Minutesfor February 16, 2016 Meeting




Paul Beane, (DelARF)

Bart Berry, (DePaul Industries)

Deb Bradl, (DVI)

Ava Briggs, (Assistant to the Commission)

Ty Case, (Member)

Thomas Cook, (DelARF Ex-Officio)

Allison David, (Goodwill)

Dobbins Doyle, (Vice Chair)

Joshua Latshaw (DePaul Industries)

Dan Madrid, (DVI Ex-Officio)

Michele Mirabella, (Member)

Lloyd Schmitz, (Public)

Dean Stotler, (GSS)

Bob Willard, (Counsel)

Chuck Wagner, (Member)

Valerie Watson, (Member)



Debbie Harrington, (Madam Chair)

Doyle Dobbins called themeeting to order

  1. Approve the Minutes

Paul Beane noted one correction on the minutes under Old Business Temporary Employment Services the correct title is Food Service Supervisor. Ty Case moved to approve the minutes with correction. Chuck Wagner seconded that the minutes should be approved; all are in favor; Motion carried.

  1. Old Business
  2. Completing Title 16

Letter was sent from Rep. Gerald L. Brady, Chair of the Joint Sunset Committee and Senator Nicole Poore, Co-Chair, Joint Sunset Committee contingent upon the submission of legislation to the Committee addressing the following 3 items:

  1. Commission name updated that is not utilized by other state entities;
  2. Removal of term language as agreed upon by the Governor’s Office; and
  3. Inclusion of a removal clause as agreed upon by the Governor’s Office.

These items should be addressed before the next legislative session in March. Debbie Harrington met with Lydia Prigg with regards to these changes and would share with the Commission what was discussed, but Lady Chair was not present at the time of this meeting. Thomas Cook mentioned DelARF will have a name change to Ability Network of Delaware this name change will also have to be updated to the draft statue. The official launch of the new name will be on March 23, 2016 in Dover, Delaware at an event.

A discussion of the name change for this Commission to reflect what the Commission does for clarity to the Public. State Use Law is vague and the Commission had come up with a name of Commission for Statewide Contracts to Support Employment for Persons with Disabilities. Some of the member felt that name was too long. Another name was brought up Commission to Create State contracts for Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Chuck Wagner moved for first vote to accept the name Commission to Create State Contracts for Employment of Persons with Disabilities contingent to Lady Chair’s approval at the next meeting and what she had discussed with Governor’s Office. Dean Stotler seconded the motion; all are in favor. This topic will be presented at the next meeting for final vote.

  1. Completing Bylaws

NO QUORUM for Bylaws Subcommittee. It is suggested that the Bylaws Subcommittee can meet again to discuss further. Bylaws would not be adopted until the Statutory Law changes there will be time to revisit them in the future.

  1. New Business
  2. Sunset Review Report Findings

This has been discussed as far as it can. The letter has been shared with the members and the 3 items that are under discussion before returning to JSC. The Commission will await Debbie Harrington’s report of what was further discussed with the Governor’s office, as far as, recommendations.

  1. Connections, as of 1/15/16 has asked to relinquish 14 set aside locationsas of 2/19/16. DelARF asked them to continue to at least 3/19/16 and they have complied. The reason for asking to relinquish according to the letter sent by Connections is due to operational cost. This will be about 35 jobs that will be terminated. This will be a total of 19 sites to include DIB janitorial and DHSS Main Admin Building. The preferences for RFP will go to the vendor that is willing to take all 19 sites if possible. So far 3 bids have come from vendors and DelARF plans to make an award announcement on this Friday. This will not be a contract change, but instead a vendor change.
  1. DART Winter Ride Checkers, has been discontinued due to another process being approved to provide the information required for the grant. Unfortunately, DePaul Industries put a lot of work into meeting the requirements that DART had requested. They are asking DART for compensation. Employee First was also concerned and asked if there was hope for some to continue on a smaller scale. DelARF will be working with those individuals that have resumes. The late notice is what threw everything off, but there are other opportunities available for employment. DelARF and GSS will discuss further the impact on 2/19/16.
  1. DIB Report

Dan Madrid will at some point have a presentation of the DIB Business Plan on expansion hopefully to share with the Commission Members. Briefly he discussed the possibility of DIB no longer being under state by deeded it or selling it. Currently, looking to hire an outside sales rep to generate more business competitively with the projection of 6 – 9 months for DIB either to stand on its own or partner up. A follow-up with the Commission members about the current structured plan is new. DIB continues to currently be profitably and trending positively. The business plan will be sent ahead of time for review.

  1. DelARF Report

Senator Nicole Poore has proposed a tax credit incentive program for employers that hire persons with disabilities. DelARF hopes that it will be approved this session. Rep. Quinn Johnson supports this tax credit as it allows opportunities to those in the State Use Law program to obtain competitive employment. DelARF will keep the members posted.

  1. Public Comments

Joshua Latshaw, DePaul Industries, announced that with all the work that has been done it is always rewarding to know it pays off. A Veteran was hired full time as the Food Service Supervisor at Governor Bacon Health Center.

  1. Adjournment

Ty Case motioned to adjourn the meeting; Doyle Dobbins seconded and all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Ava Briggs

This meeting has been recorded.