February 16, 2016 PTO Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Shannon Cole.
Board Members in attendance were Shannon Cole, Brook Holley and Melinda Bond.
Shannon thanked all parents, teachers and staff for their attendance.
Upcoming Elections
Shannon announced if anyone is interested in running for a PTO office for the 2016-17 year to please see Mrs. Mintz by March 1. Their name will be placed on a ballot and voting will take place later in March.
Box Tops Reminder
The second submission of box tops will be due February 26.
Stage/Gym Curtains
We are in the process of seeking a cleaner for the curtains and/or getting a quote for a new one.
Spring Fling
The date for the Spring Fling is set for April 16, 2016. In the event of rain, it will be rescheduled for April 23.
Year Books
Ms. Summerlin asked to announce there will be a drawing on Friday, February 19th for a pair of Beats Solo. In order to be in the drawing you must have purchased or make a purchase of a yearbook by Thursday, Feb. 18th.
Treasurer Report
The ending balance at the January meeting was $9,052.29. Some expenses included box top reimbursements, surge protectors, fax machine, stapler, file cabinet, renewal of A-Z Learning, workbooks for 7th grade and food for Bus Driver Appreciation. The current balance is $7784.65.
With no further business, the PTO meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm. At this time the program was turned over to Mr. Rodriguez for a performance by the BETA club students.
Submitted by Melinda Bond