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CP English III Lynch/Harvey

The Crucible Study Guide



Predilection Innate theocracy abominations calumny

Diametrically differentiation manifestation dissembling deference

Contiguous heathen ingratiating conjured trepidation

Iniquity paradox prodigious defamation defiled

Directions: Answer all of the questions, using text support to validate claims.

1. What is the setting of the play?

2. Describe Reverend Parris and use a quote to support your opinion.

3. What were the village’s resident’s perceptions of the forest and its Indian inhabitants?

4. In his introduction to the play, how does Miller explain what really motivated the people of Salem to accuse their neighbors, friends, and relatives of witchcraft?

5. What behaviors of the Betty Paris and Ruth Putnam made some feel they were possessed by witches?

6. What were Abigail and the girls doing in the forest when Reverend Paris saw them?

7. Why is Thomas Putnam such a bitter man?

8. Why Mrs. Putnam is so eager to prove there is witchcraft in the village?

9. What is the source of conflict between Paris and Proctor?

10. What is the relationship between Abigail and John Proctor?

11. How does Abigail feel about John’s wife?

12. What does Rebecca nurse think is wrong with the girls?

13. Why do some people resent Francis and Rebecca Nurse?

14. Which characters are openly critical of Parris?

15. Who is Reverend Hale, and what does he accomplish?

16. What confession does Mrs. Putnam make to Hale?

17. What is unusual about Giles Cory? What purpose does he serve in the play?

18. Why does Tituba confess so readily? And what does her confession initiate?

19. Who does Tituba say are also witches?

20. How do Abigail and Betty take advantage of what is happening to make sure they will not be blamed for dancing in the forest?



Poppet ameliorate credited calamity

supernatural warrant vengeance blasphemy misgivings pious

Directions: Answer all of the questions, using text support to validate claims.

1. From the beginning of Act II, what can you tell about the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor?

2. What do John and Elizabeth argue about and through this disagreement what does the audience learn?

3. What does John say keeps him from telling the court what he knows? What do you think might be the real reason?

4. How does Proctor treat Mary Warren throughout Act II?

5. Where has Mary Warren been and what does she report? What does she give Elizabeth?

6. What is the only way a person accused of witchcraft can save his or her life?

7. Do you think Mary Warren believes that she and the other girls are bewitched? Cite Evidence.

8. How did Mary “save” Elizabeth’s life, but later cause her to be accused?

9. What does Elizabeth fear about Abigail?

10. Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail?

11. What is the purpose of Hale’s visit to the Proctors and what things seem to go against John and Elizabeth?

12. According to Proctor, what concerns Parris more than his duty to God?

13. What are the Proctor’s feelings regarding the existence of witches in general? How do their views put them in conflict with the church?

14. With what crime has Rebecca Nurse been charged? Why is this kind of “final proof” that the town has gone mad?

15. What evidence does the court have against Martha Corey? What does this “evidence” tell the reader about these trials?

16. How does Abigail Williams reveal her wickedness in this Act?

17. Explain: “I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem—vengeance is walking Salem.”

18. Explain: “We are only what we always were, but naked now.”

19. Why is Mary Warren afraid to go to court to speak the truth?



Pretense Daft Contentious Probity Guile Effrontery Auger Lecher Undermine Contemptuous

Directions: Answer all of the questions, using text support to validate claims.

1. After reading Hathorne’s questioning of Martha Corey, what can you conclude?

2. According to Giles Corey, what is Thomas Putnam’s purpose in promoting the witch trials?

3. Why is Giles Corey full of shame?

4. From his actions and statements, what can you conclude about Judge Danforth? What do you think makes him so unwilling to consider the girls could be pretending?

5. Why has Mary Warren been home “sick”?

6. Who are Proctor’s allies in his attempt to expose the girls? Who is his enemy?

7. What “extravagance” does Danforth believe Proctor guilty of?

8. What evidence do Parris and Cheever present to discredit Proctor?

9. What bargain does Danforth attempt to strike with Proctor, just to make him go away? What makes Proctor want to continue with his attempt to prove the girls are lying?

10. How does Parris respond to Proctor’s attempt to discredit the girls?

11. Why are people afraid to stand against the court? Why won’t Giles reveal the name of his “source” of information?

12. What does Hale point out to Danforth as Giles is being “tried”?

13. Hale has been at the center of the witch hunt. Is he still so convinced of the witchcraft? Explain

14. How does Danforth suggest a “way out” for the girls?

15. What does the court ask Mary Warren to do to validate her claims that everything the girls did was just “pretense”? Why can’t she perform this act?

16. What finally prompts Proctor to report his affair with Abigail?

17. What two ironic twists does the plot take in this act? Explain each completely, describing clearly what makes the incident ironic.

18. Reread and explain Proctor’s last speech in this act.



Gibbet Disputation Sibilance Belie Prevail

Beguile Adamant Excommunication Contention Indictment

Directions: Answer all of the questions, using text support to validate claims.

1. As you read Act IV comment on how the town and townspeople have been affected by the last several months of court proceedings?

2. Why do Sarah Good and Tituba talk about the devil so openly? Do they really believe in what they are saying?

3. Why is Reverend Hale at the jail?

4. Why is Parris anxious to postpone the death of Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor?

5. What is Parris’ real reason for pleading for postponement of the executions?

6. What makes Danforth anxious to obtain confessions? At the same time, why does he refuse to postpone the executions?

7. Discuss Reverend Hale’s given reason for returning to the town and discuss how he sees his part in this tragedy.

8. What reasoning does Hale use as he attempts to persuade Elizabeth to convince her husband to confess?

9. What does Hale mean when he says to Elizabeth, “cleave to no faith when faith brings blood”?

10. How does Elizabeth react to Hale and Danforth? Why?

11. How has Elizabeth changed during her imprisonment?

12. Why doesn’t Elizabeth beg John to sign the confession?

13. What happened to Giles Corey? What was his purpose?

14. What makes John Proctor finally tear up the confession and decide it is better to hang? Do you think he made the right choice?

15. What happened to the following characters after the witch hunt madness ended?

a. Elizabeth Proctor b. Reverend Parris c. Abigail