Name ______

Date ______

Period ______

Crash Course US History 1:

The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards

1.  What were the attributes that Mr. Green indicates are the qualities of a “classical civilization” (there are five, though he numbers them as 1 & 2)?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

2.  What are the two words that Green would like us to refrain from using in the study of history (p.s. Dr. Hinzman is also not a fan of these words as comparisons)?

  1. ______
  2. ______

3.  Worse than decimation, approximately what ratio of native peoples were killed by diseases like small pox and influenza? ______

4.  What is a bad habit historians have? ______

5.  What did West Coast tribal groups rely upon for their survival (yes, I know this is a generalization)? ______

6.  What was the best known league of trading tribal groups? ______

7.  How was property viewed by most native peoples of the Americas? ______

8.  Juan Ponce De Leon came to the Americas in search of what? ______

9.  Though the first explorers from Europe that reached the Americas never found gold, what did they do to make exploration and colonization easier for others? ______

10.  Where the first permanent Spanish settlement in what is the modern Southwest? ______

11.  So this site was important not only as the first settlement but also the first uprising of native peoples, though the Spanish did regain control they did end the practice of encomienda, which was what? ______

12.  How was de las Casas different from the majority of Spaniard opinions on the subject of Native Americans? ______

13.  How is “the Black Legend” problematic in the study of history? ______