ITU Winter Triathlon Events
Post-Event Reporting Document for Technical Delegates (TD)
ü / Indicates satisfactory or well done
û / Indicates improvement required
n/a / Indicates no applicable
A combined ü û indicates that some elements were satisfactory and some need improvement. A comment must accompany any û. The report is intended to assist LOC and ITU in the always challenging job of improving our events and presenting the sport at the best possible level for athletes, media, television, sponsors and spectators.
Once the report is finalized, please forward for approval to Gergely Markus, ITU Sports Director (). Once the Report is approved, a copy will forward to the ITU Technical Committee Chair, the Host NF and the LOC.
ITU Team Leader
(If applicable):
ITU Technical Delegate:
ITU Race Referee:
ITU Assistant Technical Delegate:
ITU Medical Delegate
(If applicable):
Report ‘s submission date:
1. Event Details / Data1.1 Start Times / Women
1.2 Air Temperature
1.3 Athletes’ briefing presentation / Please attached the ppt. file to this report
1.4 Economic impact / Number of participating athletes (all events)
Number of team officials
Number of volunteers
Number of spectators
2. General Overview / ü / û / Comments…
2.1 Safe and fair
2.2 Spectator friendly
2.3 Media friendly
2.4 Sponsor services
2.5 Event ‘Look and Feel’
2.6 Legacy for community
3. LOC Documents
(knowledge and implementation) / ü / û / Comments…
3.1 ITU/LOC Contract
3.2 Insurance certificate
3.3 Other licenses and permits
3.4 ITU Event Organiser’s Manual
3.5 ITU Competition Rules
3.6 ITU Uniform Rules
3.7 ITU Branding Guidelines
3.8 ITU Athletes’ Agreement
3.9 ITU Sport Presentation Manual
4. LOC Strengths / ü / û / Comments…
4.1 LOC Contacts / Resources in community
4.2 LOC Commitment
4.3 Professional Staff
a. Event General Manager
b. Event Operations staff
c. Competition Manager
d. Media Services staff
e. Athlete Services staff
f. Accounts Manager
g. Sponsor and Protocol Director
4.4 Event office/headquarters – professional office with adequate equipment provided by LOC
4.5 Adequate, Trained volunteers
5. Stadium Design / ü / û / Comments…5.1 Clover leaf design
5.2 Ski wax testing area
5.3 Medical facilities and access
5.4 Spectator viewing areas
5.5 Spectator flow
5.6 FOP Media areas
5.7 FOP Media access / control
5.8 VIP facility / access and viewing
5.9 Grand stands
5.10 Wheel chair accessible
6. Run Course/Start / ü / û / Comments…
6.1 GPS / Laser measurement
6.2 Distance to first turn
6.3 Start area
a. Widthb. Spacing
c. Pre start zone
6.4 Start procedures
6.5 Introduction of athletes
6.6 Surface, topography, technical challenges
6.7 Km markers
6.8 Aid stations and coaches station
6.9 Lap counting boards
6.10 Clearly marked
7. Transition / ü / û / Comments…
7.1 Final bike, ski and uniform check
7.2 Racks and spacing
7.3 Athlete name/number/country flag
7.4 Smooth Corners
7.5 Boxes– for race gear – everything else to athlete storage area
7.6 Mount, Dismount Line / Zone clearly marked
7.7 LOC Transition area assistants
7.8 Changing area facilities
8. Bike Course / ü / û / Comments…
8.1 Surface, topography, technical challenges, laser/ GPS measurement
8.2 Whistles and flags – caution areas for pedestrians, media, officials
8.3 Motorcycles, quads drive conduct
8.4 Lap counting boards
8.5 Bike course aid stations
8.6 Number of motorcycles quads available
8.7 Course swept and clear
8.8 Clearly marked
9. Cross Country Ski Course / ü / û / Comments…
9.1 Snow preparation, topography, technical challenges, laser/ GPS measurement
9.2 Whistles and flags – caution areas for pedestrians, media, officials
9.3 Skidoos drive conduct
9.4 Lap counting boards
9.5 Aid stations and coaches station
9.6 Lap Auditors-officials
9.7 Number of motorcycles quads available
9.8 Clearly marked
10. Finish Area / ü / û / Comments…
10.1 Lanes separated final 100 mts
10.2 Gantry position and width (5m)
10.3 Distance from gantry to media stand (min 15m)
10.4 Finish line markings
10.5 Photo finish camera
10.6 Position of timing equipment
10.7 Ski control area
10.8 Media stand and Mixed zone
10.9 Post race interview set up
11. Recovery Area / ü / û / Comments…
11.1 Sufficient water, replacement fluids, fruit available
11.2 Hot room available and blankets
11.3 Professional and clean look
11.4 Near the finish area
11.5 Appropriately staffed
12. Sport Presentation / ü / û / Comments…12.1 Athlete introduction and opening ceremony
12.2 Commentary to spectators and VIPs
12.3 PA System/speaker placement and sound levels
12.4 Music selection and sound levels
12.5 Language – English and host
13. Medal Ceremony Presentation / ü / û / Comments…
13.1 Set-up and location
13.2 Branded backdrop as per Branding Guidelines
13.3 Presentation rehearsed
13.4 Announcer / Presenter protocol
13.5 Processional music available for ceremony and introduction
13.6 Flags, anthems, flowers and champagne available
13.7 Representatives of ITU, the City and local sponsor present
13.8 Timelines
14. Athlete Services / ü / û / Comments…14.1 Event Information distribution to athletes, media and sponsors
14.2 LOC and ITU Website accuracy
14.3 Hotel Athlete Information Booth and athlete hospitality area
14.4 Language and translation services
14.5 Timing of briefing
14.6 Suitability of briefing venue
a. PA systemb. Seating
c. Refreshments and bottled water /
14.7 On site ‘Athlete Lounge’
a. Locationb. Furnishings
c. Food service
d. Volunteers /
14.8 Check in Procedure
a. adequate volunteers and officialsb. timing appropriate /
14.9 Clothing storage area /
14.10 Access to toilets and adequate number of toilets /
15. Medical Services / ü / û / Comments…
15. 1 LOC Medical Director / Name:
Email Address:
15.2 Emergency evacuation plan
15.3 Medical Plan approved by TD
15.4 Local hospital notified
15.5 Ambulances on site and on course
15.6 LOC Medical Team cooperation with Technical Delegate
15.7 Medical facility
a. Tent sizeb. Number of cots and blankets
15.8 Medical equipment and supplies
15.9 Qualified Personnel /
15.10 Communication system (dedicated medical radio channel)
15.11 Medical access to finish area
15.12 Medical access and exit from course /
15.13 Medical services on course /
15.14 Transportation for medical personnel /
15.15 Medical personnel clearly identified /
15.16 Accidents at the event
(If yes, please submit the medical records and the police reports with your report) /
16. Anti-Doping Control / ü / û / Comments
16.1 Number of urine and blood tests
16.2 Adequate number of chaperones (and Blood Control Officers, if necessary)
16.3 Chaperones trained properly
16.4 Chaperone proximity to finish area
16.5 Doping Control Station (proximity to finish, set-up, fluid supply, processing rooms)
16.6 Doping Control Agency completing the tests information / Agency’s name
Contact person
Email address
16.7 Tests destination lab / City
17. Volunteer Services / ü / û / Comments…
17.1 Field of Play: look of the event – Uniform etc.
17.2 Understand responsibilities
17.3 Assertive to control the situation, proactive, prepared
17.4 No cheering or getting in the way
17.5 Trained and informed about the big picture – all ITU Basic Rules
17.6 Food services for volunteers
17.7 Separate Toilets for volunteers /
18. Spectator Services / ü / û / Comments…
18.1 Spectator viewing areas
18.2 Control, flow
18.3 Spectator directional signage
18.4 Vendors and sport expo
18.5 Spectator Food services
18.6 Toilets
19. Transportation Plan / ü / û / Comments…
19.1 Airport pick up and drop off for all ITU staff /
19.2 Airport pick up and drop off for elite athletes and coaches /
19.3 ITU transportation to race venue /
20. Venue Operations Management / ü / û / Comments…
20.1 Site Construction Schedule presented to ITU TD /
20.2 Medical emergency access route planned /
20.3 Officials Lounge provided and serviced /
20.4 ITU/Confederation’s office – Internet, phone, fax, photocopy facilities provided for week of competition /
20.5 Power system and backup emergency generators /
20.6 Food operations for:
a. Athletesb. Volunteers
c. Spectators
d. Media
e. VIP
f. Officials /
20.7 Clean up and waste management /
20.8 Environment and recycling
a. SO certificationb. Ecoflag
21. Venue Operations: Radio Communications / ü / û / Comments…
21.1 Communications plan
21.2 Radio protocol training
21.3 Local mobile phone for ITU TD
21.4 Contact list of LOC, ITU, printed and provide to all key personnel
22. Venue Operations: Security and Accreditation / ü / û / Comments…
22.1 ITU accreditation plan (utilize ITU accreditation categories) /
22.2 Access areas clearly signed /
22.3 Site secure areas controlled: (athlete lounge and pre start area/ start area/transition/field of play) /
22.4 Accreditation list submitted to ITU for approval. /
22.5 VIPs and Sponsor accredited allows access to VIP areas only (not athlete areas) /
22.6 Finish Line security and control /
23. Sponsor Satisfaction / ü / û / Comments…23.1 Backdrop - skyline, cityscape, population /
23.2 Branding: event materials, signage location, gantries, media backdrops /
23.3 Sponsor hospitality /
23.5 Gantry, finish-line tape /
23.6 Scripted commentary for sponsor recognition /
23.7 Local media coverage and sponsor recognition /
23.8 Marketing and sponsorship (signage) /
23.9 Website, Web cast and sponsor recognition /
23.10 Event report planned for sponsors /
24. Course Design: ITU Branding Guidelines / ü / û / Comments…
24.1 Breakdown overall branding as percentage rather than by number of boards /
24.2 Keep venue clean, less clutter of logos /
24.3 Branding on run
a. Branding on race start
b. Branding on corners
c. Branding on aid stations /
24.4 Branding in transition
a. Backdrop branding
b. Branding of athletes boxes and name cards
c. Branding of corners
d. Branding of mount and dismount zones
e. Branding of transition entry and exit towers
24.5 Branding on bike course
a. Branding on corners
b. Branding on aid stations
24.6 Branding on ski course
a. Branding on corners
b. Branding on aid stations
24.7 Branding on finish
a. Branding on gantry
b. Branding in finish chute
c. Branding on ground
d. Title sponsor on finish tape
e. Branding of interview area
24.8 Any creative branding
25. Media / ü / û / Comments…25.1 Media Zones, Media Flow, Media Lanes near or adjacent to start, finish, transition /
25.2 Vest – appropriate dress, accreditation /
25.3 Vest – assigned = returned /
25.4 Post-race press conference /
25.5 Media Kit: review contents: schedule, start lists /
25.6 Media centre /
(Fill in by ITU Staff)
25.7 Press Release emailed immediately after the event to ITU Media Department. Please specify the day and time of delivery /
(Fill in by ITU Staff)
25.8 Photos available to ITU: high resolution photos should be emailed immediately after the event to ITU Media Department. Please specify the day and time of delivery /
26. Television Production / ü / û / Comments…
26.1 Local camera operators
(Fill in by ITU Staff)
26.2 Events’ video delivered to ITU. Please specify the day and time of delivery
Timing & Results Services
27. Online Production Support / ü / û / Comments…27.1 Timing Company / Name:
Operators’ names:
27.2 Number of timing points (number and locations)
27.3 Accuracy of data
27.4 Data Presentation
27.5 Services post race
27.6 General adherence to ITU timing standards
27.7 Live Services During Event
27.8 Timing system used (e.x. AMB, championship etc.)
(Fill in by ITU Staff)
27.9 Official results submitted to ITU / Day
28. VIP / ü / û / Comments…28.1 ITU Family Airport pick up /
28.2 ITU Team Airport Drop off /
28.3 ITU Staff provided with local cell phones /
28.4 ITU Staff vehicle provided /
28.5 Medal presenters approved by TD /
28.6 Athlete Prize Money distribution plan approved /
28.7 VIP Reception details approved /
28.8 Tickets to all social events provided to ITU guests and staff /
28.9 ITU Family Welcome Package /
28.10 VIP areas accommodated at race site /
29. Post Technical procedures / Comments29.1 Please list the names of the Competition Jury’s members
29.2 How many appeals/ protests were discussed by the Competition Jury?
(If any, please submit copy of the appeal and protest forms)
29.3 Are there any recommendations that you may have for rule modifications or inclusions to the ITU Technical Committee, based on your experience at this event?
Please include the names of the Technical Officials and their country of origin next to their assigned positions for this event. Indicate the vacant or non-applicable positions with N/A instead of a name.
Please make sure that the technical officials ITU TOs’ ID is included in the table below, in order for the post-race report to be approved by ITU.
Evaluate the TOs based on their performance with 1 (poor) to 5 (very good). This column will be removed from the report after ITU’s approval. The TOs’ score will be used only for internal purposes.
Assignments / Technical Official’s data / TOs EvaluationPrimary Position / Secondary Position / First Name / Last Name / ITU TOs’ ID
(if known) / Gender
(M/F) / Country
Technical Delegate
Medical Delegate
Assistant Technical Delegate
Race Referee
Chief Race Official
Chief Registration
Chief Technology
Chief Cross Skiing
Chief Transition
Chief Cycle
Chief Lap Auditor
Chief Vehicular
Chief Run
Chief Aid Station
Chief Finish
Assistant Registration
Assistant Cross Skiing
Assistant Cross Skiing
Assistant Transition
Assistant Transition
Assistant Transition (Mount/Dismount)
Assistant Transition (Mount/Dismount)
Assistant Cycle
Chief Penalty box
Assistant Penalty box
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Cycle (AG only)
Assistant Lap Auditor
Assistant Run
Assistant Aid Station
Assistant Aid Station
Assistant Aid Station
Assistant Finish
The following secondary positions can be assigned to any Technical Official on an ITU Event: