Baptist Pioneer



The information herein constitutes a permanent record, and we urge you to complete the answers fully and carefully.

Thank you.


One Recent

Glossy Photo

Name: ______


Date of Birth: Day ____ Month _____ Year ______

Date Married: Day ____ Month _____ Year ______

Married women-give maiden name:______

Passport Number:______Date Issued: ______Place Issued: ______

Social Security Number: ______Nationality: ______Citizenship: ______

Ordained? _____ When? ______By Whom?______

Present Address: ______

______Phone: (___)______

Permanent Address:______

______Phone: (___)______

Give names of children, ages, and dates of birth:______



Do you have any other dependents? ______

Give details regarding your educational qualifications:

High School: ______College:______

Bible School: ______Seminary:______

Pastorate or other full time service: ______

Church training: ______

Additional training (separate page if necessary): ______

Other experience in the Lord’s work: ______

Relate briefly your experience of conversion on a separate page.

On a separate page, please explain what convinces you that God is leading / calling you to the mission field.

Are you in full agreement with the Articles in our Statement of Faith? If not please explain the points of disagreement or doubt on a separate page.

Do you know at this time to which field God is leading you? _____ Field: ______

Should the door to this field be “closed” for any reason, are you willing to look to the Lord to direct you elsewhere? ______Explain: ______

Have you ever applied to or served under another mission? ______If so, give name and address of the mission and explain on a separate page.

Why are you considering Baptist Pioneer Mission? ______


Have you discussed God’s leading you to the mission field with your Pastor? ______

Give Pastor’s name and address: ______

Much emphasis and attention will be given to your pastor’s recommendation or non-recommendation so we request that such a letter accompany this application.

Is your church willing to commission you to do missionary work with the Baptist Pioneer Mission and sign the Certificate of Commissioning which states: “By so doing, we designate and set apart our fellow servant to minister in this capacity in full accordance with the faith, tenets, and practices of the Baptist Pioneer Mission’s Statement of Faith and Principles of Operation, recognizing our own responsibility to deal with them should they cease holding and practicing these beliefs. We will not sin against them by ceasing to pray for them.”?

Give name and address of the church of which you are a member: ______


Do you consistently witness to the lost? ______Have daily devotions? ______

Family Altar? ______

What type of instrument do you play? ______Sing? ______

Other talents: ______

Do you understand that you must trust the Lord, through your own church and other channels as He supplies, for all your financial needs, equipment, passage, and support? Are you fully in accord with this principle? ______

Effective service on the mission field involves the complete putting aside of personal plans and ambitions. It requires a life that is absolutely yielded to God and to His will; it may mean danger, suffering, sorrow, sickness, lonesomeness, and exposure to testing. It demands the ability to cooperate sympathetically with others, and above all, it is based on a real energizing love for the souls of those who are lost.

Give names and addresses of at least six references:

Pastor (other than yours) with whom you are acquainted:


A Friend:


Official from your home church:


Secular employer:


Two other references not related to you:



In serving Him with Baptist Pioneer Mission, I agree not to approve of, or co-operate with, or support any activity sponsored by know Liberal theologians, Neo-Orthodox, New-Evangelicals, Sense Oriented Charismatic Movement, the World Council of Churches, or Ecumenicalists. I accept the Statement of Faith and Principles of Operation and if the time should ever come that I no longer hold to them, I agree to notify the Mission. I have read the list of requirements entitled: “Musts” and I am in full agreement with them.


Missionary’s SignatureDate Signed

______was received as a Missionary by


Baptist Pioneer Mission, ______


Should he or she stop holding and or practicing this Statement of Faith and or these Principles of Operation, we will, as soon as we have proof of this action, dismiss the missionary and notify his or her supporters.