The Grapes of Wrath

Reading Schedule

Students should be prepared for chapter quizzes every day.

Some chapters or parts of chapters we may read together. Keep up on the reading or will not understand the parts that are being read in class.

Chapters 1-30 - The average reading is between 30 and 40 pages. Some longer, some shorter—this requires some planning on the students part. Students may use The Grapes of Wrath for their first Book Report of the semester. To earn Book Report Credit Students must do the activities on the Book Report Form. The first Book Report is Due Sept. 23, 2011 – To use The Grapes of Wrath Students must finish the book ahead of schedule.

Read Chapters 1-2 September 1, 2 2011

Read Chapters 3-5 September 6-7 2011

Read Chapters 6-8 September 8-9 2011

Read Chapters 9-11 September 12-13 2011

Read Chapters 12-13 September 14-15, 2011

Read Chapters 14-16 September 16-19, 2011

Half Book Test Chapter 1-15

Read Chapters 17-19 September 20-21, 2011

Read Chapters 20-22 September 22-23, 2011

Read Chapters 23-25 September 26-27 2011

Read Chapters 26-30 September 28 29 2011

Final Test

Final Test on The Grapes of Wrath – will be on the entire book.

Following the reading we will view the 1940 Academy award winning film of The Grapes of Wrath with Henry Fonda and Jane Darwell. The test is on the novel not the film!

The following information is posted on Mr. Fowler’s website if additional information is required.

During the reading assignment: Vocabulary and Elements of literature on the road

Purpose: students need to develop vocabulary skills when reading as well as a basic understanding of literary techniques.

1. Step One: produce five index cards one for each of the following symbolism, biblical imagery, animal imagery, antagonists, and one for miscellaneous literary technique of the students choosing from the following list: Personification, Extended Metaphor, Euphemism, Exposition, Hyperbole, Flashback, Hubris, Synecdoche Foreshadowing, Irony, Mood, Oxymoron, Paradox, Pun, Tone, Satire, Symbolism, Theme, and Understatement. While reading The Grapes of Wrath, students will find one quote for each of the five headings. On one side of the index card the quotation from the text is written. On the back of the index card the quotation is explained as symbolism, biblical imagery, animal imagery, antagonists, or miscellaneous literary technique.

2. Step Two: Students produce two vocabulary index cards for each chapter. One on side of the index card a word used by Steinbeck in the novel is written and the entire sentence from which it was found and the page number it is located along with the Chapter number. On the back of the index card, a dictionary definition is written.

3. Step Three: When the book is completed, the card five (5) literary definitions and sixty (60) vocabulary words from the book will be collected. Mr. Fowler will individually quiz students on the vocabulary; know the meaning of all the words. Write neatly and fill up the cards.