JULY 9, 2008
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WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2008 - 5:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Rev. Orin Grant, Pastor
St. Paul Baptist Church
1509 Monroe Street
3. Approval of previous month’s minutes
June 11, 2008 Special Meeting Minutes
4. Presentation:
1. Gretna Riverfront Amphitheater - Steve Braquet, Perez APC Architects & Engineers
5. Bids received for the following: 1
1. Advanced Imaging Medium Tunnel Capacity X-Ray Inspection System - Police Department
2. City of Gretna Official Journal - Susan E. Percle, CAO
6. Reports of City Committees: 2
A. Historic District Advisory Committee items considered:
1. 415 Weidman Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval as submitted
For: Carport - Mike Cooper, Applicant
2. 1012 7th Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval as submitted
For: Fence - Jeffrey Fos, Applicant
3. 1112 5th Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval as submitted
For: Sign - Creek Services, LLL, Applicant
4. 714 First Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval on Items 2 & 3 with modifications
For: Demolition of green tiles/ on side of building - Joey Istre, Applicant
5. 504 Monroe Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval with modifications
For: New modular home - Roy Cadres, Applicant
6. 1012-1014 Fourth Street - HDAC recommended favorable approval as submitted
For: Replacing window with matching windows - Robert Pitre, Jr., Applicant
B. Regulatory Department Report
1. License Hearing - Jack & Nookie’s Used Auto Parts, 1725 Huey P. Long Avenue
2. 60-day Update report - Kern Property (Madison and Perry Streets)
7. Consideration and Adoption of Resolutions 3
A. A resolution amending the Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 to appropriate funds in the amount of $13,673 for the Heebe and Verret Canals NRCS Project.
Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
B. A resolution authorizing Mayor Ronnie C. Harris to sign an amendment to the Agreement between the City of Gretna and the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Department of Agriculture for Channel Slope Repairs for the Heebe and Verret Canals. Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
7. Consideration and Adoption of Resolutions (Continued) 3
C. A resolution authorizing Mayor Ronnie C. Harris to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Gretna with the Parish of Jefferson for the Fiscal Years 2009, 2010 and 2011, and to abide and conform to all the terms and conditions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended and the Home Investment Partnership Act of 1990. (Jefferson Council District 1)
Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
D. A resolution waiving the 90-day deadline from the adoption of Resolution No. 2008-005 for the acceptance by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for the exchange of a 0.19 mile portion of Stumpf Boulevard (Franklin Street to the Westbank Expressway) for a 0.18 mile portion of Franklin Street (Stumpf Boulevard to the Westbank Expressway), as more particularly described in Resolution 2008-005 be waived and Mayor Ronnie C. Harris be authorized to execute the instruments of transfer for the properties. All other provisions from Resolution No. 2008-005 shall remain in effect. Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilwoman Constant
E. A resolution amending the General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 to appropriate funds in the amount of $14,177 for upgrade and major replacement part for City Hall’s Air Conditioning System. Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
8. Adoption of Ordinances 4
A. To adopt an ordinance approving the resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Square 2, Village of New Gretna Subdivision, Gretna, Louisiana, INTO Lot 1A, Square 2, Village of New Gretna Subdivision, as per the plan of survey and resubdivision by BFM Corporation, L.L.C., Professional Land Surveyors, dated May 7, 2008. Municipal Address: 328 First Street
Sponsor by: Councilwoman Constant
B. To adopt an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3665 to require removal, within thirty days of closing, any commercial sign, including the any structure used for the mounting or display of said sign from the building and premise of business no longer in operation. Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
C. To adopt an ordinance adopting and incorporating the fine and fee schedule for permits, code enforcement and code violations of Jefferson Parish. Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilman Cox
D. To adopt an ordinance enforcing properly recorded neighborhood subdivision restrictions.
Requested by: Administration
Sponsor: Councilwoman Beevers
9. Citizens to Address the Mayor and City Council
10. Reports by the City Engineer
11. Reports by the Police Department
12. Departmental Reports:
Building Official/Regulatory
Blight Coordinator
Public Works Director
Public Utilities Director
Recreation Superintendent
13. Other Matters 5
A. Gretna Market Event:
“Cruise Night” -
Third Saturday evening of each month
14. Adjourn
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance please contact Azalea Roussell at (504) 363-1555.
July 2, 2008 5:48 PM