounts of all they did, the friendships they made, and the positive reports they bring back about all the activities they did and the great food they ate. It’s a real affirmation that we are doing something special at Licola!
Thank you to everyone who is involved at any level who supports Lions Sponsored Camps at Licola – it’s what we are there for, and we really do make a difference!
AprilLions Sponsored Camp 2014
After a slow start to have applications returned to our Camps Co-ordinator Noelene Birnie, we have about 80 children on this camp. This is up by about 20 on last year.
Congratulations to all the clubs involved and please bask in the knowledge that your efforts will change some of these lives forever from their time at our Camps.
Camp 273: Mon 22nd – Friday 26th September 2014
Guess what, it is already time to start preparing for the next camp.
All information and the Club Application Form can be found – Lionsdrop down menu – Lions Sponsored Camps.
Please get your application forms processed early.
Dates for Special Needs Adventure Camps 2014
District 201N4 Special Needs Camp: Monday 14 April
District 201 V6 Special Needs Camp: Tuesday 22nd to Sunday 27th April, 2014
District 201 V3 Special Needs Camp:Monday 12th – Wednesday 14th May 2014
HELPNext working Bee May 23 – May 30th 2014
This is only 6 weeks away and it is disappointing to report that our numbers are down soit’s now time to plan for a great working and social week. Apart from the fact that these are great weeks among friends the tasks achieved are so important to the efficient maintenance and running of Licola. Please let Adam or Sudge or Luke know if you will be coming. Please discuss this with your club.
Adam will be away for a few weeks
Sometimes it seems that we need a crowbar and a shovel to get Adam to take leave but he will be away for a couple of weeks, not exactly a holiday. He and mates, Smither’s and Fraser are off to India where they have purchased two “TUK TUKS” or motorised (145cc) rickshaws and are making a 3500km voyage from South to North. They will be raising funds for COOLEARTH. We want you to know that we are proud of Adam’s commitment to his causes. He’s also training for a very grueling challenge later in the year. More informationto follow.
What’s Happening at Licola
We mentioned that March was a HUGE month at Licola, well April is also looking great, Lions Sponsored Camps began on 7 April, to be followed by the 201 N4 Special Needs Camp from NSW, followed by District 201 V6 Special Needs Camp. We also have a first time new primary school coming up.
All of the March school camps have rebooked for 2015, and you know we have it right when the schools send out congratulations.
We have commissioned an energy efficiency report on the Village and its operations. It will cost money to implement, but will result in significant savings of time and energy efficiency, particularly with regard to the operation of the generators and consequent use of diesel fuel in the years to come.
Houses 15 & 16
Our Special Needs Houses have been “signed off” and will be used by the N4 Special Needs Camp this month. It has been a ling time coming, but what a thrill to have this functioning for those that need it most.
Wellington Shire Tourism Awards
We have done it again and Adam and all the Licola team want to thank all the Lions and friends for voting for Licola. The actual award was BEST FAMILY ATTRACTION -LICOLA OPEN DAY.
It is significant to note that new rules in these awards dictate that an organisation can only win a single category each year…could it have been we would have made a clean sweep of all the awards? Will just have to win a different category in 2015.
Club Donations
It is about this time of the year that we would ask Lions Clubs to remember Lions Village Licola when you make your end of the year disbursements, to the many Lions causesand bodies. We still have a lot of plans for the continuing upgrades at Licola and to make up the shortfall for costs on Houses 15 and 16. Please send donations to Lions Village Licola, Jamieson Road Licola Vic 3858
Thank you again for your support of the Licola project – it comes in many ways, all of them valuable. Keep up the good work.