· The new government structures and political developments under Adenauer; reasons for Adenauer’s longevity as Chancellor
· Economic recovery; Erhard and the social market economy; the impact of social and economic developments
· Foreign policy, NATO, the EEC, and West Germany’s rehabilitation as a sovereign state in Europe; the Hallstein doctrine and attitudes to reunification
Key texts:
· Waller – chapter 3
· Turner – chapter 4
· Fulbrook p142-153
· Handouts in class (OCR p168-176)
And, remember A2 students read widely!
Big news!
August 1949 – the first free national elections in Germany since 1932. AND Germany had had only 14 years of democracy before 1949!
· Draw yourself a pie chart of the composition of the Bundestag in 1949.
· Which groups of people tended to support the 1) CDU/CSU, 2) SDP and 3) FDP – and why?
· Why did a CDU/CSU and FDP coalition form with Adenauer as Chancellor?
Everywhere you make a note of Adenauer either underline his name, or design a symbol that makes him stand out in your notes.
· Write a short CV for Adenauer up to August 1945.
· Underline the experiences that will have had a particular impact on his politics and annotate the CV with brief explanation of these.
· What did everyone expect in 1945? What actually happened?
· Why did “der Alte” appeal to most West Germans?
· Why were Adenauer and the CDU/CSU able to dominate in the 1950s?
Inauguration of Konrad Adenauer as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (September 15, 1949)
Political policies to 1957
Make a short set of notes to explain how Adenauer’s government tackled:
· Reconstruction
· Compensation
· Setting up the Bundeswehr
· Rehabilitation of some Nazis
NB: For each point, make sure you can provide a firm piece of evidence that it was successful.
Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Defense Minister Theodor Blank Visit the First Bundeswehr Training Battalion (January 20, 1956)
Seine Kameraden - unsere Verbündeten
Werbeplakat für die in die NATO integrierte Bundeswehr.
Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung Bundesrepublik Deutschland, um 1956 Druck
· What did Ludwig Erhard become?
· Describe his economic and social beliefs. (make sure you can define soziale Marktwirtschaft)
· What steps did the government take to promote free enterprise?
· Describe the welfare state that was set up at the same time.
Das Wirtschaftswunder
(economic miracle)
What was it? Why did it happen? The consequences?
· Categorise the causes and consequences thematically.
· Write notes for a speech by a member of the SPD criticising the government’s economic policy.
· Write a brief profile of the German Trade Union League
· What were the contents and the significance of the 1951 Codetermination Law? (It may help to draw diagrams here.)
· How did the 1952 Factory Constitution Law show that the business community had lobbied Adenauer effectively? How was it nevertheless effective?
· What role did the Marshall Plan play in stimulating the FRG economy?
· Why did the West German economy grow so rapidly in the 1950s?
Thomas Mann
Günter Eich
· What two sides of the same movement do these two men represent?
· What were the aims and influence of Group 47?
List some key members:
· What 2 remarkable things had happened to West Germany and West Germans by the mid-1950s?
Think: How far did the West Germans facilitate their own economic and political recovery?
· What additional role did Adenauer hold until 1955?
· What was he anxious to see removed?
· What was Adenauer’s attitude to reunification and why?
· What did he opt for?
· How did his personality and background help him to adopt this position?
· Why could he not state his position publically?
· What was the ‘policy of strength’ and how did it make reunification less likely in the short term?
· Why was Schumacher so opposed to Adenauer’s policy of not prioritising reunification?
· What did Schumacher mean when he denounced Adenauer as ‘The Chancellor of the Allies’?
Foreign policy advances
Why are these dates key?
· October 1949
· End of 1949
· June 1950
· March 1951
· April 1951
· May 1951
· How did the war in Korea accelerate the Western integration and expansion of the Bonn government’s authority?
· What was the EDC plan?
· How did Adenauer use the situation to build the power of West Germany?
· What had the western Allies conceded by July 1951?
· What was worked out by May 1952?
· How did it change the status of foreign troops in West Germany?
· What was agreed in draft (excluding Berlin)?
· Why did it never come into effect?
· What was Eden’s plan of 1954? What extra restrictions did it place on the FRG? (Need detail here)
· What did the FRG gain when the Paris Treaties came into effect in May 1955?
Think: what had the FRG achieved within 12 years of total defeat?
· List the careful steps taken in the formation of the Bundeswehr to avoid a culture of militarism and aggression.
· What was the Bundeswehr by 1961?
Meanwhile, back in the USSR!
· What did Stalin suggest in 1952? What were his conditions? Why had the proposal lost credibility by 1955?
· To what extent was 1952 a lost chance for reunification?
· What was the contrast between the public and private positions of the USSR towards the FRG in 1955?
· What did Adenauer do and achieve in September 1955? What did it seem to justify?
After consultations with the Western allies, Adenauer accepted this invitation to visit Moscow between September 8 and September 14. In nerve-racking talks and negotiations, during which the Soviet negotiators oscillated abruptly between jovial/friendly and offensive/accusatory tones, an agreement was finally reached: diplomatic relations would be established, and in return the Soviets gave a verbal promise that all German prisoners of war and interned civilians still held in the Soviet Union would be released.
· Describe FRG actions in the 1950s to atone for the Nazi past.
· What was the position of ex-Nazis in the FRG in the 1950s?
· Trace the history of the Saarland from 1945 to 1957.
· Draw two pie-charts for the 1953 and 1957 Bundestag elections.
· Account for the CDU/CSU success.
· How had the Bundestag changed by 1957?
· What had the Constitutional Court done?
· Why did the SPD adopt the Godesberg Program in 1959?
· How did the SPD change at this time and as a result of the Program?
· Put together a short biography of Willy Brandt up to September 1961?
· What was the result of the 1961 election?
The Hallstein Doctrine
Kettenacker: “Right from the point of departure in 1955, (West) German foreign policy got stuck.”
· What was it?
· How effective was it?
· What were its limitations?