For us at the Amnistya Childrens Foundation, the first steps along that path begin right here in Baja California, Mexico. Why we are in Baja California?
Because NeuroMama's products and services will be marketed first in Latin America.
Baja California, Mexico is the very beginning of Latin America.
NeuroMama's products are GEO, SEM and eCommerse Advertising products, DTH - Packages of TV channels, NeuroPhones and NeuroPads, Celular and Internet Service.
I hope that you share with NeuroMama's Philosophical Differences, which separate NeuroMama, Ltd. and other companies.
NeuroMama, Ltd. is a very small player compare to the giants in its $8 Trillion dollar a year Telecommunication, Internet, Digital Marketing, Entertainment and Media Industries.
Amnistya Children Foundation provides advisory services to NeuroMama, Ltd.
Vladislav "Slava-Steven" Zubkis - Schwartzbard is the Chairman and founder of Amnistya Childrens Foundation and NeuroMama's General Design and Marketing Strategist.
The Amnistya Children's Foundation is dedicatedto helping make this world a better, healthierplanet… A better place for our children andgrandchildren and their children to grow up in,to thrive in … a world where they can trulybecome all that they can be and all that wewould hope them to be.To do this, we intend to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for charitable purposes.
The Amnistya Childrens Foundation is a social outreachservice of the Eurasia Resort, Golf, Conference, Entertainment Complex in Las Vegas and,the world’s only neural-technology powered Internetsearch engine and the first search engine designedentirely in and for the 21st Century.
In addition to investing a significant percentage of itsparent companies’ annual earnings to support thecauses defined in this document, the Foundation willleverage the full resources of its parent and affiliatedcompanies to stage international fund-raising events tobenefit not only the Foundation’s own charities but toalso make substantial contributions to such othernotable charitable endeavors as the Bill and MelindaGates Foundation.
One more very important thing, Amnistya, in addition to its owncharitable activities, will enable both existing charitable organizations and individual compassionate people to more easily engage infundraising for good causes.It will provide protection to donors by screening individuals andgroups claiming to be legitimate charities.It'll provide back office functions such as collections, record keeping, filings, providing tax recent receipts to claim deductions, nonprofit organizations.That's just a few of the almost 30 services Amnistya will be providing to the good people, the generous people, of the world.
Leveraging our sister companies, such as and Acesof Acts, in broadcasting, streaming media distribution and live entertainment Amnistya will also provide communication channels -TV spots, billboards, radio messages, etc. -- for the major institutional and individual charitable donors serving on the Foundation’sboard to reach out to individual contributors.Also, volunteer activists and fund-raising event contributors will beeligible for discounts and free admissions at Eurasia’s resorts in LasVegas and other U.S. and international cities and free merchandisefrom Eurasia/ marketing partners.So that’s where the Amnistya Childrens Foundation is at, firmly onthe side of the angels. Just like you are. The question now is simple, what is the best way for us to go forward today to help upcoming generations get to where they must be tomorrow?
Our Causes:
Environment / Saving children from drugs / Immigration Reform / Positive Influences / CharityOur Environment
In the environmental area, we will be supporting and financing efforts to shut down a proposed nuclear power plant near Lake Baikal, the deepest and purest lake in the world. This nuclear plant if not stopped, has the potential to make Chernobyl seem like a backyard bonfire. We also intend to do our part to bring the reality of global warming and the melting icecaps to the attention of everyone.Do you know that 80% of the ice cover on Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, a glacier that has existed for 11,700 years, has disappeared in the last hundred years. Even more frightening, the annual loss, which was 1% between 1912 and 1953, has currently escalated to 2.5%. At that rate Mount Kilimanjaro will be totally ice free in as little as 10 years.Just imagine what kind of havoc that rate of change will have on the millions of acres beneath that mountain.
In Russia, along with our efforts to shut down the nuclear plant near Lake Baikal, we will also work to stop the ongoing destruction of the Siberian forests. Forests which currently contain 25% of the world's trees and generate 25% of the planet's oxygen.Understand this, we are not just going to be talking about these evils, we are going to be very proactive in fighting them. Particularly in the legal area where we will file lawsuits in the countries affected and in the international courts. We will sue everyone involved in these ecological disasters. This includes companies, directors, politicians, whoever is allied with the guilty parties.
Healthy Communities
We are committed to preventing drug dealers from poisoning our children and grandchildren. We will levy against attorneys and judges who help drug dealers stay out of prison altogether or get away with very short prison sentences. We will sue politicians personally and in their official capacity if they refuse to vote to increase prison sentences. /Positive Influences
On the cultural front, Amnistya will support artists, musicians, sculptors, architects... anyone who devotes their talents to the creation of classical works of music or other art that embody themes of timeless beauty, cultural tradition and convey a sense of trust and security. We will also provide worldwide support for the sport of rhythmic gymnastics, which is the fastest growing Olympic sport for young girls. A sport giving them unique opportunities for artistic expression. if you're not sure what this spectacular, exquisite sport is all about just go to YouTube and search for rhythmic gymnastics.
Immigration Reform
In the United States we will take legal and political action to curtail the Gestapo activities of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. In just the last five years the INS with the full cooperation of the United States attorney and the federal court system has separated and displaced between 2,000,000... 2,000,000 families by deporting immigrants who for one reason or another ran slightly afoul of a legal system they did not yet know and understand.What we're talking about here is minor offenders, mothers and fathers who did not kill anyone, rape anyone or molest any children, who don't sell any drugs to children or adults... Who did nothing to cause the state to throw them out, leaving behind a single-parent child or, or worse a child fated to be raised by other relatives or in foster homes. We're also talking about thousands and thousands of non-offenders. Families who came to this country to work, to contribute, invited to come here and work by the American citizens who employed them and promised to take care of them. Thousands and thousands of non-offenders, of honest families who did nothing wrong whatsoever, deported simply because it became a politically expedient thing for unethical politicians seeking the cheapest possible votes to support throwing them to the wolves.
Thousands and thousands of people deported while the bosses who employed them, who brought them here, who promised to take care of them and get them green cards, remain totally unpunished, charged with nothing, subject to not even a punishment as meaningless as a $50 fine. Again we will sue in their personal and official capacities congressmen who refused to vote to change these deportation laws. To stop the INS from bragging every year, as they have since 2002, that they have once again recorded a number of deportations. /
In addition to Amnistya's own charitable activities, we will enable both existing charitable organizations and individual compassionate people to more easily engage in fundraising for good causes. It will provide protection to donors by screening individuals and groups claiming to be legitimate charities. It'll provide back office functions such as collections, record keeping, filings, providing tax recent receipts to claim deductions, etc. to nonprofit organizations. That's just a few of the almost 30 services Amnistya will be providing to the good people, the generous people, of the world.
Vladislav "Slava-Steven" Zubkis - Schwartzbard is a Chairman and founder of Amnistya Childrens Foundation and NeuroMama's General Design and Marketing Strategist.
Vladislav came to United States in 1976 at the age of 17 and high school diploma from USSR. He came to US with his parents, grandmother Victoria Schwartzbard and 5 brothers and sisters.
Vladislav doesn't have formal education, however he has spent many years in New York University School of Continuing Education completing Certified Program for Systems Programming, Real Estate Development and Financing. Among his mentors and teachers were Kenny Green, an adviser to Viacom's Sumner Redstone, Jack Broberg founder of JB's Bob's Big Boy, Moe Rimson of Moe Rimson and Company on Wall Street, "Front Page Franky" - Frank Balfour one of the most experienced stock promoters in Canada, and Michael Matson his teacher in Classic Architectural Ornamentation - Elements of Palace Buildings, who for the past 30 years has been the sole restorator of Balboa Park in San Diego and an adviser, consultant or subcontractor to architectural firms and construction companies, which has built Belagio, Paris, Monte Carlo, Venetian, Palazo and New York - New York in Las Vegas.
From 1979 to 1989 he worked as a consultant as a sub-contractor from few consulting firms, among which is AGS Consulting Services. He provided services to many major corporations such as: Blue Cross, RCA/NBC, Manufactures Hanover Trust, American Express, Macy's, Swiss Re, (NECA) National Exchange Couriers Association, Fuji Film troubleshooting large mainframe computer based systems. His expertise lies in systems programming, where knowledge of all levels of assembler - the machine language, supervisor services, data management and IBM CICS online systems required. Vladislav has worked directly with IBM level 1, 2, and 3 tech-support teams installing new IBM systems and applying IBM systems modifications.
Vladislav has been involved in conversions of application systems to support new MVS, VM, MVS XA from DOS operating systems. He has designed many systems for major companies by working with top management and users of these mostly Fortune 100 companies. Among this systems Vladislav has designed an election and opinion poll systems for NBC News, Platinum Credit Card System for American Express, and in 1984 when US Government broke AT&T monopoly Vladislav has designed the Distribution system for NECA and to prevent disruption of services and payments among and between Long Distance and Local Exchange Couriers.
Vladislav expertise was in designing and programming of black boxes to save storage and processing time of operating systems utilizing assembler language to achieve data compression, decompression, efficiency and optimization of computer resources. In his tech-support and troubleshooting capacity Vladislav's job was to immediately restart crashed operating systems of major corporations, then by using memory dumps to identify which computer programs were running at the system, and which program has caused the storage violations to cause this crashes. In this capacity he has made changes and recommendations to the computer programmers how to implement solutions to prevent systems from going down in the future.
From 1989 to present Vladislav been involved in financing, general design and marketing strategies for private and publicly trading companies.
In the worst article written about Zubkis by Bloomberg, reprinted at the end, he was called "Master of Regulations."
The cause of this article was Vladislav's tooking International Brands, Inc. (IBI) company public in less than 24 hours, to prevent delisting of the company shares due to the change of SEC law and compliance with the new law pertaining to fully reporting issuers.
From January 1999 to February 2000 Vladislav was President and CEO of IBI. During this time IBI stock went from $.10 cents to $24.00 per share. It settled at around $7.00 per share and Vladislav's 353,000,000 has increased in value from $35,000.00 U.S. D. to $2.4 Billion U.S.D.
Bad publicity such as the Bloomberg article followed by the Judge order has forced Vladislav to step down, and Dennis Hayse, the inventor of the first PC Modem has assumed the position of IBI's President and CEO.
The stock market correction "Burst of Internet Bubble" has wiped out Vladislav's and other shareholders of IBI wealth in 2001.
Steve Zubkis Hit It Big -- Now IRS, SEC, Investors Want Theirs
2000-02-18 14:03:03.490 GMT
Vladislav activities on Wall Street for more than 10 years was highly scrutinized by Securities and Exchange Commission after he has refused to cooperate with SEC to identify stock brokers, who has failed to pay taxes while working under his guidance. As a result of his non-cooperation, persecution has launched an intensive investigation, and has failed to carry on legitimate investigation. For over than 10 years Vladislav has taken various branches of US Government to various courts including the Supreme Court of United States and in PRO SE suing numerous officials personally and in official capacity.
Eventually Vladislav has been indicted, arrested, and satisfied the US government by pleading guilty to unrelated to his violation crimes and giving control of all of his assets to the government to satisfy restitution imposed by the judge.
Vladislav has assumed full responsibility for his actions and paid his debt to society by spending 5 years in US Federal Prison. Vladislav was indicted on 34 counts and if convicted would have to serve 850 years. However, the Senior Staff Attorney of SEC Enforcement Division has expressed his opinion to Vladislav's Judge by saying that "Zubkis's violations were not "evil and malicious."
During the 10 years of investigation SEC has determined that Vladislav has never abused the privilege of working with investor's funds. Investors funds was spent as it was intended and represented to investors.
Vladislav is not a Citizen of US or any other country. As part of Zubkis's judgement, after he completed his sentence, he had to be deported. However, because USSR no longer exists..... there were no country to deport him to. Therefore to comply with his Judge order he has left US voluntarily and now resides and works in Mexico with his family and his children who share his home in Rosarito Beach and his ex-wife's home in San Diego.