This template provides a suggested structure and guidance on content for writing the Inception Report (IR) for a decentralized evaluation. This template will be used with a Quality Checklist to help ensure that all the elements of the Inception Report are adequately addressed.

·  Text presented in italics provides guidance for the template user.

·  A box containing guidance is provided at the start of each section, where necessary.

·  Text in [square brackets] and highlighted in yellow indicates that this part should be completed by the user.

·  Text in standard format is suggested text for the IR.

·  Additional guidance and examples are provided in Technical Notes.

·  LINK to 7 Technical Notes by Type of Evaluation

TOR draft template Version June 2015 3 | Page


An evaluation of WFP’s [Intervention/Operation/Delivery mode/Project, number, title etc.]

in [Country] from [Start Year] to [End Year]

[Draft/Final] Inception Report

[Month, Year of Report]

Evaluation team: [name], Team Leader; [name of team member 1]; [name of team member 2 etc.]

Evaluation Manager: [name, position in WFP]

Commissioned by: [WFP office]

Table of Contents

List of Acronyms 1

1. Introduction 2

2. Context 2

3. [Subject of the Evaluation] 3

5. Stakeholders analysis 4

6. Evaluation approach and methodology 5

6.1. Proposed approach and methodology 5

6.2. Site mapping 5

6.3. Data Collection Methods and Tools 6

6.4. Limitations 6

6.5. Ensuring quality 7

7. Organization of the evaluation 7

7.1. Team composition and workplan 7

7.2. Timeline 8

7.3. Fieldwork mission schedule 8

7.4. Support/Information required 8

Annexes 9

Annex 1 Map 9

Annex 2 Evaluation Matrix 10

Annex 3 Data Collection Tools 11

Annex 4 Evaluation Mission Schedule 12

Annex 5 Documents gathered 13

IR draft template Version June 2015

List of Acronyms

OEV Office of Evaluation

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

TOR Terms of Reference

WFP World Food Programme

Ø  The Inception Report (excluding Annexes) should not exceed 20 pages.

1.  Introduction

This section should provide a brief introduction including key characteristics of the decentralized evaluation:
·  Main purpose for the evaluation
·  Expected users for the evaluation
·  WFP’S strategic context for the evaluation
Ø  This section should be 1-2 pages

1.  The Inception Report serves to ensure that the evaluation team (leader and members) develop an in-depth understanding of the TOR of the evaluation and translate them into an operational plan according to which the evaluation will be carried out. The Inception Report is a working document which forms the agreement between the Evaluation Manager and the Evaluation team on the operational plan for the evaluation.

2.  [Evaluation team text to be added]

2.  Context

This section should offer a brief overview of the country context directly relevant to the evaluation. This should provide sufficient information to understand the implications for the activity under evaluation. It should include information about:
·  Poverty, food security and nutrition (indicators and trend data) relevant to the evaluation subject
·  National indicators (Education, Health, Nutrition, Agriculture, Gender Inequality Index) relevant to the evaluation subject
·  Gender architecture in the country; government policies and programmes related to gender; relevant gender indicators
·  Government strategy, policies and programmes relevant to the evaluation subject
·  Key relevant features of donors/agencies levels of resources, humanitarian and development assistance etc.
·  Humanitarian situation: disasters/crises (natural and/or man-made) over the recent past and key humanitarian/development challenges which have affected the evaluation subject
·  Key external events which led to significant changes in WFP’s work
Ø  This section should be 3-4 pages

[Evaluation team text to be added

3.  [Subject of the Evaluation]

This section (should build on info provided in the TOR) should include key facts and description of the subject of the evaluation including:
·  Timing of the subject of the evaluation
·  Logic Framework /Theory of change [link to TN on Logic Framework & Theory of change]
·  Objectives and activities
·  Outputs and planned beneficiaries
·  Outcomes
·  Partners
·  Resource requirements
Ø  This section should be 1-2 pages

4.  [Evaluation team text to be added]


The following components should be included in this section:
·  Approval date
·  Duration of the intervention
·  Budget revisions (if appropriate)

Logical Framework or Theory of Change

If available, the logical framework (or similar tool e.g. theory of change, logic model or results framework) for the intervention should be provided in annex and discussed here. If the intervention does not have this available, the implications that this has for the evaluation should be described.
LINK to TN on Logic Framework & Theory of change

Objectives and Activities

The following elements should be included in this section:
·  Objectives of the subject under evaluation
·  Strategic objectives if applicable
·  Key activities (where e.g. an operation is being evaluated)

Outputs and planned beneficiaries

The following elements should be included in this section:
·  Planned outputs of the intervention
·  Tonnage/cash distributed if applicable
·  Planned beneficiaries of the intervention, disaggregated by sex


The following elements should be included in this section:
·  Planned outcomes of the intervention


List key partners involved in the intervention here. These may include:
·  Government
·  United Nations
·  NGOs

Resource requirements

If relevant and available, the following elements should be included in this section:
·  Budget allocated to date (Planned budget at the start of the evaluation period and funding level at the end of the evaluation period; description of revisions)
·  Total resource requirements (initial and revised), funding levels and main donors
·  Any changes in the above features over time

5.  Stakeholders analysis

Stakeholder analysis should identify with respect to involvement in the evaluation process:
•  Who the different groups involved in the operation are with reference, as possible, to specific agencies or individuals;
•  What their stake in the evaluation is and;
•  How they will be involved in the evaluation, with consideration of the most appropriate method for each group.
[LINK to Technical Note on Stakeholder Analysis]
Ø  This section should be 1-2 pages

[Insert relevant analysis and diagnostic tool applied]

Stakeholder / Interest in the [Intervention/Project/Operation] / Involvement in Evaluation / Who (specifically for the Evaluation)
Internal (WFP) stakeholders
External stakeholders

6.  Evaluation approach and methodology

The purpose of this chapter in the IR is to ensure that Evaluation Team is adhering closely to and building upon the preliminary methodology guide included in the ToR, and to clarify (with justification(, any modifications needed.
This section should provide detailed information about the approach that will be used to undertake the evaluation and the methods and tools selected for data collection and analysis. There should be sufficient information to generate trust in impartiality and credibility of the evaluation.
Ø  This section should be 3-4 pages

6.1. Proposed approach and methodology

Evaluation criteria, questions and evaluation approach should be described in this section. Availability of data/information and the data requirements to ensure rigor in the evaluation process should be described. The description should include information about:
·  Which evaluation criteria will be applied, and how Refer to the Technical Note on Evaluation Criteria which also includes guidance on evaluation questions LINK
·  The evaluation questions that will be addressed
·  The conceptual and methodological approach that will be applied, and how it will ensure credibility of the evaluation Refer to Technical Note on Evaluation Principles LINK
·  How the perspective of key stakeholders will be included
·  How the evaluation will be gender-responsive, including any data collection method employed to seek information on gender issues and to ensure the inclusion of women and marginalised groups Guidance is available in the Technical Note on Gender in Evaluations LINK
·  Reference to the Evaluation Matrix (provided in the annex) Refer to Technical Note on Evaluation Matrix LINK

6.2.  Site mapping

This section should provide information about how the team has selected or will select the sites to be visited. Site selection should provide a picture of the geographic coverage of the intervention and explain the sampling for the selection of areas to be visited. This should provide information about the number of beneficiaries and key partners or stakeholders in each site.

[List sites to be included in the field work or within the scope of the evaluation and provide explanation for the selection of sites]

6.3.  Data Collection Methods and Tools

Include description of data collection and analysis methods to be applied in the evaluation. The description should include information about:
·  The specific methods and tools that will be applied (provide a list of data collection methods and the specific tools that will be applied (in Annexes)) Guidance is available in the Technical Note on Methods LINK
·  Define the nature of data/information collection methods and field instruments. Highlight their comparative advantage, inherent constraints and solutions to address them.
·  The chosen methods should be explicitly linked to the Evaluation Matrix and be informed by the stakeholder analysis as well as by an analysis of the reliability and completeness of the data collected during the design and inception phases (secondary data, M&E information, previous evaluations, etc.).
·  Explain how data gaps in the country will be filled and how information will be gathered, analysed and used to answer all the questions/sub-questions in the Evaluation Matrix (e.g. with reference to specific field instruments).
·  Present a summary description of fieldwork tools. (Actual fieldwork tools should be presented in annexes).
·  Present the sampling strategy; explain process and criteria. The sampling strategy should explicitly be linked to the analysis of the subject under evaluation.
·  Specify how data will be checked and cleaned.
·  Explain the strategy for data analysis, including how data will be triangulated for conclusion drawing, and expected displays of data (tables, graphics, photos, network maps, diagrams, text etc.).

6.4.  Limitations

Describe any limitations in the data collection and methods and how the team proposes to overcome them.
This may include limitations anticipated in the evaluation due to availability of data, timing of field visits, etc. Provide an explanation of how the evaluation team will manage within these constraints and/or implications for the evaluation.
Refer to Note on Readiness for Evaluation

[Describe limitations of methods and approach here]

6.5.  Ensuring quality

Describe the quality assurance mechanisms that will be applied on the evaluation process and product to ensure the credibility, independence and utility of the evaluation.

[Description of quality assurance mechanisms]

7.  Organization of the evaluation

This section should include the key components of the evaluation’s organization including the team composition, the workplan, the phases of the evaluation, including timing and duration of fieldwork, and indicate what support, if any, will be needed from WFP.

7.1. Team composition and workplan

·  Describe the expertise of each team member in line with TOR requirements (including gender expertise) and their respective role and responsibilities.
·  Describe how the team will work together during the implementation of the evaluation, to ensure a co-ordinated approach and present a work-plan for each member in line with the deliverables agreed.
Team Members / Primary Role / Specific tasks within the Evaluation / Deliverables / Dates

7.2.  Timeline

[To be amended as required]

Responsible body / Activities / Key dates
Inception phase
Deliverable (e.g. Inception report)
Evaluation conduct
Deliverable (e.g. Draft Evaluation Report)
Dissemination and follow up
Deliverable (e.g. Powerpoint)

7.3.  Fieldwork mission schedule

The mission schedule should be discussed with the relevant WFP Office to check the feasibility in light of transportation and security issues;
The list of proposed stakeholders to be met and sites to be visited should be informed by stakeholder analysis and be balanced to demonstrate impartiality
Detail can be included in annex;

Table 3: Sample mission schedule

Days / Team member / Locations / Stakeholders

7.4.  Support/Information required

[Indicate what support (logistical/operational) and information will be required from WFP staff and other stakeholders as appropriate]


Annex 1 Map

[Include a map of the area of intervention/project area here]

Annex 2 Evaluation Matrix

Refer to the Technical Note on Evaluation matrix

[Include evaluation matrix if applicable/appropriate]

Annex 3 Data Collection Tools

IR draft template Version June 2015 11 | Page

Annex 4 Evaluation Mission Schedule

Day / Date / Team leader / Tools / Team member 1 / Tools / Team member 2 / Tools
What / Where / What / Where / What / Where

Annex 5 Documents gathered

Document Type / Comment / Titles & dates of documents received / Received - Y/N (N/A) / Link to Evaluation matrix
Project documents [if applicable]
Appraisal mission report
Project document (including Logical Framework in Annex)
Standard Project Reports
Budget Revisions
Note for the record (NFR) from Programme Review Committee meeting (for original operation and budget revisions if any)
Approved Excel budget (for original intervention and budget revisions if any)
Intervention/Project Plan (breakdown of beneficiary figures and food requirements by region/activity/month and partners)
Country Office Strategic Documents (if applicable)
Country Strategy Document (if any)
Assessment Reports [if applicable]
Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessments
Crop and Food Security Assessments (FAO/WFP)
Emergency Food Security Assessments
Food Security Monitoring System Bulletins
Market Assessments and Bulletins
Joint Assessment Missions (UNHCR/WFP)
Inter-Agency Assessments
Rapid needs assessments
Cash and voucher feasibility studies
Monitoring & Reporting (if applicable)
M&E Plan
Country Situation Report (SITREP)
Country Executive Brief
Food Distribution and Post-distribution Monitoring Reports
Monthly Monitoring Reports
Beneficiary Verification Reports
Donor specific reports
Output monitoring reports (if applicable)
Actual and Planned beneficiaries by activity and district/ location by year
Male vs. Female beneficiaries by activity and district/ location by year
Beneficiaries by age group
Actual and Planned tonnage distributed by activity by year
Commodity type by activity
Actual and Planned cash/voucher requirements (US$) by activity by year
Operational documents (if applicable)
Organigram for main office and sub-offices
Activity Guidelines
Mission Reports
Pipeline overview for the period covered by the evaluation
Logistics capacity assessment
Partners (if applicable)
Annual reports from cooperating partners
List of partners (Government, NGOs, UN agencies) by location/ activity/ role/ tonnage handled
Field level agreements (FLAs), Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)
Cluster/ Coordination meetings (if applicable)
Logistics/Food Security/nutrition cluster documents
NFRs of coordination meetings
Evaluations/ Reviews
Evaluations/ reviews of past or on-going operation
Resource mobilisation (if applicable)
Resource Situation
Contribution statistics by month
Resource mobilization strategy
NFRs Donor meetings
Maps (if applicable)
Operational Map
Logistics Map
Food/Cash/voucher Distribution Location Map
Food Security Map
Other documents collected by the team (including external ones) (if applicable)

[Amend as appropriate]