
MHS MANDARIN ONE: 2008-2009SYLLABUS Supplies to bring to class

Teacher: Frances Cook [顾老师Gù Lǎoshī] Textbook

Contact Information Workbook (see homework)

Email: Chinese-only notebook

Phone: 508-360-3500ext. 7709 Chinese-only folder

Room: A, B, C, F periods in 340F; G period in 248 Pens/pencils

MHS Homework Website:

(Check it everyday!)

Mandarin Chinese 1

This beginner’s course centers on mastering the Mandarin sound system and the rudiments of the Chinese writing system, as they apply to a practical use of the language. Written applications will be introduced with pen and paper, brush, and word processing exercises. Chinese culture will be introduced through language experiences as well as interactive and hands-on activities. These will include activities on Chinese history and philosophy, cooking and eating techniques, holidays and festivals, folktales, calligraphy, music, cinema, and crafts.

Periods/week=5 Prerequisite: None

I. Learning Objectives: (A statement of learning objectives is a statement of changes to take place in students):

By the completion of this course, the successful student will have learned:

  1. to use the Chinese phonetic system (Pinyin) to pronounce Chinese characters.
  2. to carry out simple conversations relating to their immediate experiences, such as family and school life, friends, pets, and daily routine.
  3. to write the Simplified Chinese Characters taught in class.
  4. to write one to two paragraphs describing oneself, family, friends, school life,interests, vacation plans, etc.
  5. to acquire the basic knowledge of calligraphy writing.
  6. to use Chinese electronic input methods to write simple email correspondence

II. Learning Experiences: (A learning experience is the interaction between the learner and the external conditions in the environment to which he/she can react):

In this course, students will:

  1. actively participate in class discussions; place telephone messages in target language
  2. complete homework and assigned projects.
  3. participate in group and paired activities in class.
  4. utilize the Language Lab to practice listening skill, improve pronunciation, practice word processing skills in the target language.
  5. watch video tapes as a means of improving their listening comprehension, expanding their vocabulary, and increasing their cultural awareness; create video files to record their own independent speech acts
  6. practice calligraphy writing.
  7. participate in cultural events, such as holiday celebrations; complete arts, and crafts activities

III. Basis for Grading: Quarterly grades are earned according to the distribution below.

Attendance and Participation:10%


Quizzes and Classwork Equivalents:40%




  • The grading cycle begins anew every quarter
  • The percentages above are approximate and may vary slightly between quarters
  • Successful completion of the course depends both on having a passing grade and on passing the Comprehensive Final Exam.

MANDARIN ONE POLICIES:Please ask you parent or guardian to read, sign, and date the bottom section of this handout and return to the teacher.

Attendance:Attendance is taken in every class. Do NOT miss class unless it is a legitimate emergency (medical or legal).

Quizzes and Tests:Missed quizzes and exams shall be made up on the next day the students attends class.In the event of extended illness (more than 2 days) a review period will be granted. Otherwise, expect to sit for your missed quiz or exam on your first day back. Missed quizzes and exams that are not made up will become zeros and factored into your final grade. All students will have the option to drop their lowest quiz grade each term.

Homework Assignments:Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Homeworks may not be made up or handed in late for credit. To help you gauge the impact of missed homeworks: each missing homework is approximately one point off the top of your quarterly average.

Plagiarism and Academic:Cheating and plagiarism are not accepted in this class.

Conduct.You will immediately be brought before the administrative authorities for breaches in academic conduct and your parents or guardians will be contacted. Please review and sign the attached form Cheating Policy from the World Languages Department.

Classroom Conduct:All members of the class are required to behave with respect, tolerance, and patience with their peers and towards their subject and towards their teacher. This includes listening to others, raising your hand, helping your peers, and seeking assistance when help is needed. Do not speak out of turn.Do not ridicule others. Do not get out of your seat without permission to do so. Do not disrupt the class unnecessarily. Please do not waste our precious time together. 一其一会

Restrictions:As per school policy, NO FOOD, CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONICS are permitted in the classroom. If any are observed by the teacher they will be taken away and sent to the student’s house office. Similarly, any work from other classes or outside materials that the teacher observes to compete with the student’s attention in class will be taken away and may be retrieved at 2:00pm from room 340F.

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I have read the policies outlined in the Mandarin One syllabus and I agree to follow them.

Student’s name and signature:______

Parent/Guardian’s name and signature:______

Parent/Guardian’s best number for me to call: ______Home/Cell/Work

(circle one)

Parent/Guardian email:______

(This is often the most reliable line of communication, so please provide an address if you have one.)